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PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

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The kind of twists and twirls the Indian establishment is having right now in their panties, is easily deducible. Just watch Indian media.
It would be nice to spend our days without that uncomfortable feeling that someone else has his gaze fixed on our 'panties', as you call them.

The Indian media does not represent the Indian establishment; it was segregated and became a kennel-full of bought poodles a long time ago.

It's not just about panties; you would do well, as a collective, to look hard at yourselves, at this moment, and stop bothering about how others look.

Just watch PDF.
PTI is still the better option. I just can't support such a blatant illegal action by Imran Khan. He may come back and next time don't have Lotas around him.

No offense taken. We are on the same side--me and many others of Pakistan origin. We have different way to achieve goals. No hatred needed.

But know this: Definition of Madness is repeating the same thing again and again expecting different results (Einstein?). People here have hoisted Imran Khan--by the way, who is far older than me!-- as some Messiah. He is not. Just because he is cleaner than others doesn't make him some saint. In fact being much older than me, Imran Khan has probably contributed more to the old order than me. Simple Google would tell you Imran's political acrobatics. I guess enough said about the generational warfare. Such happens in America a lot too.

Looks like the Supreme Court of Pakistan is going to decide after midnight. Good! Pakistan's can't afford instability and Pakistan's can't afford illegal acts like Imran Khan to go on. I just hope fresh elections are called very very soon under caretaker govt.
The fact that the Supreme Court gave an illegal verdict, I don't see you upset about that.
PTI is still the better option. I just can't support such a blatant illegal action by Imran Khan. He may come back and next time don't have Lotas around him.

No offense taken. We are on the same side--me and many others of Pakistan origin. We have different way to achieve goals. No hatred needed.

But know this: Definition of Madness is repeating the same thing again and again expecting different results (Einstein?). People here have hoisted Imran Khan--by the way, who is far older than me!-- as some Messiah. He is not. Just because he is cleaner than others doesn't make him some saint. In fact being much older than me, Imran Khan has probably contributed more to the old order than me. Simple Google would tell you Imran's political acrobatics. I guess enough said about the generational warfare. Such happens in America a lot too.

Looks like the Supreme Court of Pakistan is going to decide after midnight. Good! Pakistan's can't afford instability and Pakistan's can't afford illegal acts like Imran Khan to go on. I just hope fresh elections are called very very soon under caretaker govt.

The reason why IK is an exception is b/c he resonates with the young b/c of his goals. Playing politics can be forgiven even if it's not the best way to achieve them.

What many don't understand is that his followers aren't some blind cultists. They don't look at him as a messiah who can do no wrong but an honest man whose legitimately trying to help the nation. In the beginning, even I didn't think he was truly capable enough to be able to make all the difficult economical & political decisions.

No human is perfect including IK but intentions & efforts cannot be ignored. Especially when the alternative options are truly vile & repulsive. This is the reason why many including me are supporting him regardless of his history. It's not about IK but about who is the best person/option to lead us at this time. If a better choice comes along then he will get the support.
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