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PM Imran Khan Meets President Trump Amid Improving US-Pakistan Ties


Oct 31, 2009
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United States

How much have US-Pakistan ties improved since President Trump's "lies and deceit" tweet on Pakistan? Has Trump completely abandoned the tough Pakistan policy recommended by the 2017 Husain Haqqani-Lisa Curtis paper? What do the US actions such as backing Pakistan's IMF bailout and BLA terror listing suggest?

What should be on top of Imran Khan's agenda when he meets President Trump at the White House on July 22, 2019? Economy?Investment? Trade? Energy? Security? FATF? IFI loans? How can the US best help Pakistan?

Why has the Trump administration changed its Pakistan policy? Does it have anything to do with Afghanistan? How is Pakistan supporting the US-Taliban peace dialogue? Why has US ignored the pro-India Kabul government to move forward with the Taliban? Why has the US agreed to include China and Russia in the efforts to end its war in Afghanistan?

Azad Labon Kay Sath host Faraz Darvesh discusses these questions with Sabahat Ashraf and Riaz Haq.

Related Links:

Haq's Musings

South Asia Investors Review

Does Pakistan Hold Any Cards in Dealing With Trump Administration

Husain Haqqani vs Riaz Haq on India vs Pakistan

Impact of Trump's Top Picks on Pakistan

Husain Haqqani Advising Trump on Pakistan Policy?

Gall-Haqqani-Paul Narrative on Pakistan

Pakistan-China-Russia vs India-US-Japan

Robert Gates' Straight Talk on Pakistan's "Lies and Deceit"

Riaz Haq's YouTube Channel

Great talk. I think imran khan needs to leverage the current american soft stance towards pakistan to gain economic benefits in the form of trade concessions and infrastructure support/aid.

America pakistan relationship has always been transactional... American needs from pakistan have mostly been geopolitical and for pakistan they have been military and regional counter balance to indian hegemony (economic benefits have always been a secondary afterthought... A goodwill gestures).

To expect a deeper cultural - people-to-people relationship is unrealistic because pakistan has little to offer culturally and there is very little pakistan has to offer to the usa economically.

Trump is too unpredictable and views pakistan in the same limelight as he does "those shittty" african countries. His quote not mine.
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Great talk. I think imran khan needs to leverage the current american soft stance towards pakistan to gain economic benefits in the form of trade concessions and infrastructure support/aid.

America pakistan relationship has always been transactional... American needs from pakistan have mostly been geopolitical and for pakistan they have been military and regional counter balance to indian hegemony (economic benefits have always been a secondary afterthought... A goodwill gestures).

To except a deeper cultural - people-to-people relationship is unrealistic because pakistan has little to offer and there is very little pakistan has to offer to the usa economically.

Trump is too unpredictable and views pakistan in the same limelight as he does "those shittty" african countries. His quote not mine.

Keep your Trump quotes to yourself Clutch.
Please don't parrot anti-Pakistan quotes, thank you.

This is how I think Trump also views Pakistan.

Just saying.

So if you re-read my post... The best strategy for such a person... Is for pakistan to extract the maximum short term benefits... And not to depend on any long term benefits from America...

Please don't parrot anti-Pakistan quotes, thank you.

I wasn't parrots anti-pakistan quotes... can you give me a reference?

This is how I think Trump also views Pakistan.

Just saying.

So if you re-read my post... The best strategy for such a person... Is for pakistan to extract the maximum short term benefits... And not to depend on any long term benefits from America...

I wasn't parrots anti-pakistan quotes... can you give me a reference?

That's the way to put it.

This is how I think Trump also views Pakistan.

Just saying.

So if you re-read my post... The best strategy for such a person... Is for pakistan to extract the maximum short term benefits... And not to depend on any long term benefits from America...

that is to extract more money. it would normally work. except with trump there is no saying how that pans out
Can't wait for the visit to be over, some members here are falling over themselves on this 'opportunity of a lifetime' meeting.

USA under Trump has not rolled back a single step they took against us. They sanctioned several Pakistani companies, blocked our textiles from getting access in US markets. The only thing they have done since 1992 is to shrink the Pakistani economy by using their organization IMF. IMF has decimated our society thru pushing inflation, already massacred our Rupee and trying to destroy our economy as they've installed hitmen for that purpose. I see no positive purpose in this visit. Therewould be just 'do more' in Afghanistan and nothing more.
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