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PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

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It’s obviously planned outside Pakistan and everyone (Corrupt mafia, establishment including army, judiciary, bureaucrats and media) are trying their best make this plan successful.

I think PTI will not resigning from assembly. IK will become the opposition leader and fight. Zardari might play a trick on PMLN, let wait and see.

I am expecting rupees to climb to 230.
I think they can resign from national and provincial assemblies en masse. That will be chaos. NEw elections then must happen I believe.
This is a First World fiction. The reality in most developing countries is that the masses are uneducated, starving, and easily manipulated or threatened to vote for their local overlords. We all know of the feudals and their private jails. On top of that, the media and educated elite are bought out by the West.

Democracy is great in theory but in practice it takes a lot of care to make sure it is followed in letter and in spirit.

Maybe you have a point. And there are plenty here who would say to bring another General Ayub Khan or another strongman. After all, both China and Singapore developed a lot under 'totalitarianism'.
It's for another thread.
We are blaming the CoAS and the Courts for something that did not come out in PTI/IK's favor. The judgement was by the book. People should look ahead.

So you want the CoAS to step in and then have IK tainted forever that he is Army's man?

I think some hits along the way are important. IK and PTI can't take this leadership of the country for granted. Performance DOES matter. Clearly our people are not as shaken up as many of us who have been supportive of IK/PTI otherwise the entire nation would have come out on the streets. So they need to get ready for elections now and take all the hits that come their way.

Also the same ones who are criticizing the Army would be berating it for siding with IK had the Army done it.

The SCP has passed a judgement. Now we have to live with that. You win some, you lose some. If the masses really care about the PTI then let them vote them in come what may in the next elections and that too with a massive mandate.

But just because the decision does not go our way does not mean that everyone can be cursed out. Its immature and silly to call out the military leadership and also the Supreme Court.
After Regime Change, beaucracy will be Sanitized, Sharif yes men will be installed everywhere, Zardari already controls Sindh fully. EVM will be scrapped. Sharifs and Zadaris are SME in election rigging.

Let's take a long sleep.
90 Days election under Emergency imposed by Prime Minister Imran Khan is only way forward

Supreme Court's suggestions / opinions are not charging will of Prime Minister / President of Pakistan, they lack jurisdiction over affairs of Parliament

America has openly stated that China is their number one threat. As part of China containment, they want to prop up India, but India cannot function as a China-retardant until Pakistan is neutralized.

Therefore, it is elementary logic that defanging Pakistan militarily, neutralizing its nuclear assets, and making it fully subservient to India is a core part of American strategy in this region.

Awareness of this American plan is not an imaginary bogeyman, and resistance to it is not cheap anti-Americanism but a proper response of any country that wants to remain independent and in charge of its own destiny.
I've highlighted the assumption upon which your whole theory rests. There is always a possibility for India to be trapped in a two front war. But the idea of 'defanging' Pakistan's military is laughable for any strategist. Pakistan's military is a huge institution and not like some shaky South American military that can be easily compromised. There is no question of taking nuclear weapons from anyone who has them. This is an unsubstantiated fear that skews people's rationality.

India is simply one card in America's deck to deal with China. It may or may not work, but Washington will keep it until something better shows up along the way. India will gladly be the beneficiary in this equation. You are underestimating Pakistan's worth to the world if you assume that US (or any developed country) will simply 'defang' Pakistan for the sake of India :undecided:
After Regime Change, beaucracy will be Sanitized, Sharif yes men will be installed everywhere, Zardari already controls Sindh fully. EVM will be scrapped. Sharifs and Zadaris are SME in election rigging.

Let's take a long sleep.'

ووٹ ایک لعنت ہے

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