I would disagree with the middle paragraph.
While the survey’s may have a greater sample set, they may not represent the pockets I refer to in the urban masses. If you try infiltrating the whatsapp group of the generation born after 94 onwards, you will see prevalence of pre-martial sex within the urban population I outlined below. Yes, groups like these are promoting it which is followed by this generation and other more and more.
Surveys done by prestigious demographic organizations are weighted and nationally representative...hence presenting the
accurate picture of a nation of millions.
For example: Here is age and urban breakdown of Pakistan in WVS, 2020 (WVS is the most comprehensive and longest-running longitudinal survey in modern social science. It is conducted in waves and its scope covers 70+ countries on all populated continents with controlled sample size running into hundreds of thousands of people). So pretty darn credible in terms of elucidating social realities of life in the world.
As you can see, the highlighted section represents youth that was born after 1995 and now lives in Urban centers of Pakistan. As you can see,
overwhelming majority of these folks too reject premarital sex as immoral. The mean score is 1.61 out of 10....the breakeven mean is 5.5 for the survey. So a score of 1.61 is literally "extremely rare" category. Even with misreporting taken into account, the vast majority of young Urban youth still holds premarital sex as unacceptable/immoral in Pakistan.
all of my friends in Pakistan have cars and smartphones (60% of em have iPhones model 8, X, XS etc). And this stands true for not only my friends but their friends as well. So, if I did not know the data better, I'd think this is how life is in Pakistan. But its not even remotely true. Same goes for premarital sex. It will
seem that everyone's hooking up and talking about it and its pretty normal---but trust me, that's not the life of Pakistanis and data-trends are very clear about it (Whatever survey or study you pick. PEW, DHS, WVS etc etc)
An extremely small, elitst, uber urban sub-section of Pakistan's rich circles lives like Westerns and their social habits when it comes to drinking, sex etc are more like Westerners. Yes, I agree with you there. But its not representative of society
at all...even the urban youth.
Why? Because the alternative doesn’t offer anything attractive and teaches Islam in the guide of Allah being some oppressive old man whose only purpose is to imprison this generation - to make drones and not thinkers.
That is the theme propogated by this groups and is moving hook, line and sinker in this generation. Sure, this section of the generation represents maybe 5% or less of the population but it represents a disproportionate percentage of educated population. They tend to influence and so on.
No, it won’t cause a crisis of Islam as you fear in Pakistan but it will cause a crises of nation image and cohesion because it is these people who are the majority of social media users.
Why are these girls a threat? They don’t represent anymore than the 2%, but if that 2% can convince 10% to agree on even 50% of their views you have a massive problem on your hands. Right now, they are already there with the 5% - concentration on their sexual or usage lives is the mistake to make instead of seeing the issues they are influencing.
You make them martyrs by focusing on their character instead of their root cause. That girl will outsmart me and you by simply playing her female card, retweeted by 1000’s of other women who see the daily cat calls and oppression even though they personally do not engage in premarital sex or drink. To them, you will be the same monster as the potential rapist,because instead of arguing against the punishment you were focused on what she was wearing. I am not saying you were wrong, I am saying you are not taking the right approach to it.
I agree with you here completely. Average Pakistanis need to take initiative to listen to and solve genuine issues faced by the masses of Pakistani women. The elitist atheistic aurat march type agents of chaos are very organized and well funded---and they exploit these prevailing issues to garner credibility and gain critical mass in the public. We can never effectively counter them if we do not fill this vaccum.
However, you can do two things simultaneously. Work on genuine women issues while decimating the existing foreign-funded NGO networks and their social media groups and their influence in the media. Its rather
easy for a modern state to do so. Look what BJP has done in india or even AKP in Turkey. I am not even talking about Saudi, Iranian, or Chinese level of state efficiency. Overwhelming majority of us Pakistanis support laws like death penalty of rape or casteration etc- But these filthy 5th columnists oppose it. The state can use their liberalism against them in public and discredit them in the eyes of common women who
want rapists to be punished harshly. You see what I am saying? But it all boils down to same thing: The criminal negligence of our state that runs on nepotism, elitist connections, and disregard for the middle-class and working class masses and their aspirations, social values, and loyalties.
indian govt and its actions are far better representative of average indians than Pakistani government/state and its policies and actions. This is
utterly despicable and demoralizing for Pakistanis. We all know it.