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PLA would lose 40% of its fleet to sink a US carrier

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Actually, anyone can take on US military anytime, just that the result would be, YOU WILL BE CRUSHED

We crushed the US military in the Korean War and the Vietnam war.
Not only did we crush the US military, we utterly humiliated those worthless animals and stopped their dignity.
Why? Because we are Han Chinese!

The only crushing the US military can do is against defenceless 3rd world countries that can't fight back.
Nobody is asking you to buy anything, you can try if you want, and les's see who hurt more, comprede?

Just so you know, the irony is

If China and US were ever at wAr, it will be the Chinese who financing the US behind, seeing that we borrow every time from China to go to war, thank you China

We can cut off the US economy and dollar at an instance. The fate of the Yankee economy is in the hands of president Xi. If he tells to crush the Yankee economy and send them back economically to the Stone Age we have the power.

Without our money the US would have collapsed like the Soviet Union.

We control the destiny of the US. Without us there is no American superpower :lol:
Does anyone here have an idea how much havoc a couple of "Growlers", flying off from the deck of USN carrier, can create.

Taking on a USN CBG in open seas is a big ask. A USN CBG is a tool of US foreign policy, attacking it means you are attacking the US foreign policy and in turn attacking the US of A itself. Technologically, US is one of those countries that has never stagnated even when they are at their at prime as a World power and they are the ones who set the RoE in a battle. Even China is only trying to mimic the methodologies that were devised by none other than US itself. So here we are talking about playing this game with someone who has created the game itself. Id say even if the PLA-Navy able to sink one of the carriers what about after that? They have 11 of them. How is China going to resist when the rest of the 10 are going to bring in their full might. Does China has wherewithals to withstand the whole of the USN along with NATO allies?

you again proved that indians are in general not smart.

in your described situation, when a US carrier group is attacked by the Chinese, it only means one thing - a full scale war is ongoing already. and you talk about your foreign policy rubbish here? what a bloody huge load of joke.

you can't control your IQ, but you can keep your mouth shut to make less rubbish.
Sometimes some statements doesn't require a lot of Analysis. :lol: Taking a navy that has 11 nuclear powered A/C while the second nearest competitor only has 2 says how far and big US navy is. Moreover, they have the best tech, fighter jets, nuclear submarines, destroyers, missiles and satellites...I can go on and on

At least for now no one comes near them.


We are looking at modern warfare – it includes a whole myriad of variables viewed from a holistic vantage. It is not based on numbers .

The USSR was the 2nd largest nuclear + conventional superpower in the 20th century . It was "defeated" without a single shot .

Yeah, some Navy has 11 nuclear powered carriers .

Yet , it only takes at most 5 nuclear missile to sink all 11 carriers. . (Sure there will be consequences , but the fact remains they are sinkable. The opposition doesn’t even require a single carrier to do so. In this context , the opposition could even be India , or even Isreal ).

Now imagine a modern naval engagement with the following attributes :

US Dollar is dumped & no longer the reserve currency , interest rates rising,
massive unemployment , mass internal civil disorder , GPS & Communication satellites jammed/ shot down , etc etc.

I'm not sure if some Navy can even afford to sail out of port , let alone engage in conflict .

The outcome will not be so clear , even sans nuclear weapons .
(If in doubt , do study the "collapse" of the USSR ).

Note to self : By 2020, India will be the new Global Superpower and will be in a position to challenge the old Superpowers .:P
Actually, anyone can take on US military anytime, just that the result would be, YOU WILL BE CRUSHED

How were Vietcongs crushed? How was DPRK crushed? How are the Afghanistanis crushed? How are the militants of Somali crushed? How are the uprising Iraqis crushed? Taliban?

On civil terms:

How are the Cubans crushed? How was the People of Venezuela crushed? How are the Iranians crushed? How are the Presidents / PMs of Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia ...et al and others get crushed?

What is your answer drama queen?
you again proved that indians are in general not smart.

in your described situation, when a US carrier group is attacked by the Chinese, it only means one thing - a full scale war is ongoing already. and you talk about your foreign policy rubbish here? what a bloody huge load of joke.

you can't control your IQ, but you can keep your mouth shut to make less rubbish.

Instead of proving my IQ.. try to prove yours.

Try to read the Article and whats being discussed here. I believe, the title of the article says "PLA would lose 40% of its fleet to sink a US carrier". So Mr. Smart Peaceful please try to explain to me how are you going to sink a carrier without "attacking" it. Whether you attack first or the US is irrespective.

