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Please all respect Pakistani Members i want your views on this !

salaam saeen ji maine to bas ek masoomana swaal kerne ki ghustakhi ki aur aap alla huzoor itne naraz ho gaye :fie:
Ni ni i am n ot naraz,,
What makes you say so?

I was just asking have you read that article of did the head lines got you going? because if this is the case, i suggest you just read the article and it might help you with your question. Still any doubts after that, we are all here to discussed and debate, to share knowledge. :)
We are right???

I ll be back in an hour after Juma Prayers!
This is what ET has published.
Members of the committee had initially proposed that the dossiers handed over to the UN and the American government be shared publicly, but Aziz expressed regret because of the sensitivity of the matter.
Ni ni i am n ot naraz,,
What makes you say so?

I was just asking have you read that article of did the head lines got you going? because if this is the case, i suggest you just read the article and it might help you with your question. Still any doubts after that, we are all here to discussed and debate, to share knowledge. :)
We are right???

I ll be back in an hour after Juma Prayers!

ISLAMABAD: The Senate Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs was told on Thursday that dossiers given to the United States and United Nations Secretary General on India’s alleged involvement in terrorism in Pakistan did not contain ‘material evidence’.

Testifying before the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee, which met with Senator Nuzhat Sadiq in the chair, Adviser on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz said the dossiers instead contained the “pattern and narrative” of Indian involvement.

“The dossiers have been meticulously prepared, but material evidence cannot be shared for the sake of protecting the sources,” he said, adding that the proofs could have only been provided to others in the narrative shape.

Also read: Dossiers of Indian hand in terrorism handed over to UN chief: Aziz

Mr Aziz had first talked about the three dossiers ahead of Pak-India National Security Advisers meeting, which was later cancelled. His statement led to a media hype that the government after decades of complaining about Indian role in terrorism in the country was finally readying to present credible evidence to the world.

Sartaj tells Senate committee dossiers given to US, UN contain ‘pattern and narrative’
Following the cancellation of the bilateral NSA talks, the dossiers were given to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon by Pakistan’s Permanent Representative in the UN, Dr Maleeha Lodhi. The same were also shared by Mr Aziz with US Secretary of State John Kerry during Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s visit to Washington last month.

The dossiers, according to previous official statements, contained proofs about Indian involvement in Balochistan, Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Fata) and Karachi

While talking to media after the US visit, Mr Aziz had said that the dossiers would help build a narrative about India’s patronage of subversive activities in Pakistan.

Foreign Secretary Aizaz Ahmed Chaudhry told the committee that the contents of the dossiers could be shared with the members of the panel in an ‘in-camera’ session due to `the sensitivity of the matter’.
but you kept peeping into it but dint say a wrod now i have to ask again as i thought you dint wanted to answer there tell me what have you to say on this development and see its a pakistani link

there are many threads on LCA or DRDO but pakistanies keep making more every day then why keeping quite about the so called proofs :sarcastic:


if you had bothered to read the whole article that you posted, it states clearly that material evidence was not provided so as not to compromise sources. Once and if the investigations begin, then we can provide all we want.

Clearly, you didn't read.
but you kept peeping into it but dint say a wrod now i have to ask again as i thought you dint wanted to answer there tell me what have you to say on this development and see its a pakistani link

there are many threads on LCA or DRDO but pakistanies keep making more every day then why keeping quite about the so called proofs :sarcastic:
I did! u foolish Shishu Panya mandir's product!

DSI all over again.

if you had bothered to read the whole article that you posted, it states clearly that material evidence was not provided so as not to compromise sources. Once and if the investigations begin, then we can provide all we want.

Clearly, you didn't read.


How is your material evidence different? Are your material evidences subjected to exponential decay, that if you give a glimpse of them to the world it will fade away? Why cant you share those bank accounts in which you said about " India funding"?
Wth, first country in the world to provide so called irrefutable proofs to other countries and also to UN without any evidence.
Jab dena hi nahi that to drama kyun?
Achaar banalo sir, irrefutable proofs ka.
No wonder no one gives a damn to your dossiers.
and then sir you are asking me did i read that report :coffee:

so thats the best answer you got ... no wonder :sarcastic:
yes son it is under the circumstances in which yr quoting me abt a report which already is shared in another thread with my response in it as well and while yr complaining with me for an answer in this thread!

