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PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

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Because he has blood on his hands...
It's not just about speeches.
Its about blood for blood..
If nawaz sharif has assassinated anyone then same goes for him.
Ok valid point
I am not counting supressing model town
@Norwegian Do you have any other job other than posting on internet? I am just reader here for many many years before even you joined but I really don't have much time to post. Just a question, do you have any real life? Go out and enjoy sometime. You get life once.
Listen dear I am being very nice here. :D If I open up even one percent many will be shell shocked. :lol: I will just let the Divine do it all. :enjoy:

Yeap all the intellect has been given just to the Zombies. :lol:

Because zardari/bhuttos and not-so-sharrifs are divine beings aren't they?............:disagree:
Relevant quarters say the wrong impression was given about the military leadership endorsing view of the government
Relevant quarters say the wrong impression was given about the military leadership endorsing view of the government
View attachment 830592
Contrary to claims by Prime Minister Imran Khan, the military leadership told a National Security Committee (NSC) meeting on March 27 that they had no evidence to suggest the United States had threatened or was involved in the conspiracy to seek the ouster of the PTI government.

On March 27, the high-powered NSC headed by PM Imran met to discuss the diplomatic cable which the PTI government claimed contained evidence of the US plot seeking a regime change in Pakistan.

The NSC after the meeting issued a statement expressing serious concerns over the non-diplomatic language used in the cable, saying it was tantamount to interference in the internal matters of Pakistan. The NSC then decided to issue a demarche to the United States.

Read more: PM Imran says 'not anti-American', wants relations based on mutual respect

The NSC statement was subsequently used by Deputy Speaker Qasim Suri to block a vote on the no-trust move in a development that triggered a constitutional crisis.

PM Imran claimed the NSC had endorsed the government's view that vote of no-confidence was part of the conspiracy to remove him from power.

But sources in the relevant quarters told The Express Tribune on Monday that a wrong impression was given about the military leadership endorsing the view of the government.

One source said the prime minister could make public minutes of the meeting because the NSC statement was only meant for the media. "Are there any minutes of the NSC meeting," the source asked. "Have all the participants sign on the minutes of the meeting, the source went on to say, adding that the minutes of the meeting were only considered official documents when all the participants of NSC signed. This suggests that the military leadership had not signed on the minutes of the meeting.

Read Will protest against PM Imran's 'civilian martial law': Shehbaz

The source further said that according to the relevant authorities that the US had not sent any letter to the government. It was the assessment of the Pakistani ambassador after his meeting with the US officials.

Another question being raised was about the delay in convening the NSC meeting. "Can the government show any action it has taken between March and March 27," the source pointed out.

Relevant authorities, the source also said, found no evidence of any linkage between the vote of no confidence and the diplomatic cable that had triggered the ongoing political and constitutional crises.

Another sign that the military leadership was reluctant to endorse the conspiracy allegations by the prime minister was the recent speech delivered by Army Chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa.

Unlike the rhetoric of the premier, the army chief said that Pakistan enjoyed an excellent and long term relationship with the United States, he said, adding that the US is Pakistan’s largest export partner.

General Qamar's statement on the Russian Ukraine crisis was also markedly different from the stance adopted by the PTI government.

The army chief not only expressed serious concerns over the Russian invasion but insisted that Russian aggression against a smaller nation could not be condoned.

This highlights the fact that the military leadership may not be on the same page with the PTI government on certain foreign policy issues.

However, it is intriguing that the military leadership is not making public any statement clarifying if they endorsed the foreign-funded plot against the prime minister or otherwise.

Following the tumultuous day in the history of Pakistan on Sunday, the chief military spokesperson said the army was "absolutely not" part of what happened in the National Assembly.

You mean NSc was joke. Hahahaha. Get well soon
Relevant quarters say the wrong impression was given about the military leadership endorsing view of the government
View attachment 830592
Contrary to claims by Prime Minister Imran Khan, the military leadership told a National Security Committee (NSC) meeting on March 27 that they had no evidence to suggest the United States had threatened or was involved in the conspiracy to seek the ouster of the PTI government.

