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PLA preparedness and Chinese Intelligentsia Views on the India-China Standoff


Sep 26, 2018
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United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Going through Chinese media today ,i have compiled some views of the Chinese intellectuals regarding India and the preparedness of the PLA in case the LAC heats up.
First views are from the Editor-in-chief of the Global Times .

Another prominent media person.

A veiled threat to India.

PLA frontier soldiers receiving supplies and rations via drones.

PLA Preparations and deployments

Recent images of PLA patrols.
A photo released by National Defense Journal on Sina Weibo shows a group of PLA troops patrolling an area that looks like the #ChinaIndiaBorder region, and in the background, Chinese slogans on a cliff read: never to yield an inch of our beautiful rivers and mountains.

Today the Indo-Chinese FMs are holding talks to de escalate, if they fail ,in this winter many Indian soldiers will not come home as the Chinese are fully mobilized,deployed and ready to give them a bloody nose. :pakistan: :china:
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Don't underestimate the will and power of the Indian army or you'll be sent back with more than a bloody nose. We did so in 1967 and we're not hesitant in repeating that.
Don't underestimate the will and power of the Indian army or you'll be sent back with more than a bloody nose. We did so in 1967 and we're not hesitant in repeating that.
You mean the battle where you guys edited the Wikipedia page to inflate Chinese killed supposedly from 8 to over 400 without a single photo as backup? Meanwhile, the Chinese have a photo of escorting captured Indian soldiers carrying their dead back under gunpoint :enjoy: .
Your post is a perfect example of mass brain washing, reminiscent of what the Nazis did to their Populace.
The difference is the Indian military is not even 1% as competent as the German military of WWII, which thank goodness is the case otherwise who would know what India would do to all its neighbors.
You mean the battle where you guys edited the Wikipedia page to inflate Chinese killed supposedly from 8 to over 400 without a single photo as backup? Meanwhile, the Chinese have a photo of escorting captured Indian soldiers carrying their dead back under gunpoint :enjoy: .

The difference is the Indian military is not even 1% as competent as the German military of WWII, which thank goodness is the case otherwise who would know what India would do to all its neighbors.
It doesn't matter what you guys choose to believe to help your narrative, we know the truth and competency of our army.
And Lol not 1% as competent and still we won all the major wars against you and took away half of your land. With that logic your army must be the lowest of the lot. Give respect where it's due or you'll get none in return!

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