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PLA suddenly mobilizes armored divisions on Viet border for exercise

Makers of Maginot Line also thought the same - impregnability of their defensive line.

Well, the German tanks bypassed the Maginot Line and attacked the French from undefended flank. If China wants to lauch attacks from the West, you must send tanks to Laos and Cambodia!
Before referring Chinese as slaves i suggest you read some real history books about your country being colonized by 3 countries in the past Between 400,000 and 2 million people are estimated to have starved to death during the famine in 1945 thanks to the French and Japanese. Hong Kong was ruled by British is a fact but Chinese weren't the slaves to the British as China was never a British colony. You compare a Chinese city ruled by a foreign country with your own country being ruled by foreign powers? Also people in Hong Kong didn't starve to death under British rule. Everyone would laugh at you with these facts. If you don't want to be ridiculed like this i suggest you not to mention Chinese being slaves to the British again or you will only be reminded of these painful facts.
Before referring Chinese as slaves i suggest you read some real history books about your country being colonized by 3 countries in the past Between 400,000 and 2 million people are estimated to have starved to death during the famine in 1945 thanks to the French and Japanese. Hong Kong was ruled by British is a fact but Chinese weren't the slaves to the British as China was never a British colony. You compare a Chinese city ruled by a foreign country with your own country being ruled by foreign powers? Also people in Hong Kong didn't starve to death under British rule. Everyone would laugh at you with these facts. If you don't want to be ridiculed like this i suggest you not to mention Chinese being slaves to the British again or you will only be reminded of these painful facts.

He he funny argument of you.
History books said China was controlled by Mongolian, Manchus, Japanese and Britains.
Base on your logic people in Hong Kong didn't starve to death under British rule, it means, is better than millions of Chinese starved by famine in time of Culture Revolution under rule of Mao and CCP.:rofl:
I see you are switching to twisting words now, a habit you people show all the time. No wonder other members here state the same about you guys. From talking about Chinese being British slaves you change the subject to China being controlled by Mongolian, Manchus, Japanese and Britain. I don't remember history books writting anything about China being controlled by Japanese and the British. Only that China agreed that Hong Kong would be under British rule till 1997. As for Japan they only turned a region into a puppet state for a short time. The same can't be said about Vietnam where France and Japan took full control of your whole country. When the French and the Japanese were controlling Vietnam your people were literally slaves to them. All the food went to them and as a result many of your countrymen had to starve to death as they weren't allowed to eat.

Based on my logic Hong Kong people were better than people in mainland China during the Cultural Revolution where they were starving to death during that time? That logic is something you created not me and if you don't know history i suggest you to do some research if your IQ allows you that is. Because during the Cultural Revolution there was no famine so how can millions of people starve? Vietnamese slaves had to give up their food to feed the French and Japanese troops on the other hand. The Great Chinese Famine was between 1958 and 1961. The Cultural Revolution was between 1966 and 1976.

You have the habit to change subject, twist words, tell lies and claiming people using logic all made up by yourself whenever you are losing the argument. Something i have noticed from your debates. Because of that you are ridiculing yourself, you are quite pathetic resorting to these behaviors. The other Vietnamese members at least act better compared to you.
A very unprofessional and stupid comment.

Chinese capability against Vietnam is overwhelming indeed.

Jingoism can be used intelligently - alas, for make believing Indians intelligence is a rare commodity.

Hez talking thru his experience bro..Indo Pak wars..65 years 4 wars n no victory for India...they are large in number n still suc dik
I think incident like these will provide perfect oppotunity of U.S to draw Vietnam closer......and their nothing more dangerous for china then U.S sitting across the border...
I see you are switching to twisting words now, a habit you people show all the time. No wonder other members here state the same about you guys. From talking about Chinese being British slaves you change the subject to China being controlled by Mongolian, Manchus, Japanese and Britain. I don't remember history books writting anything about China being controlled by Japanese and the British. Only that China agreed that Hong Kong would be under British rule till 1997. As for Japan they only turned a region into a puppet state for a short time. The same can't be said about Vietnam where France and Japan took full control of your whole country. When the French and the Japanese were controlling Vietnam your people were literally slaves to them. All the food went to them and as a result many of your countrymen had to starve to death as they weren't allowed to eat.

Based on my logic Hong Kong people were better than people in mainland China during the Cultural Revolution where they were starving to death during that time? That logic is something you created not me and if you don't know history i suggest you to do some research if your IQ allows you that is. Because during the Cultural Revolution there was no famine so how can millions of people starve? Vietnamese slaves had to give up their food to feed the French and Japanese troops on the other hand. The Great Chinese Famine was between 1958 and 1961. The Cultural Revolution was between 1966 and 1976.