And yes those carriers are sign of US power. They are more a tool of implementing their foreign policy and you wouldn't want to challenge it, till you don't want to be enemy with the western world who are the source of your bread and butter.

Other than that, try to read what i have written there instead of just increasing your post count by quoting me.
Umm, you single handedly denial the biggest gang on earth? - the Russian mafia?

What's that red *** on your forehead?

There was no Russian mafia before collapse of the USSR.
How were Vietcongs crushed? How was DPRK crushed? How are the Afghanistanis crushed? How are the militants of Somali crushed? How are the uprising Iraqis crushed? Taliban?

On civil terms:

How are the Cubans crushed? How was the People of Venezuela crushed? How are the Iranians crushed? How are the Presidents / PMs of Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia ...et al and others get crushed?

What is your answer drama queen?

Vietcong - how about we killed around 800k-1 million Vietcong/nva with 58 k us dead?, and I need to hand it to you Chinese member, you guys get your butt I I out of Vietnam in 1969"8 and you guys keep compare china and us via Vietnam at, fgs, the war was 't even half over when you guys got kick out
North Korea - how about changing the number from 800k to 350k NK dead and 150k PVA dad and from 58k US dead to 34k, plus South Korea is still here

Somalia - How about 1000 militia dead with 2 tier 1 suspect capture and killed the leader of Somalia militia Mo-Farar Adid with 18 US killed?

Iraq - how about Saddam Hussein dead and Iraq have established a pro-American government and countless of insurgent dead for 3000 American dead?

Afghanistan - well how about the same thing with Iraq and instead of Saddam, replace him by OBL and replace 3000 American dead to 1600?

Cuba - how about our navy the giant middle ginger to the Cuban, The Gitmo base in Cuba? If they weren't crush, how do we have a naval vase in Cuba? A gift from Castro? For some cigar?

Venezuela, Bolivia - dies not **** off America with his armed force yet, infact Bolivia owe its independence by Che's revolution to US government

Got any more? Marisol
Vietcong - how about we killed around 800k-1 million Vietcong/nva with 58 k us dead?, and I need to hand it to you Chinese member, you guys get your butt I I out of Vietnam in 1969"8 and you guys keep compare china and us via Vietnam at, fgs, the war was 't even half over when you guys got kick out
North Korea - how about changing the number from 800k to 350k NK dead and 150k PVA dad and from 58k US dead to 34k, plus South Korea is still here

Somalia - How about 1000 militia dead with 2 tier 1 suspect capture and killed the leader of Somalia militia Mo-Farar Adid with 18 US killed?

Iraq - how about Saddam Hussein dead and Iraq have established a pro-American government and countless of insurgent dead for 3000 American dead?

Afghanistan - well how about the same thing with Iraq and instead of Saddam, replace him by OBL and replace 3000 American dead to 1600?

Cuba - how about our navy the giant middle ginger to the Cuban, The Gitmo base in Cuba? If they weren't crush, how do we have a naval vase in Cuba? A gift from Castro? For some cigar?

Venezuela, Bolivia - dies not **** off America with his armed force yet, infact Bolivia owe its independence by Che's revolution to US government

Got any more? Marisol

all the the countries/people stay intact today and well into the future. You said "crushed" how are they crushed when they are getting on their feet back up and thriving again, drama queen!
China's ships would sink so fast they would defy physics. A lot of the speculation on this thread assumes the U.S. just sits there and doesn't fire back.:omghaha:

American ships so invincible that any missiles will simply turn to dust...

A lot of the speculation in the minds of an ignorant, arrogant, low IQ American assumes that their "mighty super duper power" navy will defeat China in a second.
And Japan CRUSHED China. Can you say 'Nanking' ? Yeah, I thought you could.

You are a full on idiot. Japan didn't even f*cking occupy all of China. Only the coast.

Also, Kuomintang and Communist Party survived.

No country can take on US militarily for at least next 30 years.

Typical cheerleading Indian. Looks like New Delhi is cheerleading capital of the world.

If America sends a division of marines to Shanghai, the streets would be littered with dead Americans.

Please, study the guerrilla warfare, used by the North Vietnamese during the Vietnam War.
Experts warn of an accidental atomic war / Nuclear missile modified for conventional attack on Iran could set off alarm in Russia - SFGate
Heres something Putin from Russia said,

Russian President Vladimir Putin warned that the project would increase the danger of accidental nuclear war.