On March 27, the high-powered NSC headed by PM Imran met to discuss the diplomatic cable which the PTI government claimed contained evidence of the US plot seeking a regime change in Pakistan.

The NSC after the meeting issued a statement expressing serious concerns over the non-diplomatic language used in the cable, saying it was tantamount to interference in the internal matters of Pakistan. The NSC then decided to issue a demarche to the United States.

Read more: PM Imran says 'not anti-American', wants relations based on mutual respect

The NSC statement was subsequently used by Deputy Speaker Qasim Suri to block a vote on the no-trust move in a development that triggered a constitutional crisis.

PM Imran claimed the NSC had endorsed the government's view that vote of no-confidence was part of the conspiracy to remove him from power.

But sources in the relevant quarters told The Express Tribune on Monday that a wrong impression was given about the military leadership endorsing the view of the government.

One source said the prime minister could make public minutes of the meeting because the NSC statement was only meant for the media. "Are there any minutes of the NSC meeting," the source asked. "Have all the participants sign on the minutes of the meeting, the source went on to say, adding that the minutes of the meeting were only considered official documents when all the participants of NSC signed. This suggests that the military leadership had not signed on the minutes of the meeting.

Read Will protest against PM Imran's 'civilian martial law': Shehbaz

The source further said that according to the relevant authorities that the US had not sent any letter to the government. It was the assessment of the Pakistani ambassador after his meeting with the US officials.

Another question being raised was about the delay in convening the NSC meeting. "Can the government show any action it has taken between March and March 27," the source pointed out.

Relevant authorities, the source also said, found no evidence of any linkage between the vote of no confidence and the diplomatic cable that had triggered the ongoing political and constitutional crises.

Another sign that the military leadership was reluctant to endorse the conspiracy allegations by the prime minister was the recent speech delivered by Army Chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa.

Unlike the rhetoric of the premier, the army chief said that Pakistan enjoyed an excellent and long term relationship with the United States, he said, adding that the US is Pakistan’s largest export partner.

General Qamar's statement on the Russian Ukraine crisis was also markedly different from the stance adopted by the PTI government.

The army chief not only expressed serious concerns over the Russian invasion but insisted that Russian aggression against a smaller nation could not be condoned.

This highlights the fact that the military leadership may not be on the same page with the PTI government on certain foreign policy issues.

However, it is intriguing that the military leadership is not making public any statement clarifying if they endorsed the foreign-funded plot against the prime minister or otherwise.

Following the tumultuous day in the history of Pakistan on Sunday, the chief military spokesperson said the army was "absolutely not" part of what happened in the National Assembly.

Sold out bas-turds
Sources schmourses. Anonymous sources strike again,

The desperate duplicity of the Pakistani illiberals is amusing.

Normally, you would think a true defender of 'liberal democracy' would give supremacy to civilians and frown upon military generals blabbering in the media and giving foreign policy statements.

However, the Pakistani illiberals rejoice when Bajwa contradicts Pakistani official foreign policy.

Sources schmourses. Anonymous sources strike again,

My source told me that I won the lottery.
Do you eat grass in Canada? Talk is cheap.

Social-economic development (ROTI - KAPRA - MAKAAN) is fundamental RIGHT of all people. People select a leader to provide relief and opportunities to them for their livelihood on average. PTI-led GOP launched EHSAAS to address this concern and I pointed out how it could be funded. People also select a leader to address societal problems like corruption and improve Law & Order situation but PTI-led GOP did not live up to expectations in this matter.

Nobody here is advocating slavery to any country but sound Foreign Policy is necessary. Leaders come and go but the state has to co-exist with other states and strive for bilateral relations with them to grow and prosper.

No country should interfere in political affairs of Pakistan but what to do about our own bad apples? Some Pakistani politicians are immoral enough to invite or tap Foreign intervention when it suits them for political gains. Pakistani political situation is a mess. Public is confused and split on political lines as well.

I am pointing out hardcore facts - like them or not.

I think we are all keyboard cheap talkers here unless otherwise in our "real" lives...

So to tell someone to STFU is kinda hypocritical.... It's like the pot calling the kettle black
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