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PLA rehearsing India attack

When has this assault begun? Is this true or just a joke?
The arunchal pradesh member mazeto said that PLA killed some indian army soldiers in a border clash this month. It is being hushed up in indian media.

1. Although India is no patch on China, the West and internal rabid political leaders might cause India to provoke China to an extent that China would need to invade India to sort out this irritation at her belly - which is no more a soft belly. Obviously China would be tie-ing up with her allies in SA located within India and nations like Nepal, BD, Indonesia, SL, Pakistan and possibly Iran.

2. Once a serious and major Sino-India war starts, unhappy peoples within India would rise to declare their independence from the Brahmonic kleptomaniac rulers of Delhi. It would not be incorrect to assume that the Chinese would have tied up an internal flare-up preparatory to an attack.

3. It is doubtful if there would be any need of massive bombings or nuclear attack by China. India would disintegrate at the very news of a Chinese advance. India's neighbors would move in to correct the mischief left behind by the British colonials.

a. Indonesia would either occupy Andaman-Nicaobar herself or allow BD to claim this.
b. BD would try and re-establish the sovereign state it had lost to the English on 23 June 1757.
c. NE would either become independent states or confederate with BD for economic and logistic advantage.
d. China would correct the British mischief left behind in the shape of the McMohan Line. The Arunachal people will rejoin their original Tibetan motherland and become Chinese citizens.
e. Nepal, for the first time, will be able to breathe free with the new BD allowing her free access to the Bay of Bengal.
f. The Sikhs, the Marhattas, Tamils and the Central Indian tribal/indigenous peoples will become free.
g. J&K will either join Pakistan or become free - out of free will.
h. SL will be able to make economic strides freely without Indian interference.

4. In short the Republic of India, which is nothing but the continued presence of the Imperialists in Asia, will cease to exist marking the true end of the Colonial hold over SA.

5. Welcome China! Deliver us from this mad beast drunk with power that she does not posses.
I agree with everything you said except I think Sikh will not choose independence. They are very loyal to the republic of india. They will probably go down with the ship.
The arunchal pradesh member mazeto said that PLA killed some indian army soldiers in a border clash this month. It is being hushed up in indian media.

We have a corrupt government as well. It is only a matter of time before they are overthrown. Enjoy all that while you can.

I agree with everything you said except I think Sikh will not choose independence. They are very loyal to the republic of india. They will probably go down with the ship.

Attempting to plug the holes in your boat by distracting your mutineers eh? Nice. :coffee:
We have a corrupt government as well. It is only a matter of time before they are overthrown. Enjoy all that while you can.

Attempting to plug the holes in your boat by distracting your mutineers eh? Nice. :coffee:
So, you know about this too! Tell us more. How many indians died? Did PLA fire artillery, cruise missiles or air strikes against indian army positions? Did you see WZ-10 attack helicopter attacking indian army?
That was just a skirmish. seriously you guys should stop this warmongering. You are not the one who would go and die at the borders.

BTW, that would be a nice addition to command and conquer :P

i can suggest a few more mods. how about China and NK sending millions of troops marching down upto the capitol and the famous % starred flag flying high over Big Ben. Sure as hell, that'd be nice. waiting for these ideas (yours and mine) to be incorporated in the next edition. :)

---------- Post added at 12:11 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:09 AM ----------

and mazeto, i heard the firing lasted for about one hour and it was the ITBP. a few years back, Chinese troops attacked and killed some ITBP jawans who were on a patrolling duty.

Yes, I can imagine it now.

Have you played Command and Conquer Red Alert 2? But this time instead of the Soviet Union invading USA and destroying the statue of Liberty, China will rush into India, paratroop Chinese soldiers in Uttar Pradesh, Chinese submarines will be launching missiles to a target in Tirichipalli, Tamil Nadu, and in New Delhi, I can imagine Chinese soldiers removing the Indian flag with the "Five Star" flag at the Red Fort. :lol:

And the skies will be red with Chinese J-20s. That would be a very interesting video game! :lol:
Don't worry, india, it's all a great hoax. Just relax and enjoy your bollywood movies.
Don't worry, india, it's all a great hoax.

yes indeed. All that are the wishes of fanboys. You think China would face no resistance and there would be no loses to China?
China is no USA and India is no Iraq.
I agree with everything you said except I think Sikh will not choose independence. They are very loyal to the republic of india. They will probably go down with the ship.

