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Please all respect Pakistani Members i want your views on this !

that's right.....go try another Cold Start comic book theatrics so we can get more amusement from you guys
Cold Start is real?

Or 2010 doctrine of IA's "Doctrine on Air and Land Operations" which is still not public is amusement for you?

But I seriously dont expect such deep knowledge from you. Please remain in deception. You doing good work.
that's right.....go try another Cold Start comic book theatrics so we can get more amusement from you guys
even this so called "COLD Start Doctroine" is a frace and a smoke screen which indian security establishment made your establishment beleve and they bought it .... but tell me what are the results of your obsession with CSD and look how much time and effort your nation lost on it while India went ahead with its goal of isloating your nation where it matters most .... if you know what i mean ....... cheers mate :coffee:
even this so called "COLD Start Doctroine" is a frace and a smoke screen which indian security establishment made your establishment beleve and they bought it .... but tell me what are the results of your obsession with CSD and look how much time and effort your nation lost on it while India went ahead with its goal of isloating your nation where it matters most .... if you know what i mean ....... cheers mate :coffee:

clearly Pakistan hasnt been isolated.....you tried to get us isolated in 2008 it failed miserably. As i said earlier, focus on fixing the conditions of the oppressed and/or poor of india

Cold Start is real?

Or 2010 doctrine of IA's "Doctrine on Air and Land Operations" which is still not public is amusement for you?

But I seriously dont expect such deep knowledge from you. Please remain in deception. You doing good work.

the usual huge boasts, despite small roast - coming from you guys across the border
clearly Pakistan hant been isolated.....you tried to get us isolated in 2008 it failed miserably. As i said earlier, focus on fixing the conditions of the oppressed and/or poor of india
sir thing is we at least tried and your own govement and parts of goverment /militarry and so called "non state actors/namaloom afrat"helped us with it your establishment made your nation beleve that no world power beleves india and kept on repeating about samjhota express which infact was exposed and its criminals were sent to jail by owr own athourities with there own initiative and you think it was pakistans strategick win but fact were oppiste .... even now if you think you are not isolated by the world then why do pakistanies think USA is using pakistan and uneccasarily asking pakistan to do more while it keeps on giving india great deals one after another :azn: .... think about it sir and sorry for spelling mistakes :coffee:
sir thing is we at least tried and your own govement and parts of goverment /militarry and so called "non state actors/namaloom afrat"helped us with it your establishment made your nation beleve that no world power beleves india and kept on repeating about samjhota express which infact was exposed and its criminals were sent to jail by owr own athourities with there own initiative and you think it was pakistans strategick win but fact were oppiste .... even now if you think you are not isolated by the world then why do pakistanies think USA is using pakistan and uneccasarily asking pakistan to do more while it keeps on giving india great deals one after another :azn: .... think about it sir and sorry for spelling mistakes :coffee:
Moreover, Samjhota Express was exploded on our own soil, further Indian citizens were also perished.
Moreover, Samjhota Express was exploded on our own soil, further Indian citizens were also perished.
but the funny part is there establishment is trying to sell it to pakistanies as there own victory and there "difai tarzianiagrs" dont leave any opportunity to talk about it and in process embarassing there own cause by showing how unbaised india is to terror and there actions with treating anty india terroisits with velvet gloves is exposing them to there "friends not masters" and to all those whome they want to sell there stories but nobody is beleving them rather they are watching there actions ..... but still if they think india is NOT succesful in isolating them then infact i guess indian diplomacy is doing a very fine job :coffee:
but the funny part is there establishment is trying to sell it to pakistanies as there own victory and there "difai tarzianiagrs" dont leave any opportunity to talk about it and in process embarassing there own cause by showing how unbaised india is to terror and there actions with treating anty india terroisits with velvet gloves is exposing them to there "friends not masters" and to all those whome they want to sell there stories but nobody is beleving them rather they are watching there actions ..... but still if they think india is NOT succesful in isolating them then infact i guess indian diplomacy is doing a very fine job :coffee:

And now isolating in Afghanistan, Iran & GCC?:lol:

but the funny part is there establishment is trying to sell it to pakistanies as there own victory and there "difai tarzianiagrs" dont leave any opportunity to talk about it and in process embarassing there own cause by showing how unbaised india is to terror and there actions with treating anty india terroisits with velvet gloves is exposing them to there "friends not masters" and to all those whome they want to sell there stories but nobody is beleving them rather they are watching there actions ..... but still if they think india is NOT succesful in isolating them then infact i guess indian diplomacy is doing a very fine job :coffee:

BTW, Pakistan did a major diplomatic blunder which most of Pakistanis like Abu Zulfiqar shy away to explain & put his head in it.

