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PLA Navy patrols Bashi Channel between Taiwan and Philippines

China is pretty obvious in this matter trying to twist facts and change the true issue.

The nine-dash cr@p line has never been clarified by China. No coordinates were even sent to the UN to clarify which features China claims. See the map above that's a clear indication of being greed. How can you say that such territory is China?

Chinese are tired of making fake items, now they are making fake stories and even making fake historical accounts. LMAO!

What a moron you have not gotten the Coast Guard's side of the story, so your 'investigation' is one sided, flawed and biased.

It does not tell the whole story. No one denies that shots were fired. Taiwan's President inflamed the situation by calling it cold-blooded murder without first getting all the facts. Also, Taiwan insists it happened inside Taiwan's EEZ when the truth is Taiwan does not even have an EEZ - it is not a member of the UN.


1. you denied the shooting at the beginning:

Philippine Navy denies involvement in Taiwan fisherman's shooting

Philippine Navy denies Taiwan shooting

2. you refused to apologize

Philippines refuses to apologise as fisherman's body returns to Taiwan

why do you reject a joint investigation if you have nothing to hide?

all along your government has been shady:

Where is the evidence of "ramming" by the fishermen's boat as you have claimed all along the incident?

Your PCGs saw no one was on deck and you kept shooting at below deck and cabin areas = acts of brutality and reckless disregard of human lives

Aquino who represents the Philippines has refused to apologize. That is a show of insincerity. I dont think the Taiwanese People should accept an envoy level letter of apology

Again where is the vid which is an important evidence for the investigation?
Philippines is just a fail country. as taiwan 名嘴 called it, a 三流國家

And your nation is failure of humanity so tell me how many need to die to preserve mao power i mga gago pala kayo eh! palibhasa hindi kayo tao
The UNCLOS provides, among others, that the EEZ of a sovereign country covers the 200-nautical mile from the shoreline/baseline. Panatag (Scarborough) Shoal is within 137 miles from mainland Zambales and 1100 miles from Hainan. Worth mentioning also is the Mischief Reef which you stealthily annexed, which is just 130 miles from mainland Palawan.

I advise you to study the geography of SCS/WPS before you argue with us.

China's rejection of Manila's suggestion that both countries elevate their dispute in the SCS/WPS to the United Nations' International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) is an indication that you may not be able to validate your territorial claim. LMAO!

Reputable citation on China's historic rights

I have a reputable citation. You don't. You lose.

Anyway, I'm tired of arguing with you mindless Filipinos. You can't seem to understand simple logic.



Mar 15, 2013 – domestic law claims that notwithstanding UNCLOS, China still has other “historic rights” in the surrounding oceans.[16] But, if China were to ..."

1. you denied the shooting at the beginning:

Philippine Navy denies involvement in Taiwan fisherman's shooting

Philippine Navy denies Taiwan shooting

2. you refused to apologize

Philippines refuses to apologise as fisherman's body returns to Taiwan

why do you reject a joint investigation if you have nothing to hide?

all along your government has been shady:

Where is the evidence of "ramming" by the fishermen's boat as you have claimed all along the incident?

Your PCGs saw no one was on deck and you kept shooting at below deck and cabin areas = acts of brutality and reckless disregard of human lives

Aquino who represents the Philippines has refused to apologize. That is a show of insincerity. I dont think the Taiwanese People should accept an envoy level letter of apology

Again where is the vid which is an important evidence for the investigation?
PCG is not a PN. Get your facts straight loser!

These Taiwanese thief did not know he is in the Philippine waters and then he try to jam the Philippine coast guard...ow What a crying Taiwan.
Reputable citation on China's historic rights

I have a reputable citation. You don't. You lose.

Anyway, I'm tired of arguing with you mindless Filipinos. You can't seem to understand simple logic.



Mar 15, 2013 – domestic law claims that notwithstanding UNCLOS, China still has other “historic rights” in the surrounding oceans.[16] But, if China were to ..."
It is really hard to hear and face the ugly truth.

