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Please all respect Pakistani Members i want your views on this !

nothing wrong... he said if US or UN required we can present hard evidence as well...
salaam jammer bhiyye :D

thing is its not about indian RAW or IB or NSA or Modi-Doval-Parriker combo its about the incompetence &faliure and a campain of false propogandda by pakistani security establishment which has now fallen flat on his face and then some muhib e watan pakistanies ask questions like why no one shows sympathy for pakistan for its sacrifices in war on terror or why every one in USA-UK-Euorope/ west and even mashrik e ghusta treeats pakistanies with suspiccion and doesnt beleves in its side of story :sarcastic:

Rest assured, whatever evidence is there, some internet warriors will be the last to know about them.
And remember, if the world didn't recognise Pakistan's efforts, it wouldn't be supplying the weapons that keeps the saffron brigade awake and in distress all the time. When it comes to providing evidence, it's best to put your own house in order rather than behaving like kid in a candy shop.
Rest assured, whatever evidence is there, some internet warriors will be the last to know about them.
And remember, if the world didn't recognise Pakistan's efforts, it wouldn't be supplying the weapons that keeps the saffron brigade awake and in distress all the time. When it comes to providing evidence, it's best to put your own house in order rather than behaving like kid in a candy shop.
getting some cheap bullets is no big deal. Is pakistan getting nuclear deal or equipment given to israel?
As far as evidence is concerned , why did pakistan even agreed to conduct trail against 26/11 attackers in pakistan? bcos attackers were from mars?
Rest assured, whatever evidence is there, some internet warriors will be the last to know about them.
And remember, if the world didn't recognise Pakistan's efforts, it wouldn't be supplying the weapons that keeps the saffron brigade awake and in distress all the time. When it comes to providing evidence, it's best to put your own house in order rather than behaving like kid in a candy shop.
truth hurts jammer bhiyye ... isnt it :azn: :sarcastic:

anway you are forgetting it was pakistani security establishment and its media stooges and allmuhib e watan pakistani members on the forum who were hell bent to declare india responsible for every thing going wrong in paksiatn and your sartaj aziz was wawing this same dossier proudly like a trophy to proove they havew found the real culprit and all muhib a watan pakistai members on the forum took it as truth /patharr ki lakeer........ now what happened to that conviction :azn:

so you dint gave proofs to USA , UK Euorope or tabelled it to all UNGC & UNSC members so when axactlly you are going to furnish them what about world media what stopped you in giving these so called proofs to them :azn:
Guru Bahi, since you had to open a thread specially to rejoice over it again, let me simply admit and inform you, India is a superpower where as Pakistan according to Indians, is a failed state, we can't possibly match the world's best Indian intelligence agencies when it comes to providing proof. Over the years, India has repeatedly proven to the world about -Pakistan's involvement in Indian terrorism , i mean all the proofs India has provided are so solid that the likes of CIA, KGB, MI-5 and others could only dream about....in all this, what hope for Pakistan or it's evidence. We are doomed.

BSF captures suspected spy hawk at Indo-Pak border | Latest News & Updates at Daily News & Analysis

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RAW left with egg on its face as terror plot unravels - The Hindu


ISLAMABAD: The Senate Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs was told on Thursday that dossiers given to the United States and United Nations Secretary General on India’s alleged involvement in terrorism in Pakistan did not contain ‘material evidence’.

Testifying before the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee, which met with Senator Nuzhat Sadiq in the chair, Adviser on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz said the dossiers instead contained the “pattern and narrative” of Indian involvement.

“The dossiers have been meticulously prepared, but material evidence cannot be shared for the sake of protecting the sources,” he said, adding that the proofs could have only been provided to others in the narrative shape.

Also read: Dossiers of Indian hand in terrorism handed over to UN chief: Aziz

Mr Aziz had first talked about the three dossiers ahead of Pak-India National Security Advisers meeting, which was later cancelled. His statement led to a media hype that the government after decades of complaining about Indian role in terrorism in the country was finally readying to present credible evidence to the world.

Sartaj tells Senate committee dossiers given to US, UN contain ‘pattern and narrative’
Following the cancellation of the bilateral NSA talks, the dossiers were given to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon by Pakistan’s Permanent Representative in the UN, Dr Maleeha Lodhi. The same were also shared by Mr Aziz with US Secretary of State John Kerry during Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s visit to Washington last month.

The dossiers, according to previous official statements, contained proofs about Indian involvement in Balochistan, Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Fata) and Karachi

While talking to media after the US visit, Mr Aziz had said that the dossiers would help build a narrative about India’s patronage of subversive activities in Pakistan.

Foreign Secretary Aizaz Ahmed Chaudhry told the committee that the contents of the dossiers could be shared with the members of the panel in an ‘in-camera’ session due to `the sensitivity of the matter’.


Should highlight the point that favor me?

ISLAMABAD: The Senate Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs was told on Thursday that dossiers given to the United States and United Nations Secretary General on India’s alleged involvement in terrorism in Pakistan did not contain ‘material evidence’.

Testifying before the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee, which met with Senator Nuzhat Sadiq in the chair, Adviser on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz said the dossiers instead contained the “pattern and narrative” of Indian involvement.

“The dossiers have been meticulously prepared, but material evidence cannot be shared for the sake of protecting the sources,” he said, adding that the proofs could have only been provided to others in the narrative shape.

Also read: Dossiers of Indian hand in terrorism handed over to UN chief: Aziz

Mr Aziz had first talked about the three dossiers ahead of Pak-India National Security Advisers meeting, which was later cancelled. His statement led to a media hype that the government after decades of complaining about Indian role in terrorism in the country was finally readying to present credible evidence to the world.

