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PM Imran Khan To Address Nation Tonight

Delusional bunch of people here thinking only IK thinks about the state. He's a power hungry manic willing to do anything to stay in power.
When all else fails, blame the US, blame India and eventually blame the Fauj which brought him into power. He failed to deliver in 4 years and now seething like a snake doing all sorts of gimmicks.

What is PTI? Minus IK? It's a party made up of fragmented money loving boomers.

What is Pakistan minus IK?


The Pakistani pysche needs IK. He represents our max potential.
IK should name publically all the characters that are involved in this nefarious conspiracy not just against IK but Pakistan.

IK needs to go on offensive against these hyenas. He has been to soft on them.
IMO he is going to announce his resignation or we can expect early elections announcement.
Why does he need elections to compete against a rigged system and crooks?

Politics and army need a purge.

He can’t win elections anyway. His own party MNA’s are leaving him because of poor performance and collapse of economy. He will probably join us in London in upcoming months.
IK will give them a bloody nose for sure, they will regret doing this to IK if they are indeed behind this.
Imran khan is nobody who had chance to overhaul the system but chose to go with the system and mafias that is now backfiring on him. It is not surprise why.

ALLAAH Maalik hai. This kind of political struggle is great excuse for the enemies of Pakistan to attack Pakistan. I fear real attack coming if both Imran Khan and main establishments don’t act as front united. Both need to be on the same page. Otherwise, ALLAAH Maalik hai. Not good.

IK should go for a general election now....
Election never work since it is engineered very easily. How else PMLN would have lost to PTI since PMLN is largest political party that was pigeonholed, limited their participation and controlled their votes? Why? Because of the deal that Imran Khan enjoyed with main establishments is no longer viable if the rumours are true.

It is deal with main establishments that gets you on the map - with the help of ALLAAH of course.
Nothing going to happen, they will convince him to step down and they will never let him to be on board again , Khan should not meet them , being too soft with them is harmful we are witnessing this from the past 4 years , he respected them, he makes people to respect them, he supported them on every corner and now these few stooges are trading government officials with the foreign money and they are just watching ?? Koi respect nhi kary ga inki jub tak yeh in criminals ko samny na lain kom k
Imran khan is nobody who had chance to overhaul the system but chose to go with the system and mafias that is now backfiring on him. It is not surprise why.

IK never had simple majority to do anything concrete. If he had tried that earlier, this no motion and rebellion against him would have happened long ago. He wasn't standing on a solid ground to begin with.
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