You have the habit to change subject, twist words, tell lies and claiming people using logic all made up by yourself whenever you are losing the argument. Something i have noticed from your debates. Because of that you are ridiculing yourself, you are quite pathetic resorting to these behaviors. The other Vietnamese members at least act better compared to you.

You are funny boy.:rofl:
Mate war is not won with number of soldiers and chinese made junk toys without guarantee.. Viets have better understanding of geographical area. Because of this even Americans lost war against Vietnam.

How do you explain Chinese junk toys guaranteed 1962 victory?

Didn't you guess Indians had better understanding of geographical area in 1962?

Before referring Chinese as slaves i suggest you read some real history books about your country being colonized by 3 countries in the past Between 400,000 and 2 million people are estimated to have starved to death during the famine in 1945 thanks to the French and Japanese. Hong Kong was ruled by British is a fact but Chinese weren't the slaves to the British as China was never a British colony. You compare a Chinese city ruled by a foreign country with your own country being ruled by foreign powers? Also people in Hong Kong didn't starve to death under British rule. Everyone would laugh at you with these facts. If you don't want to be ridiculed like this i suggest you not to mention Chinese being slaves to the British again or you will only be reminded of these painful facts.

I see you are switching to twisting words now, a habit you people show all the time. No wonder other members here state the same about you guys. From talking about Chinese being British slaves you change the subject to China being controlled by Mongolian, Manchus, Japanese and Britain. I don't remember history books writting anything about China being controlled by Japanese and the British. Only that China agreed that Hong Kong would be under British rule till 1997. As for Japan they only turned a region into a puppet state for a short time. The same can't be said about Vietnam where France and Japan took full control of your whole country. When the French and the Japanese were controlling Vietnam your people were literally slaves to them. All the food went to them and as a result many of your countrymen had to starve to death as they weren't allowed to eat.

Based on my logic Hong Kong people were better than people in mainland China during the Cultural Revolution where they were starving to death during that time? That logic is something you created not me and if you don't know history i suggest you to do some research if your IQ allows you that is. Because during the Cultural Revolution there was no famine so how can millions of people starve? Vietnamese slaves had to give up their food to feed the French and Japanese troops on the other hand. The Great Chinese Famine was between 1958 and 1961. The Cultural Revolution was between 1966 and 1976.

You have the habit to change subject, twist words, tell lies and claiming people using logic all made up by yourself whenever you are losing the argument. Something i have noticed from your debates. Because of that you are ridiculing yourself, you are quite pathetic resorting to these behaviors. The other Vietnamese members at least act better compared to you.

But what about the story of "China-the Cake of Kings ... and Emperors"

Same as Vietnam, China is also a victim of imperialism, but instead of fighting against it like Vietnam did do, the Chinese people accept it and wait for it itself to dissolve or expiry of the contract.


"China -- the cake of kings and... of emperors" (a French pun on king cake and kings and emperors wishing to "consume" China). French political cartoon from 1898. A pastry represents "Chine" (French for China) and is being divided between caricatures of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom, William II of Germany (who is squabbling with Queen Victoria over a borderland piece, whilst thrusting a knife into the pie to signify aggressive German intentions), Nicholas II of Russia, who is eyeing a particular piece, the French Marianne (who is diplomatically shown as not participating in the carving, and is depicted as close to Nicholas II, as a reminder of the Franco-Russian Alliance), and the Meiji Emperor of Japan, carefully contemplating which pieces to take. A stereotypical Qing official throws up his hands to try and stop them, but is powerless. It is meant to be a figurative representation of the Imperialist tendencies of these nations towards China during the decade.
What do you think about the sovereignty of country like China, when Hongkong was controlled by Britain until 1997 and what is ridicules here ?

At the least China, prior 1997, knew she wasn't strong enough for the mighty power of the west. Unlike your country who thinks he's David and can take on all the Goliaths of the world. :azn:
At the least China, prior 1997, knew she wasn't strong enough for the mighty power of the west. Unlike your country who thinks he's David and can take on all the Goliaths of the world. :azn:

I don't think so. Vietnam is tiny country, but in the past we have been facing with big, powerful enemies. It's truth.
Hez talking thru his experience bro..Indo Pak wars..65 years 4 wars n no victory for India...they are large in number n still suc dik
Are you showing your frustration or you are prooving your chinese masters that you are worthy servant. The comment comes from a citizen whose country lost half of its part in a war(1971) with India and whose 93000 soldiers surrendered against Indian forces making it largest defeat in mankind history. Not to mention war of 65, 99 etc

How do you explain Chinese junk toys guaranteed 1962 victory?

Didn't you guess Indians had better understanding of geographical area in 1962?

That was an act of backstabbing, our civilization never considered Chinese to be an enemy nation until 1962.
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