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Please name one weapon system made in India which is named from any other religion

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I think the OP is asking for "foreign sounding names" instead.
I googled the above names also and came up with this..

Agni - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Agni is a Hindu and Vedic deity.Agni is one of the most important of the Vedic gods. He is the god of fire and the acceptor of sacrifices. The sacrifices made to Agni go to the deities because Agni is a messenger from and to the other gods.
Agni, the Vedic god of fire who presides over the earth, has made the transition into the Hindu pantheon of gods, without losing his importance.

Prithvi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Prithvi (Sanskrit: pṛthvī, also pṛthivī) is the Hindu earth and mother goddess. According to one tradition, she is the personification of the Earth, and to another its Mother.

Akash Bhairav - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Akash Bhairav is a Hindu deity, worshipped in particular in Nepal. Considered the "god of the sky", several large temples in Kathmandu are dedicated to him.

Agni - Means fire in hindi and sanskrit.....
Prithvi - Means Earth in hindi and sanskrit.....I dont know ...what is hindu earth.
Akash - Means Sky in hindi and sanskrit.....Akash Bhaurav means.... God (Bhairav) of Sky (Akash). So if you take only Akash it is only sky.

Arjun- is an epic hero,who stands for courage and is a master of war.
Trishul- 'shul' means spear and 'tri' means 3. So trishul stands for a weapons thats 3 spears combined.

And hindu don't worship them


Again..... we dont worship them
why should we name our weapons in any other relegion name does USA , UK France do they name their weapons in the name of Muslim or Hindu or parsi,leaders unless designed they willnot have the name,y should India I strictly oppose this idea irrespective of democracy we have our culture dating back more than 10000 years of recorded history n many more years of unrecorded history sorry dude not happening
why should we name our weapons in any other relegion name does USA , UK France do they name their weapons in the name of Muslim or Hindu or parsi,leaders unless designed they willnot have the name,y should India I strictly oppose this idea irrespective of democracy we have our culture dating back more than 10000 years of recorded history n many more years of unrecorded history sorry dude not happening

Muslims Budhists, Sikhs and Christians are in India for more that 1000 years (except of Sikhism), your statement is utter BS.....
And no civilization recorded its history in 8000 bc
I believe the biggest issue is that the Hindu religion is intertwined with India's culture and history
So much so that its difficult to tell either apart.
Because it is original....means there no misalignment between Hindu religion and culture.....Hindu religion, language and culture all are originated and developed on the same land call India...unlike Islam in Pakistan.. where you have to follow Arabic culture and language since Islam originated in Arab country ...same goes with Christianity...

According to wiki there hindu gods....i didnt write the piece in wiki and if its wrong go onto wiki and amend it.

So its just coincidence that here also hindu gods with the same names?

When i google agni it says its a hindu god....what to you expect me to think?

please go ahead and enlighten me

That way if you touch or see any thing in this world....There will be Hindu God for that thing.....

No one need to enlighten you if you use common sense...if you say fire then it is fire and if hindu says fire it is god nothing else....
I believe the biggest issue is that the Hindu religion is intertwined with India's culture and history
So much so that its difficult to tell either apart.

I tend to agree. Though not applicable to names so far under discussion, it is indeed true that religions born in India(especially Hinduism but also Buddhist, Jain & Sikh religions) are so entwined in "Indian culture" that it is very difficult to draw a line of separation. So while "the Buddha might have smiled", it would be impossible to imagine that a "Allah smiled" or "Jesus smiled" would have ever been considered nor would it resonate. Ironically, Indian secular ideas makes it easier for the "Buddha" to have smiled rather than any Hindu deity to have done so.
theres also a missile HELINA....which appears to be a "christian"....phew...finally india is proved a secular country....*clap clap clap*....

wth man??....religion has nothing to do with naming of weapons...

ghaznavi, ghauri etc etc were all invaders and looters...as far as i remember...islam prohibits that...

conclusion??...they werent real muslims....

parallel conclusion??...because pakistan has named its missiles after them...pakistan is not a muslim country...


why the hell is there always stupid finger pointing (mostly poking) in india's religious affairs??...the constitution says india is a secular country....isnt that enough??

y on any pakistani forum its always that indians have to prove its secularity again n again??...this is really unfair
theres also a missile HELINA....which appears to be a "christian"....phew...finally india is proved a secular country....*clap clap clap*....

wth man??....religion has nothing to do with naming of weapons...

ghaznavi, ghauri etc etc were all invaders and looters...as far as i remember...islam prohibits that...

conclusion??...they werent real muslims....

parallel conclusion??...because pakistan has named its missiles after them...pakistan is not a muslim country...


why the hell is there always stupid finger pointing (mostly poking) in india's religious affairs??...the constitution says india is a secular country....isnt that enough??

y on any pakistani forum its always that indians have to prove its secularity again n again??...this is really unfair

So is "Rustom"...it sounds more Parsi..or urdu...

BTW, U raised a valid question.about pakistanis raising these types of 'querries'.
They will raise these type of things as they have nothing to compare for our secularism, pluralism , diversity, democracy and tenacity. they need and seek enlightenment.
Poor chaps.
So is "Rustom"...it sounds more Parsi..or urdu...

BTW, U raised a valid question.about pakistanis raising these types of 'querries'.
They will raise these type of things as they have nothing to compare for our secularism, pluralism , diversity, democracy and tenacity. they need and seek enlightenment.
Poor chaps.

look its their life their country...they are happy in it...good for them...it shudnt bother us...

no matter how great we are...its always taught to us to respect and treat every1 equally....but i hate it when secularity is questioned again n again inspite of being proven hundreds of times

why is it always

religious clash = this is real india
religious harmony = all religions are just serving hindu masters else they will be killed...

i mean...wtf??
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