2006-10-06 04:00:00 PDT Washington -- A Pentagon project to modify its deadliest nuclear missile for use as a conventional weapon against targets such as North Korea and Iran could unwittingly spark an atomic war, two weapons experts warned Thursday.

Russian military officers might misconstrue a submarine-launched conventional D5 intercontinental ballistic missile and conclude that Russia is under nuclear attack, said Ted Postol, a physicist and professor of science, technology and national security policy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Pavel Podvig, a physicist and weapons specialist at Stanford.

"Any launch of a long-range nonnuclear armed sea or land ballistic missile will cause an automated alert of the Russian early warning system," Postol told reporters.

The triggering of an alert wouldn't necessarily precipitate a retaliatory hail of Russian nuclear missiles, Postol said. Nevertheless, he said, "there can be no doubt that such an alert will greatly increase the chances of a nuclear accident involving strategic nuclear forces."

"The media and expert circles are already discussing plans to use intercontinental ballistic missiles to carry nonnuclear warheads," he said in May. "The launch of such a missile could ... provoke a full-scale counterattack using strategic nuclear forces."

Accidental nuclear war is not so far-fetched. In 1995, Russia initially interpreted the launch of a Norwegian scientific rocket as the onset of a U.S. nuclear attack. Then-President Boris Yeltsin activated his "nuclear briefcase" in the first stages of preparation to launch a retaliatory strike before the mistake was discovered.

The United States and Russia have acknowledged the possibility that Russia's equipment might mistakenly conclude the United States was attacking with nuclear missiles.
There is currently none declared ICBM with conventional warhead exist in the world. A launched ICBM would have a very high/absolute chance of being considered as nuclear.

Mr. Putin argue that putting a conventional warhead on an ICBM and launching it would increase the risk of nuclear war, that such a decision is unwise.

DF-21D is not an ICBM and is declared to be conventional.

If God forbid, hostility break out between US and China, and US carrier is involved in attack against China, and China launch a few DF-21D towards US carrier without launching ICBM.

Would US immediately made the decision to go nuclear?

What would be the rationale?

If China decided to do nuclear first strike against US, would China launch a first strike against a US carrier, without strike against US soils at the same time? China would nuclear strike a US carrier, and then wait for US nuclear retaliation? Till then China would retaliate against US retaliation? First strike is suppose to take out as much as possible your opponent counter strike capabilities, I do not think carrier feature high up in that list.

If China decided to do nuclear first strike against US, it is unreasonable for China to launch a nuclear first strike against a US carrier ONLY. Because once it hit, there would be absolutely no doubt that US would retaliate, most probably with full strike.

Therefore it could be reasonable that US would not mistaken a Chinese launch conventional DF-21D against US carrier as nuclear and retaliate with nuclear, unless the American has a death wish.
There was no Russian mafia before collapse of the USSR.

Again, wikipedia disagree with you

Organized crime in Russia began in its imperial period of Tsars, but it was not until the Soviet era that vory v zakone ("thieves-in-law") emerged as leaders of prison groups in gulags (Soviet prison labor camps), and their honor code became more defined. After World War II, the death of Joseph Stalin, and the fall of the Soviet Union, more gangs emerged in a flourishing black market, exploiting the unstable governments of the former Republics, and at its highest point, even controlling as much as two-thirds of the Russian economy.

Russian mafia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

all the the countries/people stay intact today and well into the future. You said "crushed" how are they crushed when they are getting on their feet back up and thriving again, drama queen!

Lol, you think you can do better, again, nobody is stopping you for trying, you can try and sink our carrier, see how far China can go lol

Otherwise, if this is just talk, then you can dress it up however you want, but since you are not going to do it, why bother?

Talk is easy, talk is cheap, you can say you can sink our whole fleet with your booger, there are no way to proof, or disproof unless you could put your talk into action. Until that day come and you indeed try to pick up a gun and stand a post, then we are on the same level, otherwise, ADIOS
Criminality was. Russian mafia - it's emmigrants involved in gang violence abroad. We do not call our thugs and thieves "Russian mafia." And nobody call them "Russian mafia" abroad before the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Lol of course you don't call Russia mafia in Russia, that is the same as nobody will call Chinese food in China, they will simply called food...

That was the same people, you just call them something else
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