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PM, ex-army chief misquoted by Imran, Zafarul Haq tells Senate


Feb 2, 2007
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ISLAMABAD: Leader of the House in Senate, Raja Zafarul Haq Friday said that the prime minister and former army chief were misquoted in a statement by PTI chief Imran Khan, regarding success chances of a possible military operation against Taliban.

The upper house of Parliament witnessed a heated debate on a recent TV interview of Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf chief Imran Khan in which he had allegedly questioned the capability of the armed forces to take on militants.

Khan in a TV interview on Tuesday night had stated that during a meeting the prime minister had quoted former army chief Gen (retd) Ashfaq Parvez Kayani as saying that there was a 40 per cent chance of success of a military operation against militants in the country’s tribal areas.

“(Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf) PTI chairman Imran Khan misquoted Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and the former army chief while stating that there were 40 per cent chances of success if an operation is started against militants,” Raja Zafarul Haq informed the Senate in response to a point of order, raised by Senator Raza Rabbani.

He said: “I have obtained required information which suggests that the statement of Imran Khan has no reality and is totally baseless. The PTI chief could not understand what the former army chief had said.”

Raja Zafarul Haq said that on the demand of Imran Khan before the All Parties Conference (APC), his meeting was arranged with PM Sharif, Minister for Interior Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan and the then COAS.

In the meeting, he said, the former army chief had told the PTI chief that if an operation was launched by the government against militants, then 40 per cent terrorism related activities could be controlled without delay.

Haq recalled, at that time Kayani had also stated that the government should fully utilize the option of dialogue with militant groups.

“We have full confidence in Pakistan Army which is capable to fight extremism and aggression against the country. Their determination cannot be questioned,” he added.

The leader of the house acknowledged that besides soldiers, the officers of armed forces have also rendered valuable sacrifices in the war against terrorism.

Leader of the Opposition in the Senate, Chaudhry Aitzaz Ahsan welcomed the statement of the leader of the house, saying the whole nation stands alongside Pakistan Army in the fight against terrorism.

Earlier speaking on a point of order, Senators Raza Rabbani, Afrasiab Khattak, Farhatullah Babar and Rehman Malik had demanded of the government to come out with a clear stance on the statement of Imran Khan.

They mentioned the recent terrorist activities in Karachi and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and questioned, were the citizens left on Taliban’s mercy.

The senators of Pakistan People’s Party and Awami National Party also criticized the PTI government in KP for its failure to ensure security of lives and properties of common people.

PM, ex-army chief misquoted by Imran, Zafarul Haq tells Senate - DAWN.COM
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Taliban do not have tens of thousand of fighters nor they have sufficient technology tanks, gunship helicopters and jets , the chances of pak army success in north waziristan are 100% in short term.....though consequences of the operation in long term are bad. I was listening to hafiz hamdullah, member of JUI-F that this time utmanzai wazir tribe has decided to migrate towards afghanistan in case of operation. It is a bad sign for pakistan, i know what they are thinking. Whenever tribals get angry with pakistan and its army, they look towards afghanistan......compared to rest of tribes, wazirs and mehsuds had played more active role in affairs of kabul, afghan monarchs had requested their help at various occassions. Mark my words, if tribals continue to suffer like that then they might change their qibla from islamabad to kabul, they had least relevance to pakistan movement, they joined the country volountarily due to economic interests. If they are reduced to IDPs in pakistan then would naturally begin to have second thoughts.
Once taliban establish their rule over kabul, TTP would change its stance. They would try to merge FATA with islamic emirate of afghanistan.
These conventional-politicians are liars of highest order, IK is NOT lying & he's NOT a conventional-politician, he's a leader. Even though on the face it's NS deciding whether to go for op or not, but such decisions are NEVER made without Military's advise & permission.

So if NS decided to go for so-called "TALKs"; it's in fact Military's decision.

