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Please all respect Pakistani Members i want your views on this !

You characters need some real introspection.... but then Dalits are irrelevant to you.

First itst the offtopic, and instead of defending or critisize what happens you posted the video. Does it will blur the condition or the news.

OK first I will take your video which you claim to be of Dalit family in Ajmer, Rajasthan by the police forcefully. Here is a perfect example of how a common Pakistani is so obsessed with the India, that it will take any video found on the internet and make any story.

Here is the real news

What's happening in Noida! Now, a Dalit family resorts to nude protest | Zee News

Noida: A viral video of a naked Dalit family protesting against alleged inaction of the UP Police in Gautam Budh Nagar district has stirred a fresh row over people's safety and policing in the Samajwadi Party ruled state.

reports on Friday said that a Dalit couple resorted to nude protest after the Greater Noida Police failed to register an FIR for an alleged robbery despite their repeated requests.

Now before posting again this type of video again without proper news, Think twice, otherwise I have to report you for wrong allegation and propaganda to defame and disrespect a country , which is against the rule of the PDF I suppose.

And most Important don't take few instance of wrong doing as the negative to whole country or society, otherwise with the same logic, sameway the wrong doing of the Terrorist like Osama Bin Laden and Bagdadi does not make all Muslims terrorist.
so your saying the massacrre of 160+ people was a drama no wonder why your nation cant decide between good and bad terrorists and even after loosing so much for other peoples war which your nation doesnt knows why are your nation treated like the way they treat your nation by your birader islamik mulks and friends not masters ..... think about it :coffee:

as for them be;eveing in your so called proofs against india well that again is deu to your own past recoord and nobody beleves in a person/nation who has lost its trust and credebility dont trust me but ask it to yourself as to why you think they dont trust you......PS..ever heared of poor sheperd boy and the wolf story :azn:

FIRSTLY the world trusts us and this hurts india that the world does rely on us. infact they ask us to mediate in afghan reconciliation.

SECONDLY mumbai drama benefited who, it had no aim and had only one outcome the "sympathy card to india".
FIRSTLY the world trusts us and this hurts india that the world does rely on us. infact they ask us to mediate in afghan reconciliation.

First show which world trusts you more, and leave whether India hurts or not.
How many country believe that RAW is behind terrorism in India, hope you know the outcome of the dozier send to the US.

SECONDLY mumbai drama benefited who, it had no aim and had only one outcome the "sympathy card to india".

Why should India need Sympathy card. And which country had viewed to give 1000 cuts to India. Did India vowed the same for Pakistan. BTW Richard Hadely had confirmed the that, and he is in US jail not Indian. And regarding Lakhvi, his voice sample could be matched, by the voice sample of the recorded by the UK and US agencies, which they have, thats why Pakistan is not giving the voice sample.


LOL you made my day
Wow. Without reading the article. Indians were happily taunting. Lol. So embarrassing.
First show which world trusts you more, and leave whether India hurts or not.
How many country believe that RAW is behind terrorism in India, hope you know the outcome of the dozier send to the US.

Why should India need Sympathy card. And which country had viewed to give 1000 cuts to India. Did India vowed the same for Pakistan. BTW Richard Hadely had confirmed the that, and he is in US jail not Indian. And regarding Lakhvi, his voice sample could be matched, by the voice sample of the recorded by the UK and US agencies, which they have, thats why Pakistan is not giving the voice sample.

how many times were pakistanis allowed to cross examine the so called witnesses? voice samples were not verified india claimed they were real and genuine.

secondly as for who accepts Pakistan:


Gen Austin praises Pakistan's sacrifices in war on terror

as for Headley he admitted to working on his own and not backed by the government of Pakistan.

so yes spare us your bull.

probably all these guys were pawns used by india to highlight their so called victimization card.
how many times were pakistanis allowed to cross examine the so called witnesses? voice samples were not verified india claimed they were real and genuine.

secondly as for who accepts Pakistan:


Gen Austin praises Pakistan's sacrifices in war on terror

as for Headley he admitted to working on his own and not backed by the government of Pakistan.

so yes spare us your bull.

probably all these guys were pawns used by india to highlight their so called victimization card.

Listen I don't want to get involved with baseless discussion and its offtopic. Don't quote me for the offtopic things.

The voice sample matches perfectly with the Lakhvi voice, only thing left is the official voice sample to hit the last Nail.

Ok and for the praising the war on terror -- I too praise Pakistani Army for the sacrifices in the war on terror, but that was on the war which PA is fighting in its own soil from the Jehadi Taliban. You are the one who quoted that Indian involvement, and the whole world believe the Pakistan allegation, and never given the number of countries that believe that India is involved in the terrorist act in Pakistan or the Peshawar attack. Don't try to give offtopic and unrelated links.
Listen I don't want to get involved with baseless discussion and its offtopic. Don't quote me for the offtopic things.

The voice sample matches perfectly with the Lakhvi voice, only thing left is the official voice sample to hit the last Nail.

Ok and for the praising the war on terror -- I too praise Pakistani Army for the sacrifices in the war on terror, but that was on the war which PA is fighting in its own soil from the Jehadi Taliban. You are the one who quoted that Indian involvement, and the whole world believe the Pakistan allegation, and never given the number of countries that believe that India is involved in the terrorist act in Pakistan or the Peshawar attack. Don't try to give offtopic and unrelated links.

as suspected a specimen straight from the brainwashed people of NDTV and star news and zee news
FIRSTLY the world trusts us and this hurts india that the world does rely on us. infact they ask us to mediate in afghan reconciliation.

SECONDLY mumbai drama benefited who, it had no aim and had only one outcome the "sympathy card to india".
its you and your nation who thinks that worlds sees mumabi massacrre like you do .... well thats your problem sanu ki :sarcastic:

but as for owr dossier & facts we provided well even ICJ , Interpol and even US law department had taken it very serousli and your tassawurr rana and dawood gilanni(who calls himself richard headley) testified and pleeded guilty in US court of law and there testemony was the base when a few terrorists of indian and pakistani origin living in saudi arbia and UAE were deported to india but you will never understand that as how courts actually work deu to joke of judiciarry in your nation and you yourself know the credebility of your courts

but hardly matters when your courts are unable to prosecute a criminal dosent means the whole world will buy your story and wont take the nesecarry steps to get justice .... but you can pat yourself in the back for the great strides you thing your armed forces are making to counter terrorism in your nation .... good luck with it :coffee:
its our word against theirs......they shun our dossiers we shun theirs
its our word against theirs......they shun our dossiers we shun theirs
and will it help your nation or will it egravate its existing trust defecit with india and all powerfull nations on whome its so heavly dependent :azn:

its not important what you think is right more important is how those people think on whome you have become so heavly dependent deu to your past and present ruling elites blunders , plunders and surrenders .... am i wrong sir :coffee:
and will it help your nation or will it egravate its existing trust defecit with india and all powerfull nations on whome its so heavly dependent :azn:

its not important what you think is right more important is how those people think on whome you have become so heavly dependent deu to your past and present ruling elites blunders , plunders and surrenders .... am i wrong sir :coffee:

they dont give a damn about your dossiers, that's for sure....all they care about for now is dignified and gradual, responsible exit from Afghanistan (pullout delayed till 2017).

and the trust deficit you started...when you never gave justice for Pakistani victims killed aboard the Samjhota Express train.....take care of it, then trust deficit would lessen

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