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PLA suddenly mobilizes armored divisions on Viet border for exercise

But what about the story of "China-the Cake of Kings ... and Emperors"

Same as Vietnam, China is also a victim of imperialism, but instead of fighting against it like Vietnam did do, the Chinese people accept it and wait for it itself to dissolve or expiry of the contract.


"China -- the cake of kings and... of emperors" (a French pun on king cake and kings and emperors wishing to "consume" China). French political cartoon from 1898. A pastry represents "Chine" (French for China) and is being divided between caricatures of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom, William II of Germany (who is squabbling with Queen Victoria over a borderland piece, whilst thrusting a knife into the pie to signify aggressive German intentions), Nicholas II of Russia, who is eyeing a particular piece, the French Marianne (who is diplomatically shown as not participating in the carving, and is depicted as close to Nicholas II, as a reminder of the Franco-Russian Alliance), and the Meiji Emperor of Japan, carefully contemplating which pieces to take. A stereotypical Qing official throws up his hands to try and stop them, but is powerless. It is meant to be a figurative representation of the Imperialist tendencies of these nations towards China during the decade.

Instead of copy past the text description of the french political cartoon, why don't you fully read the boxer rebellion? Boxer Rebellion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If you don't want people to talk bullsh!t about your country's history then you should also do the same by reading the history of the boxer rebellion. I know it's a very long piece but if you read everything of it you will see that many Chinese people did fought against the allied forces and weren't cowards like you mentioned before. You compare China being a coward whereas Vietnam fought bravely against the French troops and later with the help from Russia and China against the Americans. In other words 8 powerful nations vs China is equal to Vietnam versus France or Vietnam versus USA with Chinese and Russian assistance? I find it funny you would even compare China with Vietnam's case, try to imagine if Vietcongs would stand a chance against 8 countries then we can discuss further. Only 1 France was needed to fully occupy your country then the Japanese took it over.

Vietnam was a colony is historical fact but no history books would claim China was a colony to a particular country.

In the Reparations paragraph of the boxer rebellion wiki article:
The Qing dynasty was by no means defeated when the Allies took control of Beijing, forcing the Allies to temper their demands, conceding that China would not have to give up any territory. Many of the Dowager Empress's advisers insisted that the war be carried on, arguing that China could have defeated the foreigners since it was disloyal and traitorous people within China who allowed Beijing and Tianjin to be captured by the Allies, and the interior of China was impenetrable. They also recommended that Dong Fuxiang continue fighting. The Dowager was practical, however, and decided that the terms were generous enough for her to acquiesce when she was assured of her continued reign after the war.[82]

On 7 September 1901, the Qing court agreed to sign the "Boxer Protocol" also known as Peace Agreement between the Eight-Nation Alliance and China.
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