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However, there is a third option which is to stand proud and independent while developing Pakistan's economy. This would require a complete overhaul of the corrupt system, bring the industrial and feudal robber barons under account, and invest in the education and development of ordinary Pakistanis

Yes. If North Korea can do that, then so can Pakistan. Pakistan is far better naturally endowed and has the population to be a truly independent country. Someone above had compared Pakistan with Bangladesh and I had said that, with all due respect to BD, Pakistan has far better potentials. Even if you put 1000 feet walls all around Pakistan, Pakistan can still more than survive.
But then we come to the real question: Who will bell the cat?? Decisions are made by the leadership in any country. And leadership comes from people. Garbage in, garbage out. Or Sugarcane in, Ganna Juice out!
What Hindutva is for Modi, I see anti-Americanism is for Imran. I think anti-Americanism is actually detrimental to Pakistani interest.

America has openly stated that China is their number one threat. As part of China containment, they want to prop up India, but India cannot function as a China-retardant until Pakistan is neutralized.

Therefore, it is elementary logic that defanging Pakistan militarily, neutralizing its nuclear assets, and making it fully subservient to India is a core part of American strategy in this region.

Awareness of this American plan is not an imaginary bogeyman, and resistance to it is not cheap anti-Americanism but a proper response of any country that wants to remain independent and in charge of its own destiny.
میری طرف سے بھی لعنت ہے
آئین کا مقصد ملک کے مفادات اور اس ملک کے لوگوں کے حقوق کا تحفظ کرنا
جس میں یہ کاغذ کی ردی ہمیشہ فیل ہوئی ہے اور صرف چوروں کو واپسی کا راستہ دیا
is main pakory becho kisi kam to ayee ga

It’s obviously planned outside Pakistan and everyone (Corrupt mafia, establishment including army, judiciary, bureaucrats and media) are trying their best make this plan successful.

I think PTI will not resigning from assembly. IK will become the opposition leader and fight. Zardari might play a trick on PMLN, let wait and see.

I am expecting rupees to climb to 230.
امریکہ کی واپسی شروع ؛سپریم کورٹ کے فیصلے کے ساتھ ہی افغانستان کے شہر ہیلمند پر امریکہ کا ڈرون حملہ ۔ اسلحہ ڈپو تباہ
And leadership comes from people. Garbage in, garbage out. Or Sugarcane in, Ganna Juice out!

This is a First World fiction. The reality in most developing countries is that the masses are uneducated, starving, and easily manipulated or threatened to vote for their local overlords. We all know of the feudals and their private jails. On top of that, the media and educated elite are bought out by the West.

Democracy is great in theory but in practice it takes a lot of care to make sure it is followed in letter and in spirit.
امریکہ کی واپسی شروع ؛سپریم کورٹ کے فیصلے کے ساتھ ہی افغانستان کے شہر ہیلمند پر امریکہ کا ڈرون حملہ ۔ اسلحہ ڈپو تباہ
Koi hamla nahi hua
Fake news hai
To the PDF's very own youtihiaz countrymen ... guys relax : it was a simple case and that was if
"speaker or DS bulldozed the constitution or not " the ruling came against it as he did and many termed the constitution as a toilet paper and many other derogatory terms on this forum , it was a open and shut case,! niaxi and his team knew and they used the time and team prior to the judgment to stir up support by whatever means


one way or another there will be Elections very soon and you will have your chance so no need to go mental
last week very same SOB judges declared we can not interfare in parlement when gov file a case for stopping horse trading . hum koi chutiya nhi bethy yahan
امریکہ کی واپسی شروع ؛سپریم کورٹ کے فیصلے کے ساتھ ہی افغانستان کے شہر ہیلمند پر امریکہ کا ڈرون حملہ ۔ اسلحہ ڈپو تباہ
Everyone, just drink lots of chilled sattu, chill, and go to sleep.
کوئی منظورِ نظر شخص ہی ہارا ہوگا.... تب ہی اعلان ہوا کھیل دوبارہ ہوگا
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