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Please help: A question about Turkey's refugee and population policy

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Given illegal human traffic from Pakistan, i wonder what ''something'' do you work on?

“I am German when we win, but I am an immigrant when we lose," - Mesut Özil
Bro, your own Turkish footballer cited racism and has been complaining about unfair treatment in Germany he was treated less favourably than another person because of his national and immigrant status and here you are behaving in a way that shows you think you are more intelligent or important than someone from the same country he come from, why?
I like your name "Islamic faith&Secularism" your name makes me think as if you're a good Muslim man but reading your posts made me so sad, don't make all Turks look contemptible like you, I too lose my temperature and can't control my anger when someone insult my country or my nation maybe same is the case with Auz, remember that Turkey and Pakistan are the most patriotic countries in the world instead of fighting, we need to make our beautiful countries better and join hands in progress.
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