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Please name one weapon system made in India which is named from any other religion

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We can come no where near pakistan. They have named it all after turkish and afghan looter kings who raped their ancestors. We are not that magnanimous.
Is there any missile named after a pakistani.
look its their life their country...they are happy in it...good for them...it shudnt bother us...

no matter how great we are...its always taught to us to respect and treat every1 equally....but i hate it when secularity is questioned again n again inspite of being proven hundreds of times

why is it always

religious clash = this is real india
religious harmony = all religions are just serving hindu masters else they will be killed...

i mean...wtf??

..when they can't reach our standards..or secularism, democracy.etc.etc..they start mud slinging campain....
...their motto..:- when U can't reach some goal...start cursing the goal..
"Grapes are Sour":azn:
..when they can't reach our standards..or secularism, democracy.etc.etc..they start mud slinging campain....
...their motto..:- when U can't reach some goal...start cursing the goal..
"Grapes are Sour":azn:

that every1 does...no big deal...we indians do that to china... :wink:
for(a=0; a<=inp.length-1; a++)


that every1 does...no big deal...we indians do that to china... :wink:
for(a=0; a<=inp.length-1; a++)


sorry...posted the program by mistake
that every1 does...no big deal...we indians do that to china... :wink:

...but somehow..we appreciate Chinese..for all that they have achieved....
Yes, we are compatitors..we do not fall to this level..
how to do education..or the 'mental feed' pakistanis recieves from their parents..society ?
I tend to agree. Though not applicable to names so far under discussion, it is indeed true that religions born in India(especially Hinduism but also Buddhist, Jain & Sikh religions) are so entwined in "Indian culture" that it is very difficult to draw a line of separation. So while "the Buddha might have smiled", it would be impossible to imagine that a "Allah smiled" or "Jesus smiled" would have ever been considered nor would it resonate. Ironically, Indian secular ideas makes it easier for the "Buddha" to have smiled rather than any Hindu deity to have done so.

Interestingly though.. that does seem to have effected Indian muslims enough.
The problem is simple..
Islam is not arab..
It may have originated there, but they dont hold rights over it.
The only thing that follows is the language..
there is no concrete arabization needed.

Which is why its funny to note.. that wherever Arabian empires have flourished.. its usually in places where they have come in the and crushed the original culture and population.
Those actual preachers that came into India.. those that came to spread the religion and not conquer..
Like Nizamuddin Auliya.. or Sultan-e-Hind Chishti RA.. used the local culture to spread Islam and it florished and spread better than any sword led invasion or conquest.
Thanks to which .. a small percentage of Muslims.. from ethnicities all across India.. were able to rule as a minority for a measurable amount of time.
Arabs ruling all the way from Egypt to Grenada is no achievement because they practically replaced or assimilated the local popultion and culture into their midst..
In India.. it was done the opposite way..
Whatever was compatible with Islam.. continues.. whatever was not.. was slowly removed.. and not suppressed or cut off.
IN many ways..
We "Indians(of the sub-continent)".. have been better Muslims than many of the arabs who came after the perfect time of the prophet.
Case in point..modern "Indian" Muslim wedding

Still has the same nikah.. and recitals performed as was done 1400 years ago..but the culture is "ours" so to say..You can tell where its from
Its not been forgotten.. suppressed and gone..
Try looking at arab weddings.. seems like something on Beverly hills..
Be it egypt or Morocco..

The Najdi Sauds.. have however.. ruined this in Pakistan via those remnants of Deoband to a large extent.. By spreading through our subconscious that Islam is Arab.. and therefore we owe our faith to them.. and not he good graces of god and his prophet.
arjun is a character from mythology 9nothing from religion......n trishul???? thats trident in english.....i suppose americans have some weapons named after trident.....that wont make them yindoos......
my n many others' point is dont go by the sanskritized names n brand them religiousely motivated.
it wud be awkward for us to name our weapons after something which comes from france or korea or iran or somalia
True...! For example "GARUDA" is the national airline of Indonesia. Why would a muslim country name their airline "Garuda" which is a mythical bird appears in the Mahabharata?

But someone just said the Mahabharta is not a religios book...
Interestingly though.. that does seem to have effected Indian muslims enough.
The problem is simple..
Islam is not arab..
It may have originated there, but they dont hold rights over it.
The only thing that follows is the language..
there is no concrete arabization needed.

Which is why its funny to note.. that wherever Arabian empires have flourished.. its usually in places where they have come in the and crushed the original culture and population.
Those actual preachers that came into India.. those that came to spread the religion and not conquer..
Like Nizamuddin Auliya.. or Sultan-e-Hind Chishti RA.. used the local culture to spread Islam and it florished and spread better than any sword led invasion or conquest.
Thanks to which .. a small percentage of Muslims.. from ethnicities all across India.. were able to rule as a minority for a measurable amount of time.
Arabs ruling all the way from Egypt to Grenada is no achievement because they practically replaced or assimilated the local popultion and culture into their midst..
In India.. it was done the opposite way..
Whatever was compatible with Islam.. continues.. whatever was not.. was slowly removed.. and not suppressed or cut off.
IN many ways..
We "Indians(of the sub-continent)".. have been better Muslims than many of the arabs who came after the perfect time of the prophet.
Case in point..modern "Indian" Muslim wedding

Still has the same nikah.. and recitals performed as was done 1400 years ago..but the culture is "ours" so to say..You can tell where its from
Its not been forgotten.. suppressed and gone..
Try looking at arab weddings.. seems like something on Beverly hills..
Be it egypt or Morocco..

The Najdi Sauds.. have however.. ruined this in Pakistan via those remnants of Deoband to a large extent.. By spreading through our subconscious that Islam is Arab.. and therefore we owe our faith to them.. and not he good graces of god and his prophet.

Aside from the politics of it, one of the saddest things that resulted from partition was what Maulana Azad predicted; the Hinduisation of Indian culture & ethos, not on purpose but simply by the act of a sudden removal of a huge section of the Muslim populace from the cultural centre. What we now have is but a shadow of what would have existed. The blaming of an entire religion for a political act & the resultant resentment has acted to move the centre of Indian culture decisively into the Hindu mainstream (even if with still strong Muslim influence which is but a shadow of what would have been) .The same is probably true of Pakistan & BD(in reverse) but whether it is similarly mourned by any is doubtful.
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