So IK did NOT misquote anything. Military higher ups know an operation is NOT going to be conducive. Op will only divide military more & create more revengeful enemies. They know that Dajjal plans a Pakistan-Spring and Dajjal wants Pak-Army to end up like Syrian Army, Egyptian Army, and Libyan Army. Pak-Spring was on menu for long, Mushy-The-Traitor was brought in place to lay ground for that, then Zardari was brought in to execute that. But Pak-Military did NOT react exactly as Dajjal expected; Army was very deliberate & took very calculated actions, ONLY. Hence plans for Pak-Spring were delayed. Now Dajjal is holding onto last straws and making some final attempts to leave Af-Pak in a civil-war like chaos, just like it left Iraq. Just recent release of many criminals from Afghani jail by Karzai is one more step in that direction. Though Dajjal pretended to be angry with Karzai's move. Of course! it had to be Karzai, the puppet. Dajjal-The-Great-Deceiver will never do it in it's own name, unless there's no other option=Like in Syria they had to openly say, they'll supply weapons to FSA.

So Army's operation in N.Wazir or in Karachi for that matter, would be what exactly Dajjal and enemies of Pakistan want. Pak-Military made a wise decision by having NS go for so-called "Talks". Army does NOT want to behave the way our enemies want us to.

Pak-Military is keeping a low profile similar to Ashaab-e-Kahaf who kept a low profile until times changed. That's why Prophet told us to recite Surah-Kahaf during the time of Dajjal. So-called "Talks" have NO other purpose but to buy time for Dajjal to depart. "Talks" just mean don't enter into a civil-war with own country-men; don't air-bomb them. "Talks" is an umbrella term for ALL non-combative measures.What they are trying to achieve with "Talks" is to buy the time till "The Beast" is exhausted & wanders away.

General Kiyani once said we will NOT allow the "Grand Game" in the area... I add "from the shadows"...


P.S. If anyone is wondering WHY I keep using the name "Dajjal".!

Because Dajjal was a phenomenon foretold by many prophets including Muhammad.
Previous scripture referred to it as "The Beast" who'll have many "Heads & Horns & Crowns"... Prophet Muhammad described it as "Left-Eyed-Great-Deceiver"

All these prophecies were metaphorical-symbolic in nature. Prophet himself told that he saw about Dajjal in his dreams.

They are realized in form of zionist-controlled-super-power(The Beast), zionist-controlled-media (The Great Deceiver), heads-of-states & kings who have taken The Beast as their god (Heads & Crowns), and patsies & goons like TTP & MQM working for it (Horns), and finally it's all too famous symbol of "Left-Eye" showing at many places including back of $1 bill, on top of pyramid. Yes it is a "LEFT" eye on dollar note.

It'serving zionist agenda of expansion of Israel when their hypothetical messiah comes; who will never come; coz he had already come "Eesaa=Jesus".

Anyone who thinks Dajjal will be an actual person with one eye; you can keep waiting till "the appointed time" has come, still there will be NO such one-eyed person riding a donkey with 40 cubits (60 feet) between it's ears.

Dajjal has already been ALL over Muslim land. All the world can see it & hear it thru MSM(Main Stream Media). You didn't even realize. Dajjal is sitting in your neighbourhood. Many who have believed in Dajjal as their god, Dajjal's followers are among your politicians, news-media personnel, in Military ranks like Mushy-The-Traitor, and among Think-Tanks & MODs of this forum.etc. Dajjal has already made it's way into Syria and as per prophecies Syria will be it's last stop..... Bye bye.


What I said about so-called said supported by Dr.Shahid.
Minutes 05:10 +

LiveWithDrShahid15Feb2014 | Tune.pk
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leaving aside who is right and who is wrong, how can Zafar ul Haq prove that Nawas Sharif didnt say those words to Imran Khan?
Ch Nisar the interior minister said exactly what Imran said

Interior minister confirmed it yesterday so Zafar ull haq is lying
This "secret" has been discussed many times on different platforms, So it wasn't really a "Secret". These politicians are playing politics at country expense they dont give a flying F*ck.
its simple loud & clear?
politicians like Imran, who are supporting TTp, & thier politics iz just bassed on supporting terrorists ?
are trying thier best to, trun public oppinion with fear of TTp?
politicains like IMRAN & MUNNAWAR should be banned from politics?
leaving aside who is right and who is wrong, how can Zafar ul Haq prove that Nawas Sharif didnt say those words to Imran Khan?
Raja Zafar-ul-haq is a senior and one of the most respected parliamentarian. I know few things from his past, he wouldn't say that if it wasn't true.
Raja Zafar-ul-haq is a senior and one of the most respected parliamentarian. I know few things from his past, he wouldn't say that if it wasn't true.

