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Chinese fighter combat radius covers the first island chain
This year in June, the Chinese air force fighter F -6 start retiring the entire organizational structure. At the same time, the J-11B, F-H -7 F -10 and “Flying Leopard” and gradually increase the number of advanced fighters. Some Western media that China’s advanced air force fighters have been able to meet their own needs, even with the United States and Japan already have advanced warplanes under a higher power.

Advanced fighter force comparable to the US-Japan

According to the United States, “Strategy Page” Web site on July 2 reported that in the past 30 years, China has to create out of 3 self-designed fighter jets. Which weighed 28 tons of F-H -7 major equipment Navy and Air Force fighter. The article said, two-seat F-H -7 is a multi-purpose fighter-bombers, airborne radar can search for air targets, but also for positioning ships. In weapons, the F-H -7 equipped with a 23 mm caliber guns, and can carry 8 tons of bombs or missiles, attack radius of 1,700 kilometers wide targets.

According to the United States, “Foreign Affairs” magazine Web site reported on July 1, China has plans to deploy more than 500 J -11 (Su -27 “flanker” home-made model) fighter, shrinking its size comparable to today’s U.S. Air Force F- 15 “Eagle” style fighter fleet. China to add a J-11B’s “Thunderbolt” -12 air-reliable of US-made AIM-120 advanced medium-range air-comparable. Accordingly, the U.S. media that the Chinese version of the “flanker” fully match the United States, Japan and Singapore air force’s F-15 fighter.

In addition, the Western media that China’s F-10B aircraft features a proprietary design, but also to emulate the F-35 of the inlet design, and equipped with advanced electronic control radar system. Insiders pointed out that the Chinese Air Force “Three Musketeers” – J -11, -10 and J H-J has replaced the F -6 -7 older aircraft such as the Air Force main, which makes the strength of the Chinese Air Force has been a qualitative breakthrough equipped with the F-15 advanced fighter planes under a higher capacity.

Combat radius covers the first island chain

“Foreign Affairs” magazine article that’s been joined with the advanced fighters, the Chinese air force has become both an offensive and defensive force.

The article said that the Chinese air force’s advanced aerial refueling aircraft, if not, its combat radius can be up to 900 nautical miles, enough to cover the “first island chain”; in mounting heavy weapons, but also the further expansion of operations through air refueling range. Public information, the Chinese Air Force has been equipped with H–6 as a platform for aerial refueling, and conducted aerial refueling exercises distant sea, so the Air Force fighter cover “first island chain” argument does have some basis.

In addition to extend the combat radius, the survival of the Chinese Air Force fighters and defense capabilities are improving steadily. Western media speculated that the PLA Air Force and Naval Air Force’s fighter planes can take off and land using hundreds of air bases, these bases in former Warsaw Pact with the reinforcement, some hiding deep in the mountains of the hangar enough to withstand “nuclear attack”, while others built a solid bunker hangars can withstand laser-guided bombs against. “Diplomacy” magazine 认为, large air base to support the network mobility and the Chinese Air Force to effectively deploy this strategic depth advantage is in other Asian countries do not have.

Chinese Air Force “is strong”

After the Chinese Air Force advanced fighter of some judges, “Foreign Affairs” magazine declared, all of which means that Chinese air force’s fighter force is strong, but gradually in the next 10 years will further enhance Dress modern fighter strength of the Chinese Air Force . The magazine also said that China is to follow the U.S. Air Force tactical fighter units, Air Force fight to create their own future enough to disdain the Asia-Pacific’s strategic power.

Clearly, the Western media on the Chinese Air Force’s evaluation was overdone. Some analysts pointed out that in recent years, despite the continued service of advanced fighter planes made the Air Force to upgrade the hard power of China, but the reality is that the Chinese Air Force is still up in the past the “event of default.”

For example, the service of J -6 aircraft for half a century despite fairly good record, but the aircraft was not equipped with fire control radar, lagging far behind the modernization of the air war. Furthermore, the domestic advanced fighters, AWACS and refueling aircraft had begun to equip troops, but the number is still insufficient. The United States and Japan use the F-15, F-16, AWACS and tankers have been for several decades, the more experienced.

In addition, the U.S. military’s F-22 “Raptor” stealth fighter has been stationed in the Asia-Pacific region, while the modern F-35 “Lightning” stealth fighter was about to batch service, the Chinese air force is still a big gap in this area.