I guess there is no such thing as logic taught in the syllabus of shishu panya mandirs:azn:
yes son it is under the circumstances in which yr quoting me abt a report which already is shared in another thread with my response in it as well and while yr complaining with me for an answer in this thread!

I guess there is no such thing as logic taught in the syllabus of shishu panya mandirs:azn:
what is " shishu Panya Mandirs " :o:


Why does the guy have Indian Symbol on it?

Guru Bahi, since you had to open a thread specially to rejoice over it again, let me simply admit and inform you, India is a superpower where as Pakistan according to Indians, is a failed state, we can't possibly match the world's best Indian intelligence agencies when it comes to providing proof. Over the years, India has repeatedly proven to the world about -Pakistan's involvement in Indian terrorism , i mean all the proofs India has provided are so solid that the likes of CIA, KGB, MI-5 and others could only dream about....in all this, what hope for Pakistan or it's evidence. We are doomed.

BSF captures suspected spy hawk at Indo-Pak border | Latest News & Updates at Daily News & Analysis

Pakistani 'spy pigeon' arrested in India - BBC Newsbeat

RAW left with egg on its face as terror plot unravels - The Hindu


All respected pakistani memebrs kindly shed some thoughts on this development im not trolling just curious as all pakistani members kept on abusing and creating havoc on the forum on basis of "Dossier on indian involvement in terrorism in pakistan Balochistan and KPK"

Dossiers on India have no ‘material evidence’ - Pakistan - DAWN.COM


first both nations have to accept the Reality, that we are not going any where!
then point out the problems which are causing Problems.
Then try to solve the problems one by one!

otherwise we are fighting from last 6 decades, and will fought for next 10 decades if problems remain same.

For me the biggest Problems are.

1. Kashmir
2. Intelligence Agencies
3. and Governments.

otherwise in people of both countries their is no difference.
Guru Bahi, since you had to open a thread specially to rejoice over it again, let me simply admit and inform you, India is a superpower where as Pakistan according to Indians, is a failed state, we can't possibly match the world's best Indian intelligence agencies when it comes to providing proof. Over the years, India has repeatedly proven to the world about -Pakistan's involvement in Indian terrorism , i mean all the proofs India has provided are so solid that the likes of CIA, KGB, MI-5 and others could only dream about....in all this, what hope for Pakistan or it's evidence. We are doomed.

BSF captures suspected spy hawk at Indo-Pak border | Latest News & Updates at Daily News & Analysis

Pakistani 'spy pigeon' arrested in India - BBC Newsbeat

RAW left with egg on its face as terror plot unravels - The Hindu


salaam jammer bhiyye :D

thing is its not about indian RAW or IB or NSA or Modi-Doval-Parriker combo its about the incompetence &faliure and a campain of false propogandda by pakistani security establishment which has now fallen flat on his face and then some muhib e watan pakistanies ask questions like why no one shows sympathy for pakistan for its sacrifices in war on terror or why every one in USA-UK-Euorope/ west and even mashrik e ghusta treeats pakistanies with suspiccion and doesnt beleves in its side of story :sarcastic:
exponential decay,
highly radioactive I suppose :partay:.
it states clearly that material evidence was not provided so as not to compromise sources.
to put it in simple english , we dont have any. Doesnt india name & shame pakistan in every international forum by providing evidence , so what stops pakistan from doing so ? These are just lame excuses for getting bitten by its own snakes.
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first both nations have to accept the Reality, that we are not going any where!
then point out the problems which are causing Problems.
Then try to solve the problems one by one!

otherwise we are fighting from last 6 decades, and will fought for next 10 decades if problems remain same.

For me the biggest Problems are.

1. Kashmir
2. Intelligence Agencies
3. and Governments.

otherwise in people of both countries their is no difference.
no sirt its your security establishment which attacked kashmir with help of afridi raiders and maharaja of kashmir sided with india but to keep the enemosity alive they again started 1965 war when it was not required and things were getting peacefull between india and pakistan by launching operation gibralter and then again when ABV went to lahore in a peace bus india was backstabbed agaiun in kargil .... in short its the greedy pakistani security /militarry and feudal/ruling elite who is responsible for this blood feud indians have onli now statred to call this so called aman a tamasha off and now since pakistan has no backing of west its playing a victim of terro which it itself propogated as a tool for foriegn policy under shemes like bleed india dry thru 1000 cuts .... think about it

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