Thank you.
1.In fact the Rajputs and the Sikhs-Punjabis will struggle for the control of Delhi. In pre-Muslim period the Rajputs had the control of Delhi most of the time. The Mughals had befriended the Rajputs by marrying into their royal houses, etc. Of all the Indian races the Rajputs get along with the Muslims best. They have martial tradition, are outgoing, adventurous, truthful and honorable.

2. Punjabi/Gurmukhi is one of the state languages of Delhi. Some decades back Delhi's culture was dominated by the Muslim Oudhs. Now it has more or less been taken over by the Punjabis.
yes indeed. All that are the wishes of fanboys. You think China would face no resistance and there would be no loses to China?
China is no USA and India is no Iraq.

Your words have betrayed your expression, something tells me you don't believe what you're saying.
Your words have betrayed your expression, something tells me you don't believe what you're saying.

Tell me how?

I concur that India is no match for China, but attacking India as described in this thread is nothing short of fantasy. China would face tough opposition and a lot many Chinese would lose their lives. Chinese cities will also be hit by Indian missiles.
Tell me how?

I concur that India is no match for China, but attacking India as described in this thread is nothing short of fantasy. China would face tough opposition and a lot many Chinese would lose their lives. Chinese cities will also be hit by Indian missiles.

When you say that the Chinese will face resistance you admit that the possibility of a conflict is real, it is not a fantasy of a 'fanboy'. As for retaliation, I really doubt that the indian politicians or the generals have the balls to do it.
When you say that the Chinese will face resistance you admit that the possibility of a conflict is real, it is not a fantasy of a 'fanboy'. As for retaliation, I really doubt that the indian politicians or the generals have the balls to do it.

Yes, there is always an possibility. what i called a fanboy fantasy is their assumption that the Chinese would just walk into New Delhi.
Well, u dont knw Indians, do you? When it comes to survival even the weakest would fight.
In any case of Chinese attack, maybe India would be wiped off the face of earth. But "we'll not go down without a fight".

the no-first use policy can always be revised in case of such scenario and when China nukes India in retaliation, the fall-out would be disastrous for BD as well.

It's no good warmongering. the leaders of China and India know it pretty well. Going to a war against a nuclear armed nation is very risky. China would not want to effect it's dreams of becoming the global superpower of USA's standing. India is, but, just an irritant to China at present.

i very much believe that the Indo-China peacetreaty would be revised next year.

as for warmongering, internet forums are boring without them. So....um.....go on :P
Yes, there is always an possibility. what i called a fanboy fantasy is their assumption that the Chinese would just walk into New Delhi.
Well, u dont knw Indians, do you? When it comes to survival even the weakest would fight.
In any case of Chinese attack, maybe India would be wiped off the face of earth. But "we'll not go down without a fight".

the no-first use policy can always be revised in case of such scenario and when China nukes India in retaliation, the fall-out would be disastrous for BD as well.

It's no good warmongering. the leaders of China and India know it pretty well. Going to a war against a nuclear armed nation is very risky. China would not want to effect it's dreams of becoming the global superpower of USA's standing. India is, but, just an irritant to China at present.

i very much believe that the Indo-China peacetreaty would be revised next year.

as for warmongering, internet forums are boring without them. So....um.....go on :P

That's very good spirit. However,the reality is that no invader had found it difficult to conquer India. In case of Alexander it was reports of our, the then Bengal's, might that had frightened his army which had already become demoralized and homesick.
That's very good spirit. However,the reality is that no invader had found it difficult to conquer India. In case of Alexander it was reports of our, the then Bengal's, might that had frightened his army which had already become demoralized and homesick.
Wonder then why you guys were kicked by the Britishers & the Pakistani Army.

India was easy to conquer when we were divided.When united we defeated the Hunas,Bactrian & central Asian tribes.We also conquered parts of South East Asia.
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