Visible, although the number of Chinese air force jet fighters increased, but far from the West said, as powerful, still in the stage to enhance combat capability.
Permission to speak in Chinese to all people from China here, the translation would follow it directly.


Those translations are from Google, I don't grantee the spelling, grammar or content within them. If you don't understand Chinese Please ignore this translation, because I put it just try to be polite.

We are destined to lose this debate, at least for now, as long as the United States is willing, he could be overwhelmed in the army equipment, China. But I believe that this debate continues, until one day, American friends are not so confident. Americans do not understand our culture and traditions of the power entrusted to us. We will make unremitting efforts, we will make the Americans understand that every country will have the right to free development, rather than placing him under the rules in American manufacturing. We will make the Americans understand that freedom in the interpretation of fraternity not only part of the West. We will let Americans know that the world is today the United States will eventually pay the price for arrogance!
Permission to speak in Chinese to all people from China here, the translation would follow it directly.


Those translations are from Google, I don't grantee the spelling, grammar or content within them. If you don't understand Chinese Please ignore this translation, because I put it just try to be polite.

We are destined to lose this debate, at least for now, as long as the United States is willing, he could be overwhelmed in the army equipment, China. But I believe that this debate continues, until one day, American friends are not so confident. Americans do not understand our culture and traditions of the power entrusted to us. We will make unremitting efforts, we will make the Americans understand that every country will have the right to free development, rather than placing him under the rules in American manufacturing. We will make the Americans understand that freedom in the interpretation of fraternity not only part of the West. We will let Americans know that the world is today the United States will eventually pay the price for arrogance!

" every country will have the right to free development, rather than placing him under the rules in American manufacturing."

"place him under" should be "exist"

"ruines in American manufacturing" should be "American order"

As US is the undisputed most powerful and wealthiest country on the planet earth today. There are people, such as Osama Bin Ladan, dislike that and try to do something about it. You sound like you dislike America's global influence and have a rant on here. When you finish your typing and reading here, you need to go back to reality and work hard to make your country better as this would be the only way for you to help your decendents achieve what you desire.
Chinese and American forces in graphic :

Software used by F-35 fighter and by others :

In 20 years China will be able to match the US in both size and technology.
So come 2032 people of the earth will look up to China to defend earth from alien invaders. Can't wait.;)

Why else do you think we have anti-satellite missiles? :azn:

---------- Post added at 07:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:38 PM ----------

Make that 40. Its a little more realistic

From the pace of the current PLAAF development, 20 years will be the equilibrium point.

In 40 years India will catch up with China.
We don't need parity with the US in all military fields.

Only need PLAAF and 2nd artillery parity.

The rest is up to economy.

With nukes, a strong ground force, a strong space force and a strong air force, your nation can't be militarily conquered. Think of the USSR. Instead, you can only lose due to economic destabilization, internal traitors and propaganda.
Come on people.....why do you find it so hard to accept the truth. The Chinese armed forces are amongst the best in the world and their army can defeat the US army hands down. In fact they haven't faced defeat at the hands of anyone in the recent past. Oh..........anyone except the chaps from the small island towards their East, it seems they.........What was that word the Chinese use ??? ................ Ah yes..."raped" them. But let's not judge the Chinese based on their performance in that insignificant little war. I would rather look at their border skirmishes, suppression of student protests and proxy wars. Go China!!! :china:
Come on people.....why do you find it so hard to accept the truth. The Chinese armed forces are amongst the best in the world and their army can defeat the US army hands down. In fact they haven't faced defeat at the hands of anyone in the recent past. Oh..........anyone except the chaps from the small island towards their East, it seems they.........What was that word the Chinese use ??? ................ Ah yes..."raped" them. But let's not judge the Chinese based on their performance in that insignificant little war. I would rather look at their border skirmishes, suppression of student protests and proxy wars. Go China!!! :china:

Pathetic Indian Troll.
Come on people.....why do you find it so hard to accept the truth. The Chinese armed forces are amongst the best in the world and their army can defeat the US army hands down. In fact they haven't faced defeat at the hands of anyone in the recent past. Oh..........anyone except the chaps from the small island towards their East, it seems they.........What was that word the Chinese use ??? ................ Ah yes..."raped" them. But let's not judge the Chinese based on their performance in that insignificant little war. I would rather look at their border skirmishes, suppression of student protests and proxy wars. Go China!!! :china:

And even a military like that defeated the mighty Indian Army in 1962. :)
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