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PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

Master stoke

  • Right decision

  • Wrong decision

  • Master stoke

Results are only viewable after voting.
For which law ? They can arrest the speaker but they can’t arrest PM

Expect anything! IK is the target and petition filed by establishment man is against ALL who went against the Sc ruling.
A right and just decision for this action is to debar Imran it’s speaker and some minister from contesting future elections for like 10 years. It will not happen.

Got to give it to IK .. fight to disqualification by SC!

i think he just should now get over with this voting..its not the end of the world.. because institutions will not let him continue as PM anyways.. if voting doesnt happen today..SC will enforce voting, one way or the other... so just get over with it and continue to expose traitors in pubic ...
Imran Khan is damaging Pakistani economy by bringing this emergency type situation. He should be punished for misusing the chair of Speaker Assembly.
Imran Khan is damaging Pakistani economy by bringing this emergency type situation. He should be punished for misusing the chair of Speaker Assembly.

A money launderer and looter who is out on bail who called his people beggars will damage the reputation of Pakistan and its economy.
پاکستانیوں باہر نکلو
ایک شیر تم لوگوں کے لیے کھڑا ہے
ہیں اور سارے کتے اسے نوچ رہے
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