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Why Europe should help shoulder the refugee crisis with Turkey

turkey has left Europe with no other choice but to nuke a turkish city every hour until turkey halts it’s invasion of Europe and take in all the refugees. That would be the most humanitarian thing to do for these refugees that are being exploited as a weapon by turk for the turkish invasion of Europe
All the weak EU states that can't protect outer borders of EU should be severely punished or maybe even get kicked out of EU.
Turkey will loose this refugee battle.... Europe does not open the boarders this time ... Erdogan put his hands deep into muslim blood ...and all other muslim nations are not better not helping their brothers and sisters in belive...

Unfortunatly the europeans forgot that there are human rights, freedom and values

Im very concerned by these moves.

this video is fake btw....
the numbers are building up and in the end u will take them in in the millions and the video is true, the greeks killed 2 refugees today.
the numbers are building up and in the end u will take them in in the millions and the video is true, the greeks killed 2 refugees today.

the video is fake...as fake as the numbers turkey claims... all international refugee organisation already claim that turkey lies about the numbers... and no the boarders are closed and wont get open for a single turkish selfmade refugee

My position on refugees is clear

the video is fake...as fake as the numbers turkey claims... all international refugee organisation already claim that turkey lies about the numbers... and no the boarders are closed and wont get open for a single turkish selfmade refugee

Its not, its just that ur media tries to downplay the situation. The numbers are building up and that heavily and its encouraged to leave to the europe also.

+ refugees have rights which you guys have to accept since ur the ones who are lecturing others on these rights- very important
if turkey can afford to invade Syria and Libya, they can more than affford to take in all the refugees that they caused and then some without any outside help

I think America with its European poodles invested the Middle East before any Turks came in to clean the mess...
I believe any country that take Syrian migrant and integrate them into their society will have much blessed from Allah. Muslim nations should have more responsibility. OIC should create the meeting to discuss this issue and many Muslim countries should shoulder the refugee. Actually some Syrian will be able to be Indonesian citizen if they are really serious to live here, not just use Indonesia as transit to go to Australia.
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There will be some help by Indonesian Muslim. Here for example one Syrian has become Indonesian citizen not long after the revolution breakout. He is success in selling swarma in Indonesia and have had swarma store and also clothes store. At first he sell swarma on the street. Even now he is contracted to promote prominent Indonesian wheat flour brand.

Another one, American family who fleet USA after 9/11 event and have become Indonesian citizen now and work as musician. Some of the family members are invited to the TV show.

Turkey will loose this refugee battle.... Europe does not open the boarders this time ... Erdogan put his hands deep into muslim blood ...and all other muslim nations are not better not helping their brothers and sisters in belive...

this video is fake btw....
It's not fake. Here is another video.

Lol.....Turkish posters:'they must be shot if they come close to the Turkish borders '.....the illegal immigrants come to EU borders: ::'Oh no!! Where is your humanity? Think of the children! ':o:o_O
In 9 years did Turkey shot and killed any refugee ? No, so what's your point?
It’s pathetic that turkey is begging for Europe to bail them out of a refugee crisis that the turkish people are solely responsible for. To bail turkey out and accept any refugee is equivalent to giving welfare and subsidies to a future Ottoman Empire. Leave turkey to rot in its own mess
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