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Plane crashes and catches fire in eastern Afghan Ghazni province

Trump should cancel all peace talks with Taliban and should order a total destruction of the peace process.
Khalilzad and his assistants needs to be fired.

He cant. There are other powerful players now involved, namely China and Russia. Its more a case of cutting the loses and move out. As for India, as Russian ambassador mentioned, its not even in the picture and looking at a future where it has to fend for itself in Afghanistan. The time of firing guns using uncle Sam's shoulders is gone.
American silence on this is very telling I must say, specially when cat is already out of the bag.

Who was inside this aircraft?????

US media is more interested in making Chinese outbreak its cover story then this!!!


Seems like usaf get on survailence mission crashed. It had listening and survailence equipment and US did a drone strike on the jet so that survailence equipment don't falls in hands of Russian Iranians or some other nation. Taliban did not took responsibility at first thought it was a civilian jet and handed the bodies to villagers. When Afghan airlines denied their jet crashed taliban realized jet was US military and took responsibility and secured the wreckage and took back bodies. Lol. USA did not claimed it was their jet so that relief work can done without negotiations but now the secret is out everything is limbo. Lol.

Accidents happen in aviation.

Why I am saying the jet was droned cause in video the jet landed on belly but roof of the jet has imploded in wards which means drone struck from above. Plus engine and tail section is not bruned means engines were not on fire.
15 people were on board and that two bodies had been retrieved from the wreckage. (reported by a regional news outlet citing local sources; Not Confirmed).

I hope we get our hands on some of them. (Fingers crossed)
Americans destroyed the jet with a drone see the video. The tail section is intact there will be value able stuff there.
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