the confusion is over the interpretation. Zafar ul Haq is saying that IK misunderstood NS. However, IK is stating the words which NS said to him.
Now both IK and Zafar ul Haq can be equally right in what they are saying.
the confusion is over the interpretation. Zafar ul Haq is saying that IK misunderstood NS. However, IK is stating the words which NS said to him.
Now both IK and Zafar ul Haq can be equally right in what they are saying.
thats the biggest of faults in damocrazy, any one can say any thing, good or worse ^ end of the they all can be right?
but that will, going to stop TTp killing pakistanis?
Kashif Abasi and Saleem Safi telling what Imran Khan said for many weeks ago. Do u need more proof that media is doing propaganda on behalf of some ppl against Imran Khan ?

its simple loud & clear?
politicians like Imran, who are supporting TTp, & thier politics iz just bassed on supporting terrorists ?
are trying thier best to, trun public oppinion with fear of TTp?
politicains like IMRAN & MUNNAWAR should be banned from politics?

Supporter of tanga party whos leader is in "jail" running from trail. WAH COMMANDO and his followers....

Who supported Taliban and terrorist is open book so dont go there. For you every living person in KP and Tribal area is terrorist.
Kashif Abasi and Saleem Safi telling what Imran Khan said for many weeks ago. Do u need more proof that media is doing propaganda on behalf of some ppl against Imran Khan ?

Supporter of tanga party whos leader is in "jail" running from trail. WAH COMMANDO and his followers....

Who supported Taliban and terrorist is open book so dont go there. For you every living person in KP and Tribal area is terrorist.
Explosion on Peshawar's Charsadda road kills cop, wounds another


Policemen collect evidence at the site of a bomb explosion in Peshawar February 21, 2012. A homemade bomb planted in a motorcycle exploded outside a hospital in the northwestern city of Peshawar, police officials said. There were no casualties. REUTERS/Fayaz Aziz (PAKISTAN - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST CRIME LAW TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY)
Published 2014-02-16 07:14:46
0 Comment(s)
PESHAWAR: A blast near a CNG station on Peshawar's Charsadda road on Sunday killed one policeman and injured another, DawnNews reported.

Rescue and security teams reached the blast site.

Rescue sources said that one policeman died in the incident whereas another was wounded.

The victims were shifted to Lady Reading Hospital.

Further details regarding the incident and nature of blast were not available till the filing of this report.

who is killing the peoples in KPK
IMRAN, s daddy mullha fazalullha, TTp s headboy in love with IMRAN?
now dont come up with your dirty cookies in dirty plate, & blame pakarmy like the supporter of every traitorous party instead?
talibans of afghanistan never ever have done any voilence against pakistani state or its peoples?
its the TTp , which is the creation of stupid MULLHAS & few dirty & foolish politicians like imran?
your madness , forgoten the fact that, musharaf was the only one of pakistani leaders, who had presented himself to , the most biasd judiciary , which was pushing musharaf to go against the croupt politicians, they endoresed every step he took?
right or wrong?
but his point was much clear to each & every pakistani, PAkISTAN COMES FRIST?
musharaf is not in any of pakistani prison, instead he is in hospital, treating his heart , he has come to pakistan to face every bit of tne biasd procecution!
whole world knows about it?

in IMRAN,s case its lovly jemiama, or TTP comes frist?
with his foolish dreams to become PM, by supporting TTp?lolzzz
this dream isnt going to be happening, in pakistan, early as next century, mark my words!lolzzz
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the confusion is over the interpretation. Zafar ul Haq is saying that IK misunderstood NS. However, IK is stating the words which NS said to him.
Now both IK and Zafar ul Haq can be equally right in what they are saying.
i never doubted IK's credibility though don't you think it was off the record and quoting that in public was a wrong idea at the moment.
i never doubted IK's credibility though don't you think it was off the record and quoting that in public was a wrong idea at the moment.

one can argue that way. but when people in general are in such a hurry to form their opinions then they must be provided with the adequate information. Although now I am personally more in the favor a military operation but i still think no one should form his opinion without knowing what are the chances of success. And i do not see how this information has breached our national security.

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