Sartaj tells Senate committee dossiers given to US, UN contain ‘pattern and narrative’
Following the cancellation of the bilateral NSA talks, the dossiers were given to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon by Pakistan’s Permanent Representative in the UN, Dr Maleeha Lodhi. The same were also shared by Mr Aziz with US Secretary of State John Kerry during Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s visit to Washington last month.

The dossiers, according to previous official statements, contained proofs about Indian involvement in Balochistan, Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Fata) and Karachi

While talking to media after the US visit, Mr Aziz had said that the dossiers would help build a narrative about India’s patronage of subversive activities in Pakistan.

Foreign Secretary Aizaz Ahmed Chaudhry told the committee that the contents of the dossiers could be shared with the members of the panel in an ‘in-camera’ session due to `the sensitivity of the matter’.
Isn't it what we hear from you all the time? All talks and no proofs,, ever!!
Also we have to admit that your terrorists are quite bad mannered and unprofessional where as ours are law abiding gentleman terrorists. For example, ours never ever forget to carry their passports along with them when ever in India, if for some reason they leave the passport at home/room they will surely carry some identification just in case someone asks them. Also they happen to be quite innocent, carrying Pakistani currency in India, they don’t seem to know that this money won’t buy them anything. :lol:


You will be biased and share the points that favor you,, its your right
I will highlight the points that favor me,, that is my right!
Still, this do not make any of this right,,, right? :agree:

We can keep on exchanging jibes at one and other and never reach a conclusion as it seems we do not want to. :)
So yes, my comment on that article can be explained in just one line, the one line that i have marked in red. :tup:

Should highlight the point that favor me?

Isn't it what we hear from you all the time? All talks and no proofs,, ever!!
Also we have to admit that your terrorists are quite bad mannered and unprofessional where as ours are law abiding gentleman terrorists. For example, ours never ever forget to carry their passports along with them when ever in India, if for some reason they leave the passport at home/room they will surely carry some identification just in case someone asks them. Also they happen to be quite innocent, carrying Pakistani currency in India, they don’t seem to know that this money won’t buy them anything. :lol:


You will be biased and share the points that favor you,, its your right
I will highlight the points that favor me,, that is my right!
Still, this do not make any of this right,,, right? :agree:

We can keep on exchanging jibes at one and other and never reach a conclusion as it seems we do not want to. :)
So yes, my comment on that article can be explained in just one line, the one line that i have marked in red. :tup:
in short : your security establishment has no proof of indian involvement in pakistan(KP/Karachi else where) and balochistan.. right ? :azn:

and there bluff has been exposed by there own people in there own parliament ... right ? :haha:

now lets talk about wasnt india always .... right ? :azn::yahoo::chilli::victory::chilli::rofl:
Pakistan has made a fool of it before the international community. Narratives are good for fantasies and stories but they never make evidence.
in short : your security establishment has no proof of indian involvement in pakistan(KP/Karachi else where) and balochistan.. right ? :azn:

and there bluff has been exposed by there own people in there own parliament ... right ? :haha:

now lets talk about wasnt india always .... right ? :azn::yahoo::chilli::victory::chilli::rofl:

Yes,,, now you got to your level,,,
Boy i was missing these....

And no!! in short : it is not that our security establishment has no proof of Indian involvement in pakistan(KP/Karachi else where) and Baluchistan..
In Short,, cannot be shared for the sake of protecting the sources,, as mentioned in the same article that you posted and asked/tagged everyone to comment on :P

Since i think it is quite immature to use all these,, :P here, i will quote yours!!


Pakistan has made a fool of it before the international community. Narratives are good for fantasies and stories but they never make evidence.

And this says some one from this country:


or shall i quote some dozen other incidents? the pegio... forget it!!

Come on guys,, at least try to sound a bit reasonable,, it is not that difficult!
Yes,,, now you got to your level,,,
Boy i was missing these....

And no!! in short : it is not that our security establishment has no proof of Indian involvement in pakistan(KP/Karachi else where) and Baluchistan..
In Short,, cannot be shared for the sake of protecting the sources,, as mentioned in the same article that you posted and asked/tagged everyone to comment on :P

Since i think it is quite immature to use all these,, :P here, i will quote yours!!


You can share the evidence without revealing the sources. The truth is you don't have evidence. The truth is India is not involved in any way in Pakistan. The whole drama by your government is just to cover its shortcomings before its citizens.
Yes,,, now you got to your level,,,
Boy i was missing these....

And no!! in short : it is not that our security establishment has no proof of Indian involvement in pakistan(KP/Karachi else where) and Baluchistan..
In Short,, cannot be shared for the sake of protecting the sources,, as mentioned in the same article that you posted and asked/tagged everyone to comment on :P

Since i think it is quite immature to use all these,, :P here, i will quote yours!!


And this says some one from this country:


or shall i quote some dozen other incidents? the pegio... forget it!!

Come on guys,, at least try to sound a bit reasonable,, it is not that difficult!
ok sir you win i loose happy now .... cheers mate :drag:
You can share the evidence without revealing the sources. The truth is you don't have evidence. The truth is India is not involved in any way in Pakistan. The whole drama by your government is just to cover its shortcomings before its citizens.

If that was the case, I'm sure our government could found a fishing boat to blow up or conducted a fake encounter or two.
If that was the case, I'm sure our government could found a fishing boat to blow up or conducted a fake encounter or two.
jammer bhiyya ji in short it was pakistani foriegn office and security establishment who were saying they had a dossier full of proofs of "so called indian invovment in terror in pakistan and balochistan" and now the same people are saying those proofs were nothing but narration of so called indian involvement not the so called "proofs" and all the proofs they say they have cant be shared deu to security sensevities involved in it..... tell me do you still want to beleve in your foriegn office & security establishment on this ...... tell me what will a nutral party judge these turen of events and will the world trust them now ?

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