When Pakistan said this
China’s enemy is our enemy, says Gen Raheel - thenews.com.pk

So, now we can expect Japan & ASEAN hitting back the Pakistan in very near future. Or maybe they already hit them back, when they ousted the Pakistan from UN's Human Right Council.
And now isolating in Afghanistan, Iran & GCC?:lol:

BTW, Pakistan did a major diplomatic blunder which most of Pakistanis like Abu Zulfiqar shy away to explain & put his head in it.

When Pakistan said this
China’s enemy is our enemy, says Gen Raheel - thenews.com.pk

So, now we can expect Japan & ASEAN hitting back the Pakistan in very near future. Or maybe they already hit them back, when they ousted the Pakistan from UN's Human Right Council.
and still they are made to beleve that india has failed to isolate pakistan and UN/USA/UNSC/UNGC .... interstting naa :sarcastic:

Propaganda works best when those who are being manipulated
are confident they are acting on their own free will.

Joseph Goebbels
and still they are made to beleve that india has failed to isolate pakistan and UN/USA/UNSC/UNGC .... interstting naa :sarcastic:
Surprisingly, they believe people sitting in US & other part of world are morons, and suddenly they got brainwashed with one visit of half & evil brother of Shariff :P :rofl:
Surprisingly, they believe people sitting in US & other part of world are morons, and suddenly they got brainwashed with one visit of half & evil brother of Shariff :P :rofl:
fact is india was building its case ever since USA gave a blind eye when india started making noises after reports came in that china and north korea were helping pakistan to accelarate its missile and neuclear programmes

they made a mistake when they took indian nitiative by ABV goverment as indias weakness and walked into a trap and from then on it was no looking back .... point is diplomacy is long and hard road and every action counts

since they were reckless and india played it smart though had some serous set backs when results started coming all they could do was play a victim card :coffee:
You characters need some real introspection.... but then Dalits are irrelevant to you.

I have seen many of your posts earlier, despite being an elite member of this respected forum you always drag non-thread issues to derail the thread or when you have nothing else to counter you start with "Dalit" or "rape" or "sanitation" issues. Thank you for contributing with so much ardor to this forum.

Peshawar attack was organised by your proxies. We know that so spare us this bull crap.

And an Indian should be the last person to talk about minorities. We know what happens when one tries to eat beef in india.
According to Durkheim, a society can never be perfect (utopia). However punishing the deviant (negative reinforcement to the anti social element) will ensure the smooth functioning of the society.
thus the culprits of "above mentioned" lynching were prosecuted by the Indian court.
Thank you for your time, But Indian Muslims are well aware of their rights, they do know how to demand justice. further you are no one to raise objections. So kindly....
I have seen many of your posts earlier, despite being an elite member of this respected forum you always drag non-thread issues to derail the thread or when you have nothing else to counter you start with "Dalit" or "rape" or "sanitation" issues. Thank you for contributing with so much ardor to this forum.
What's wrong baby, i merely replied to you in your language, after all what does Blasphemy has to do with discussion at hand, you are a new member so please learn to walk before telling others how not to run. :D

Post reported, even If you know him please do not use derogatory terms for a country.
Wait for another attack by public on media for writing ' against' the country. If worst it might lead to -
Blasphemy allegations: Mob torches factory in Jhelum
What's wrong baby, i merely replied to you in your language, after all what does Blasphemy has to do with discussion at hand, you are a new member so please learn to walk before telling others how not to run. :D
Even if I am not as old as you on the forum but I have been following this forum since last 3 years. My reply was in with context of the last 8 pages of deteriorating comments. And thanx for your advice :D, still mine was better.

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