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PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

Master stoke

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  • Wrong decision

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I.k regime has set a very dangerous precedent like literally trying to manoeuvre the N.a business like a tribal leader .

He can stay in power employing un constitional tactics for the rest of his tenure but he should keep in mind one thing that after the next general election pti cannot come to power till kingdom's come coz the opposition gonna return the favour many folds

Itna Rondo leader m nay nae daikha

**** your corrupt Chaudhry and all their supporters who thought they could
Manipulate the system and use haram money to buy the members ….

Imran saved the system from your foreign owners and your haram money..
public support is with IK election would mean death of fauji control and their corrupt gangs so it will be nice to see bajwa getting hanged along with zardari!
No, IK has the power and influence to bring Army out of this mess with dignity, Army although looks guilty but there are many Generals who would be working to find a peaceful solution, Pakistan must not go in conflict with America but American must understand that they need to work with elected Govt, and stop this backstabbing and regime change BS. IK is not a radical and he is easy to work with if West is sincere with Pakistan, but if they want Pakistan to suffer and remain bankrupt then the opposition serve their purpose well. I hope People of Pakistan show to the Govt/Opposition/Establishment that they want free and fair election, then whoever wins will make Govt, and that will be accepted.

Feelings 🤣🤣🤣
:pakistan: :pakistan: god bless pakistan
National Assembly Speaker has a responsibility review the Petition and presented evidence.

Evidence which Point to National Security Threat

1- India happen to attack Pakistan with a Super Sonic Missile

2- Then Pakistani State received a threat letter from USA , indicating they
would like to see government toppled

3- Immediately after this mysterious No Confidence vote request came

4- It is illegal to entice opposing political party members , while they are
part of another party (It is Pakistani Law) . The disgruntle people must
resign and leave PTI and their seat , so new elections must take place first

Role or Security Council Meeting
Prime Minister of Pakistan Honorable Imran Khan, requested Security Council meeting to review the treat letter and the letter was accepted as a legitimate threat

High Court itself claimed , please it is real do not show it to anyone
If letter was not real , why would Islamabad High Court request the letter not to be shown to public (Content). Note Imran Khan never showed the content of letter to public

Supreme Court:

  • Can't topple a government if Security threat exists
  • Can't pass any resolution which aids a foreign country in their objective to topple Pakistani Government

Further Evidence
  1. Openly on Video , threatening Pakistani Government that OIC summit will be sabotaged

2- Militia (None state army ) gathered by Yellow turban fella who are carrying weapons

Do these people look normal to you ??? whose flag us that orange - white - green

Considering all the above evidence it is clear there is a Substantial threat against Pakistan
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-Speaker ruling is illegal and against constitution, it will be challenged

-Only 60 MNA’s came in for PTI out of 140

-Opposition strength 176 excluding PTI forward group

-Assemblies dissolved

-Niazi knew he lost it, and he lost Punjab as well. All he wanted in the end was safe exit.

-If NCV was foreign conspiracy, then why he sent summary for dissolution of assemblies? It’s a good tactical decision, but in long term it’s game over for him as he got nothing to sell and it’s evident as nobody came on roads for him.
Dude this'll go to supreme court and they'll probably dismiss it
As it sounds shady af- legally/ constitutionally speaking

Supreme Court will have to deliberate on the authenticity of the Regime Change Letter.... Will the corrupt judges with mansions in Washington and London want to do that?...

I'm guessing no...
Deputy Speaker has thrown out the Movement of No Confidence ruling that this is illegal because it was presented as a scheme for Regime Change by foreign govt.


He is going to end up in legal battles

I hope he simply dissolves the assemblies before its too late
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