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PM allowed force use, but military opposed it

A country controlled by mobs ..

What else do you call western democracy? Look at yellow vest protest in France, protest by trump follower in US. There are plenty of cases where mobs come out but did the govts budge in to pressure "NO". Such agreements show the fragile foundations of our country where any Mullah alliance can march up with demands abusing Islam and Name of Prophet on the way. Imagine such a protest happening in Saudia or Iran mosy of them would be dead by now or taken to an unknown hell hole.
The title is a bit misleading as military wasnt just opposing it for the sake of it or lack of capacity thereoff but they presented both the pros and cons to the government citing previous examples which imo were not something to repeat.

DAWN deliberately did it. They always comes up with such absurd articles to depict that there is a trust deficient in between the institutions.
this was a police operation , a riot control at best

imagine what would nashai do with out army and abbu bajwa ! but slowly and thankfully, fauj is backing away from this failed experiment called PTI
He is not like nawazo lohaar, bhutto family or langraa khadim qadyanvi who taken birth in GHQ , he is the leader who becomes PM of Pakistan after 22 years of hardwork not by sending wives in GHQ
Old story of APNAY LOG!!
Apny log :rofl: Koi sharam hoti ha koi heya hoti ha laken tum logo ko to chu kar bhi nhi guzri

don't believe the article.

elements within the cabinet may have insisted on brute force to be used but not the PM.
After ages I have seen a very balanced and sensible article in Dawn.

I was also puzzled about the rational behind TTP negotiations but now it is clear that its a moment of opportunity that we can avail.

However, being devils advocate, i would say the approach could be to go full aggressive and destroy TTP in this timeframe of a year. Take out all the leadership by sending SSG on Afghani soil. Talks are not a long term solution nor is the operation. The only long term solution is to provide economic development to areas like FATA and Baluchistan. We are trying talks , temporary peace and then blow out in Baluchistan since almost 5 decades but nothing is being achieved.

While there is no military solution then there is no political solution as well. It is a combination of Political, military, economic and socio-economic solution ...

We have to invest in economic opportunities and education opportunities for them.

Afghan Taliban will consider anyone doing operation a hostile force and you will end up falling in the same trap that Pakistan avoided in Afghanistan. World wants you to fight Taliban for them and end up in an another decades long war ( which they failed with all the might and resources).

The key is to get Taliban on board. It has to be a joint effort, any unilateral effort be it military or talks will fail.

I like how Taliban and Pakistan are coordinating against Daesh and consider it a threat to both. From the looks of it Afghan and Pakistan are coordinating on TTP as well.
The Government made the decision based on real-time intelligence and all was solved with minimal damage and that needs to be appreciated, shooting our own people to please some bloodthirsty Terrorist is not the answer

A very angry political party whose members include Lashkar-e-Jhangvi and ASWJ terrorists, according to the intelligence reports were ready to shed blood, security agencies did what they are supposed to do and provide intelligence to the PM...

Indian newspaper"Dawn" unfortunately published in Pakistan is doing what's expected of them, first, they were blaming IK for not doing enough, but because the crisis was averted and the situation solved without much bloodshed now they are simply claiming IK was ready to kill them all but Generals saved the day.
False news. IK wouldn't never allow the use of force, yes police shelling and shooting lead to killing like in the model town case but never a proper operation, it would kill 1000s. Only Sheikh Rasheed and Fawad Chaudhry day dreaming.
Afghan Taliban will consider anyone doing operation a hostile force and you will end up falling in the same trap that Pakistan avoided in Afghanistan. World wants you to fight Taliban for them and end up in an another decades long war ( which they failed with all the might and resources).

The key is to get Taliban on board. It has to be a joint effort, any unilateral effort be it military or talks will fail.

I like how Taliban and Pakistan are coordinating against Daesh and consider it a threat to both. From the looks of it Afghan and Pakistan are coordinating on TTP as well.
I agree, i mean pakistan taking TTP in coordination with Taliban
The title is a bit misleading as military wasnt just opposing it for the sake of it or lack of capacity thereoff but they presented both the pros and cons to the government citing previous examples which imo were not something to repeat.
Even i was against this specially with TTP but after reading the article it is now making a lot of sense as to why government and military decided to engage TTP. It all comes down to ones capacity and if we to lose upper hand with the taliban, then things will be a lot different down the road. You have to have some leverage to put your point across.

You misunderstand strategy.
Soon Pakistan is turning into a country that is going to be controlled by the mobs. The one who can pull out a bigger and charged crowd, can dictate terms with the state.

That's the message. And a very dangerous one. They're rolling out the red carpet for anarchy.

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