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This overall situation is very messy and embarrassing for our country - doesn't matter in which camp you reside - opposition or government....

It is a well known fact that PPP has certain history with Americans. Mysterious Bilawal trips to US earlier this situation also points to something fishy. PPP is very obedient to US.

PML-N may also have some in their ranks who are working for US.

When two major political parties are/can collude with foreign power over anything - then anything can happen and no one in world will ever respect us for sure.

I liked how Imran raised the stakes and bar....even if no punishment then make sure these traitors remain paralysed and on their feet all the times. A message would be sent to US as well that this is not 90s or 2000s where you can strong arm anyone at drop of hat.

On a side note - I think IK should though keep attacking opposition but should not run his campaign solely on Anti Americanism - It is counterproductive nationally and globally as well.

The pride and dignity of country should be restored asap out of this messy situation. World is keeping tab on us in all of this.

In general, we all should agree that - A country of 220 million people with NUKES should not be such a weakling that any powerful foreign entity throws money here and there or issue some warnings and our government got sent packing. It's quite disgraceful. We can't earn respect of the foes or friends alike if we allow this.

IK also needs to learn to be a diplomat - He is a prime minister / politician. He should learn where to be aggressive.

By the way, Americans know Pakistani opposition is dumb hence they are comfortable with them. Americans also know opposition doesn't enjoy much support from public.
CJP has made an interesting point towards Ali Zafar : You mean to say that, SC cannot intervene even if Speaker of the assembly did not follow the law.

Barristor Ali Zafar (lawyer for President) replied : Yes, let parliment decide their own matters.

Again, this can do any where!
Usually Supremely court judges do like to be reminded of their limitations of power. This argument can actually make them understand their limit or, harden their stance towards government.
CJP has made an interesting point towards Ali Zafar : You mean to say that, SC cannot intervene even if Speaker of the assembly did not follow the law.

Barristor Ali Zafar (lawyer for President) replied : Yes, let parliment decide their own matters.

Again, this can do any where!

Hearing likely to continue tomorrow.
Here's the thing, Ali Zafar is right. According to article 69 of the Constitution, the courts have no authority to question the speaker and deputy speaker's decisions, even if they are illegal, as the courts have zero jurisdiction into the matter.

However, knowing the SC they'll pull something out of their *** and manipulate the Constitution enough to interfere.
CJP just made a remark: Article 69 indeed keep courts away from Parlimentary affairs but what has happened in the assembly is unheard of. Consequences can be very dangerous in future if this continous.
Can anyone figure out why is the military leadership meeting the opposition at this time?

What sort of messaging is that meant to send?
As per Russian official statements, they already knew that US was forcing Pakistan to cancel or postpone Russia's Visit. So Russia came forward and tested Pakistan's resolve and have shown that we aren't here for playing games, rather we mean serious business. That's why Putin timed the Ukraine war on the same day of PM IK's meeting with him. So west overreacted that IK was there when Russia announced attacks on the Ukraine.
In the end Pakistan was caught in the middle of the US, Russia aggression towards each other. Putin put Pakistan straight into the toughest test to check whether Pakistanis are serious or just bluffing with Russia. Russia is guageing the strength of our spine against the US pressure.
CJP just made a remark: Article 69 indeed keep courts away from Parlimentary affairs but what has happened in the assembly is unheard of. Consequences can be very dangerous in future if this continous.
In other words, 50/50 chance that the courts are now thinking of pulling something out of their collective *** to save the opposition.
Eventual outcome is GE .. longer this SC case continues (dragged intentionally or otherwise), faster opposition is loosing support with public at large thinking of them as traitors. This is why attacks on mil establishment and judiciary started yesterday.
Can anyone figure out why is the military leadership meeting the opposition at this time?

What sort of messaging is that meant to send?
The military is likely mediating between the government and opposition to make sure the political climate stabilizes. At this point even the army wants fresh elections to ensure stability, so they're probably trying to convince the opposition to let the matter of NCV go, and simply go for elections.
Chief Justice: N league ko elections main janay main kia masla hai?

Well that was an interesting question!

Umm I have been following the case, and I don't believe the CJ asked for this.

Babar Awan wanted an in-camera hearing, the CJP denied that, and said keh abhi we are not asking for the letter or the details of the NSC meeting.
,.,.,.,. Let me know , Is this correct !!!!..........

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A martyr, sacrificed her life for IK to become PM ..
Isn't she dead? Than what's the point bringing up a dead person for politics

Unless you're PPP ofcourse
As per Russian official statements, they already knew that US was forcing Pakistan to cancel or postpone Russia's Visit. So Russia came forward and tested Pakistan's resolve and have shown that we aren't here for playing games, rather we mean serious business. That's why Putin timed the Ukraine war on the same day of PM IK's meeting with him. So west overreacted that IK was there when Russia announced attacks on the Ukraine.
In the end Pakistan was caught in the middle of the US, Russia aggression towards each other. Putin put Pakistan straight into the toughest test to check whether Pakistanis are serious or just bluffing with Russia. Russia is guageing the strength of our spine against the US pressure.
Who tf is he to check our spine?

It's more he played with IK and forced us into picking sides
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