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Plot to kill Modi and many BJP leaders

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I asked a specific question, if you support custodial killings then such a system will lead to anarchy, cops should do their job and let the judiciary do the rest.

India does not support custodial killings but from time to time mistakes do happen just witness what happened in America when the FBI during interrogation ended up shooting that man because they 'claim' he posed a threat. Nobody is perfect we are just human and have flaws and vices like everyone else.
So you think I have built my career tying Kancha Ilaiah's boot laces, or maybe something worse. What a cheap shot, and how endearingly typical of you. You never fail to present your most presentable view to public viewing, do you? As it happens, during my stint at PDF, lots of information has come out which tells older members who I am and what I represent. As it is, you are the unknown commodity. We only know you for your casteist and communal bile, and your exclusivist views of society. I have every aspect of my life in clear view, you do not. So you only make yourself apparent, as a cheap shallow propagandist with the worst package of prejudices masquerading as values possible, rather than get any mud on others.

About caste, I have never dwelt on it, but I have stated that I am not a Dalit, but I am counted, as old members of PDF know, as one of the upper castes. :-D that bother you much? It's not my claim, it is what others classify me as. Being an atheist, I hardly can be expected to enter into these meaningless airs and graces that the otherwise unaccomplished embellish themselves with.

Two wrongs do not make a right should be branded on the posterior of every saffronite.

People are rather interested in knowing which religion the debator belong to rather than counter the arguments he put forward.. May be it is easy for some people to blame other people's religion and blame him as a congress supporter rather than countering them.. It is a good psychological game played by this brigade..Even Modi uses communal polarization as his foremost weapon to swing his electorate to his side. Remember he addressed Lyngdoh as John Lyngdo to properly designate his Christian lineage when Election commissioner wanted to delay elections because of displacement of riot victims. Whenever he got chance he always reminded people about Roman Catholic Chrisitan lineage of Sonia Gandhi. Calling Ahmed Patel as Mian explicitly denoting his muslimness. His strategy at managing people is polarization and othering and nothing else.
How can he answer such question?? He is here to show his congress and italian bhakti.


The Goebbels gambit, right?

Repeat it enough times and some fool will believe it?

I have opposed the Congress for 45 years now (before there was a BJP) and do not take notice of people's ethnicity when assessing them as people.
To detain them under the provisions for preventive detention. There are enough options under the law to neutralize genuine terrorists, and these are used every day, every single day. It is only an ignorant person who sees things in such a black and white fashion.

Im sorry but you are rather ignorant of the criminal law. Sec 109 CrPC is a provision which allows preventive detention if a person is suspected of planning to commit a crime. However, the police have to convince a magistrate and the maximum detention is for a month or so after which the person has to be released on a bond. IB inputs are obtained from undercover operatives who have infiltrated terrorist organizations and who will not come forward for giving evidence. The rest of the provisions are for crimes already committed .... not for criminal intention.
I asked a specific question, if you support custodial killings then such a system will lead to anarchy, cops should do their job and let the judiciary do the rest.

First of all people opposing this case because of its motivation (you know why)

This is a simple case, IB got input they pass it to local police then these terrorist got killed or murdered. But where Modi got involved in this ??? You should first answer why congressi dog calling name of Modi in this case????

The Goebbels gambit, right?

Repeat it enough times and some fool will believe it?

I have opposed the Congress for 45 years now (before there was a BJP) and do not take notice of people's ethnicity when assessing them as people.

That's why you have problem to call these people "terrorist" ???
Rajendra kumar was joint Director of IB back then and regarding journalists' orgy , I will ask you to back your claim which rubbishes and rejects Headly's statements.

Ah, what you want to brush aside is presumably your having called him Rajinder Singh with great authority.

As for Headley's statement, you need to see Black Gold's clarification immediately before your post.
People are rather interested in knowing which religion the debator belong to rather than counter the arguments he put forward.. May be it is easy for some people to blame other people's religion and blame him as a congress supporter rather than countering them.. It is a good psychological game played by this brigade..Even Modi uses communal polarization as his foremost weapon to swing his electorate to his side. Remember he addressed Lyngdoh as John Lyngdo to properly designate his Christian lineage when Election commissioner wanted to delay elections because of displacement of riot victims. Whenever he got chance he always reminded people about Roman Catholic Chrisitan lineage of Sonia Gandhi. Calling Ahmed Patel as Mian explicitly denoting his muslimness. His strategy at managing people is polarization and othering and nothing else.

Why not know what religion and nationality people are before a debate ?

you have something to hide ? .........how long will you continue to play the victim ?

As I said before ...its about 'full disclosure' and exposing 'conflict of Interest'. There is one guy here who has readily admitted to being a congress party worker. He certainly had no shame disclosing it.

As to your other 'secular' allegation .... let me show you something from your 'secular' party people..

'Manohar Parrikar exposed after defending Narendra Modi' - Times Of India

The NCP has slammed chief minister Manohar Parrikar for shielding Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi through his recent statement downplaying the Godhra incident and subsequent Gujarat riots as an "administrative failure".

"Chief minister Manohar Parrikar during his past tenure has shown the people of Goa a glimpse of his fascist, dictatorial attitude and he continues brazenly to behave in the same manner by defending Gujarat CM Narendra Modi on Godhra as an administrative lapse," said NCP spokesperson Trajano D'Mello. "By doing so, the sheep clothing of the chief minister has fallen and the wolf face stands exposed," he added.

Are you going to tell us that this statement by a fellow christian has no religious connotation ? That he is playing on the fears of the christian communities to gather votes ? :coffee:
I asked a specific question, if you support custodial killings then such a system will lead to anarchy, cops should do their job and let the judiciary do the rest.

Why should it lead to anarchy if terrorists are eliminated? Is it the first time an encounter has happened? Encounters have been common since many many years now. In Mumbai, entire gangs were killed. So, did Mumbai become anarchic or a lawful place?
Joe sir, may be you should re introduce yourself.. This time be specific.. Lot of people have confusion about your religion, your job, your congress bakti etc etc etc :omghaha:

He has already attempted that ........ unfortunately it has not helped him. :disagree: .........you are just giving him more bad advice.
Are you equating an LeT module's intentions with some common crime? Yes, surely it is OOK to kill them if the only other option is to set them free.

Just curiosity.

What do retarded political creatures think they need a constitution, a criminal procedure code and a judiciary for? All these could be eliminated, right?
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