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Plot to kill Modi and many BJP leaders

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I am certainly not planning to tie Kancha ilaiah's boot laces :lol: ...maybe you have built your career doing that. Maybe much worse....but that is to your eternal shame.

Now are you attempting to say that your never claimed to be 'upper caste' ? :cheesy: ....... is it age catching up with you or is it selective amnesia ?

Two wrongs don't make a right is something you need to quote to your hero kancha ilaiah.

So you think I have built my career tying Kancha Ilaiah's boot laces, or maybe something worse. What a cheap shot, and how endearingly typical of you. You never fail to present your most presentable view to public viewing, do you? As it happens, during my stint at PDF, lots of information has come out which tells older members who I am and what I represent. As it is, you are the unknown commodity. We only know you for your casteist and communal bile, and your exclusivist views of society. I have every aspect of my life in clear view, you do not. So you only make yourself apparent, as a cheap shallow propagandist with the worst package of prejudices masquerading as values possible, rather than get any mud on others.

About caste, I have never dwelt on it, but I have stated that I am not a Dalit, but I am counted, as old members of PDF know, as one of the upper castes. :-D that bother you much? It's not my claim, it is what others classify me as. Being an atheist, I hardly can be expected to enter into these meaningless airs and graces that the otherwise unaccomplished embellish themselves with.

Two wrongs do not make a right should be branded on the posterior of every saffronite.
you think encounter killings during 80s and 90s by Mumbai police against underworld gangsters were wrong???

Where there were gunfights and armed criminals died in the exchange, they were perfectly justified. That is what encounters were with Julius Ribeiro as the Commissioner. Later people started killing unarmed individuals who were in custody. Those were murders.

Seiko please man. If Godse was a killer then so was Gandhi. The only difference being Gandhi never actually held a gun and pulled the trigger.

That is really perverse.

Whom is Gandhi supposed to have killed? Indirectly?
Still you dint use word terrorist in your post

IB chief protect Rajender Kumar because all 4 were terrorist and IB officer did right thing.

Are they terrorist or not?? :lol:

I can understand how hard for you to call these people terrorist cause this will ruin your cause to defame image of modi :yay::yay::yay:

assume they were terrorists and they were under police custody, is it right for the police to kill them ?
Please find the reasons of both and tell us if they are the same,please.

Kancha Illiah,

Hahahah,that guy who twists and turns history and portrays himself as an intellectual.
I doubt if he can tie his own shoelaces himself.

Amazing how the social regressives have all taken refuge in the Internet.
Mr Joe Shearer you said yourself you a atheist as a Hindu we look forward to when Lord Kalki will come and bring forth Satya Yuga

"Lord Kalki, the Lord of the universe, will mount His swift white horse Devadatta and, sword in hand, travel over the earth exhibiting His eight mystic opulences and eight special qualities of Godhead. Displaying His unequaled effulgence and riding with great speed, He will kill by the millions those thieves who have dared dress as kings." (Srimad-Bhagavatam 12.2.19-20)

We are under the rule of the mleecha Gandhi clan it is already foretold that in the Kaliyuga such things would happen :)
assume they were terrorists and they were under police custody, is it right for the police to kill them ?

There is no assumption that woman was a member of LET according to our security services so she got what was coming to her as a traitor
So you think I have built my career tying Kancha Ilaiah's boot laces, or maybe something worse. What a cheap shot, and how endearingly typical of you. You never fail to present your most presentable view to public viewing, do you? As it happens, during my stint at PDF, lots of information has come out which tells older members who I am and what I represent. As it is, you are the unknown commodity. We only know you for your casteist and communal bile, and your exclusivist views of society. I have every aspect of my life in clear view, you do not. So you only make yourself apparent, as a cheap shallow propagandist with the worst package of prejudices masquerading as values possible, rather than get any mud on others.

About caste, I have never dwelt on it, but I have stated that I am not a Dalit, but I am counted, as old members of PDF know, as one of the upper castes. :-D that bother you much? It's not my claim, it is what others classify me as. Being an atheist, I hardly can be expected to enter into these meaningless airs and graces that the otherwise unaccomplished embellish themselves with.

Two wrongs do not make a right should be branded on the posterior of every saffronite.

Since you are an atheist, what is your yardstick for right and wrong. I mean, a theist can always fall back upon the scriptures. As a Hindu, for me dharma provides the guidance for my course through life even though I may not be able to follow it at all times . But an atheist must believe in a materialistic universe. So what is the source for your ethics ?
Answered a long time ago. Scared to read it?

Scared to read your BS again and again ..

All these are terrorist and got killed by Gujrat police .... As simple as that :angel:
So you think I have built my career tying Kancha Ilaiah's boot laces, or maybe something worse. What a cheap shot, and how endearingly typical of you. You never fail to present your most presentable view to public viewing, do you? As it happens, during my stint at PDF, lots of information has come out which tells older members who I am and what I represent. As it is, you are the unknown commodity. We only know you for your casteist and communal bile, and your exclusivist views of society. I have every aspect of my life in clear view, you do not. So you only make yourself apparent, as a cheap shallow propagandist with the worst package of prejudices masquerading as values possible, rather than get any mud on others.

About caste, I have never dwelt on it, but I have stated that I am not a Dalit, but I am counted, as old members of PDF know, as one of the upper castes. :-D that bother you much? It's not my claim, it is what others classify me as. Being an atheist, I hardly can be expected to enter into these meaningless airs and graces that the otherwise unaccomplished embellish themselves with.

Two wrongs do not make a right should be branded on the posterior of every saffronite.

:coffee: Amazing hypocrisy. After first telling me that I am not fit to tie kancha ilaiah boot lace, you cry when that insult is turned around.

You truly have no shame .....or is it memory loss ?

Who you are is none of my business. You can claim to be the high lord and priest of Mont Zeus....that is your problem. What your represent is more relevant. That is/was already know to me without bothering about your caste.

As for who I am, you are free to form your own judgement. That again is your problem.

Mouth obscenities is the trick of your trade, so is name calling. Feel free to do it to your heart content :angel:
Sometimes in this shadowy world of fighting terrorism mistakes can be made nobody is perfect and India is not unique in this there have been cases of failures in the west too.
Mr Joe Shearer

You keep on insisting that the 4 persons, even if terrorists, should have been dealt with legally after arrest. You have not yet replied to my earlier response. So I ask you again.

What should the police have done after apprehending them ? - remember that their apprehension was based on IB tip off so they were not even legally arrested.

Since they had not yet committed a crime, what could they be charged under? Even if the police held them under some weak sections, they would have got bail pronto as the IB would not have revealed its sources of information.

So the choice was to let them go or to eliminate them. What would you prefer... Mr Shearer

To detain them under the provisions for preventive detention. There are enough options under the law to neutralize genuine terrorists, and these are used every day, every single day. It is only an ignorant person who sees things in such a black and white fashion.
In UK a innocent Brazilian student was killed because MI6 got it wrong and mistook him for a terrorist he ended up being shot dead in daytime sad but these sorts of incidents do happen from time to time.
There is no assumption that woman was a member of LET according to our security services so she got what was coming to her as a traitor

I asked a specific question, if you support custodial killings then such a system will lead to anarchy, cops should do their job and let the judiciary do the rest.
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