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Please don't destroy Chinese relationship with Pakistan


Jun 7, 2014
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My English is not good and so I just could express my partial feeling.
A lot of Indian members say China use Pakistan to contain India.It is totally wrong.
In addition,if you could understand Chinese,if you meet any post which has to do with Pakistan,you will know what is the real view and feeling to Pakistan Brother.
Frankly in many many Chinese forums,Chinese has been expressing the strong positive feeling to Pakstani.
Though we don't share the same religion,share the similar culture and share the same language,we have shared the same sentiment.We remember when the catastrophic earthquake hit the SICHUAN,Pakistan donated the national reversed tents.We remember when China is in the trouble,Pakistan strongly support us.When Chinese is working in Pakistan,we feel the real sentiment from common Pakistanis and especially protect Chinese civilans.And we also remember there is one article in Pakistan law which it is illeagal to break our relationships.
I frankly and honestly tell every PDF Pakistan member,we always read Chinese news about Pakistan,when we read the replies from forum members which most of those are positive.Narrowly speaking,for many Chinese forum members,we just take Pakistan as real friend.
Mutual interest is the base of two nations but we have more feelings not just intrest.
Frankly I never know one Pakistan forum,but I want to know more about Pakistan,so I search for Pakistan website.The majority of Chinese people don't understand English well but I hope Pakistani could know real Chinese feeling to you.
Really hope Pakistani don't just hear of the sound from anti-China and you should hear the majority of Chinese sound.
We, Pakistanis also share similar sentiments for Chinese people... Its not just government to government relations, but normal Pakistanis share brotherly sentiments for China and its people... I think China and Turkey are two those countries, for which there is NO negative feelings, whatsoever, in Pakistanis at all.., but only love and respect...... We hold people of China and Turkey dear to us...
Indians are our rivals even before china birth. So its stupid claim from Indians.

Dont worry, they know they cant beat us together which is why they are try every way possible to break our brotherhood. But we both know we are together since we want. And thats enough to burn every indian..
My English is not good and so I just could express my partial feeling.
A lot of Indian members say China use Pakistan to contain India.It is totally wrong.
In addition,if you could understand Chinese,if you meet any post which has to do with Pakistan,you will know what is the real view and feeling to Pakistan Brother.
Frankly in many many Chinese forums,Chinese has been expressing the strong positive feeling to Pakstani.
Though we don't share the same religion,share the similar culture and share the same language,we have shared the same sentiment.We remember when the catastrophic earthquake hit the SICHUAN,Pakistan donated the national reversed tents.We remember when China is in the trouble,Pakistan strongly support us.When Chinese is working in Pakistan,we feel the real sentiment from common Pakistanis and especially protect Chinese civilans.And we also remember there is one article in Pakistan law which it is illeagal to break our relationships.
I frankly and honestly tell every PDF Pakistan member,we always read Chinese news about Pakistan,when we read the replies from forum members which most of those are positive.Narrowly speaking,for many Chinese forum members,we just take Pakistan as real friend.
Mutual interest is the base of two nations but we have more feelings not just intrest.
Frankly I never know one Pakistan forum,but I want to know more about Pakistan,so I search for Pakistan website.The majority of Chinese people don't understand English well but I hope Pakistani could know real Chinese feeling to you.
Really hope Pakistani don't just hear of the sound from anti-China and you should hear the majority of Chinese sound.
dude relax according to the PEW survey China has a 80% favorability rating in Pakistan...the most in any country
as for the Indians you will see many of them here trolling...what attracts them to a Pakistani forum so much is a mystery to me!
Seriously Bro.. We have no issues you guys going hand in hand as long as it is not raised against India. I have met more Chinese than I have met any foreign people and seriously they dont care or Know about Pakistan. Take this poll for example

How Asians View Each Other | Pew Research Center's Global Attitudes Project

Yes,if you could do the poll in Chinese forum with Chinese,you will get the different answer.
I almost read news in many many mainstream media everyday and I get my answer from the reply of members.
I don't want to make members touched but hope Pakistani could see the real thing.
Chinese hopes to make friends with everyone but if it is real,time could prove.

Dont worry we love you too, and consider you a true friend, and no Indian trolling can get us away from you or affect our friendship in any way
i have met many chinese in my life mainly tourist in northern areas or building infrastructure they have always received our full support
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