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Plane crashes and catches fire in eastern Afghan Ghazni province

The US military is investigating. Don't expect much here. The US military would have immediately made a statement.
According to a U.S. official, the plane was a small American fixed-wing aircraft with two people on board, both of whom died in the crash. The official told NPR that the plane went down because of mechanical problems

But that's not the only account of the incident.

A spokesman for the Taliban, Zabihullah Mujahid, told NPR that insurgents with the group shot down the plane and that it had CIA officials on board. Earlier Monday, Mujahid referred to the plane on Twitter as an "enemy intelligence aircraft" and said the bodies of the intelligence officials were still lying near the crash site in the Sado Khelo region of Ghazni.

This is the last info.
Ayatollah mike cia officer sent to Hell

  • Afghan service members head toward the site of the plane crash Monday in the eastern Afghan province of Ghazni.
A plane crashed Monday in Afghanistan's eastern Ghazni province, and within hours, a swarm of conflicting reports had coalesced around the wreckage.

According to a U.S. official, the plane was a small American fixed-wing aircraft with two people on board, both of whom died in the crash. The official told NPR that the plane went down because of mechanical problems.

But that's not the only account of the incident.

A spokesman for the Taliban, Zabihullah Mujahid, told NPR that insurgents with the group shot down the plane and that it had CIA officials on board. Earlier Monday, Mujahid referred to the plane on Twitter as an "enemy intelligence aircraft" and said the bodies of the intelligence officials were still lying near the crash site in the Sado Khelo region of Ghazni.

The militant group frequently exaggerates battlefield actions, and the claims could not be confirmed.

Meanwhile, a spokesperson for the Afghan Ministry of Defense, Ruhallah Ahmadzai, told NPR that the aircraft was not Afghan — neither civilian nor military. Ahmadzai said Afghan special forces have been deployed to the crash site.

Journalists in the area posted purported images of the charred, smoldering wreck, which NPR has not independently verified. The plane shown in several different videos bears markings that appear to be a version of U.S. Air Force insignia.

The Pentagon has not yet released an official statement on the crash.

Taliban claimed credit for downing the plane in Ghazni. Taliban say the plan was used for espionage purposes & that high ranking CIA officers are killed in the crash. Taliban never had anti-aircraft weapon, the question is how they downed the plane?

Confusion around the crash has swirled since virtually the moment it occurred. Initial reports, citing local government officials, said the plane was operated by the state-owned Ariana Afghan Airlines — only to be rebutted quickly by the company's acting chief executive, Mirwais Mirzakwal.

"It does not belong to Ariana because the two flights managed by Ariana today from Herat to Kabul and Herat to Delhi are safe," Mirzakwal told Reuters. And the airline itself, in a Facebook post, also pushed back on suggestions that its plane was involved.

For the past couple of years, Ghazni province has stood at the epicenter of friction between the Afghan military and the Taliban.

The militant organization recaptured control of much of the region after launching a series of attacks that left hundreds dead in 2018. And just last month, a Taliban infiltrator killed roughly two dozen Afghan soldiers at a military base in the province.

U.S. troops also remain a principal target for the Taliban. Earlier this month, an improvised explosive device, or IED, set by the Taliban killed a pair of service members in the southern province of Kandahar.

Producer Khwaga Ghani in Kabul and NPR's Diaa Hadid and Tom Bowman contributed to this report.


No US, Israeli Commander to Remain Safe if Iranians Threatened: Gen. Salami

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Should the US or Israel dare to carry out the threat to assassinate another Iranian military commander, that would put the lives of all of their commanders in jeopardy, the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) chief warned.

In remarks on Monday, Major General Hossein Salami said the American officials who have threatened to assassinate the IRGC commanders will definitely regret their comments if they survive.

He added that enemies of Iran faced part of the “painful consequences” of assassination of Iranian commander Lt. General Qassem Soleimani and realized that they will have to receive “crushing and continuous” blows if they repeat such actions.

“The Americans, the Zionists and others should know that if they threaten our commanders, none of their commanders will find a safe spot, meaning that if they threaten to assassinate our commanders or carry out their threat, the lives of none of their commanders will be safe,” Major General Salami stated.

“The US regime, the Zionist regime, and the regimes allied with and relying on them are basically terror regimes, a reality they now have to admit,” he added.

The IRGC commander cautioned the enemies to mind their manners, saying, “If they (enemies) intend to continue this game, our responses will be totally different from the past, and their scale will also be different, as they will be faced with quite new conditions which they will be unable to manage and control. So we warn them to retreat from this field.”

His warning came after US Special Representative for Iran Brian Hook threatened the new commander of the IRGC Quds Force with assassination.

In an interview with the Arabic-language daily Asharq al-Awsat in Davos on January 23, Hook repeated baseless claims about the assassination of top Iranian commander Lt. General Soleimani and threatened that if Brigadier General Esmaeil Qa’ani, the new Quds Force commander, kills US troops he will be assassinated too.

According to a U.S. official, the plane was a small American fixed-wing aircraft with two people on board, both of whom died in the crash. The official told NPR that the plane went down because of mechanical problems

But that's not the only account of the incident.

A spokesman for the Taliban, Zabihullah Mujahid, told NPR that insurgents with the group shot down the plane and that it had CIA officials on board. Earlier Monday, Mujahid referred to the plane on Twitter as an "enemy intelligence aircraft" and said the bodies of the intelligence officials were still lying near the crash site in the Sado Khelo region of Ghazni.

This is the last info.

US hasn't reached the site of the crash but they determined it right away to be mechanical? I mean lying can only go so far in 18+ years when you running around in circles in the desert and mountains.
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