You Chinese talk about misinterpretation of the UNCLOS but you are very afraid to have the dispute settled under the UNCLOS. Afraid because your dirty linen will be known public? LMAO!
It is really hard to hear and face the ugly truth.*

You Chinese talk about misinterpretation of the UNCLOS but you are very afraid to have the dispute settled under the UNCLOS. Afraid because your dirty linen will be known public? LMAO!

Part of China since 1948

China already owned the sea territory inside the nine-dash line map for an undisputed 50 years. There is nothing to litigate. It's already Chinese territory.

1. you denied the shooting at the beginning:

Philippine Navy denies involvement in Taiwan fisherman's shooting

Philippine Navy denies Taiwan shooting

2. you refused to apologize

Philippines refuses to apologise as fisherman's body returns to Taiwan

why do you reject a joint investigation if you have nothing to hide?

all along your government has been shady:

Where is the evidence of "ramming" by the fishermen's boat as you have claimed all along the incident?

Your PCGs saw no one was on deck and you kept shooting at below deck and cabin areas = acts of brutality and reckless disregard of human lives

Aquino who represents the Philippines has refused to apologize. That is a show of insincerity. I dont think the Taiwanese People should accept an envoy level letter of apology

Again where is the vid which is an important evidence for the investigation?

One He did apologies the taewanese was just too arrogant to accept it.Beyond that no compensation yet because of the on going Investigation. This people can not accept they were caught fishing on our waters and try to ram our boat but got fired by the PCG for doing so! kids lesson to all don't ram Coast Guard Ships its not good in fact its stupid!

Fact it your black propaganda and demonizing my people is act of stupidity because majority of the Plant knows better well you love that i mean you have problems with the world because of your arrogance and Imperial Ambitions you love other people to take the heat for one well again people knows better.

Oh yes very civilized of them beating up Filipinos and Vietanmes wokers even killing them (one Vietnamese worker killed after being beaten up I hope its not true) all thanks to Matopacs political mileage and what the people who invented lying is calling my country a lair that funny! :rofl: You people lied to your own people you lied to the world so tell me who's the lair now? 1.3 billion lairs or 1 person under suspicion of lying?
PCG is not a PN. Get your facts straight loser!

then why didnt your departments get coordinated and knew who and when to STFU!

These Taiwanese thief did not know he is in the Philippine waters and then he try to jam the Philippine coast guard...ow What a crying Taiwan.

the waters is disputed. Murdering by high caliber machine guns on unarmed fisherman is a heinous crime!
Part of China since 1948

China already owned the sea territory inside the nine-dash line map for an undisputed 50 years. There is nothing to litigate. It's already Chinese territory.

Hahahaha and that's why china is nation of idiots and you believe this so that makes you a moron :rofl:
Reputable citation on China's historic rights

I have a reputable citation. You don't. You lose.

Anyway, I'm tired of arguing with you mindless Filipinos. You can't seem to understand simple logic.



Mar 15, 2013 – domestic law claims that notwithstanding UNCLOS, China still has other “historic rights” in the surrounding oceans.[16] But, if China were to ..."
You distorted your source.

CNAS did not concede to China's historic rights. Dutton only outlined all sides' arguments.

Here is the part you omitted...

However, China’s claim of “historical title” to such a vast expanse of waters may be viewed by the panel as so unreasonable in light of existing law that the panel may construe UNCLOS as preventing China from making the claim. Indeed, if China is allowed to make such a claim, could Spain and Portugal assert ownership of the world’s oceans based on their historic pasts? The Arbitral Panel may choose to shed some light on the legal limits of historical title claims.
then why didnt your departments get coordinated and knew who and when to STFU!

the waters is disputed. Murdering by high caliber machine guns on unarmed fisherman is a heinous crime!
Can you consider their actuation's proper coming over to insist an investigation without going to appropriate channel

It would be better for all parties to wait for the results of the investigation since Taiwan made their own.
You distorted your source.

CNAS did not concede to China's historic rights. Dutton only outlined all sides' arguments.

Here is the part you omitted...

Last time. UNCLOS cannot abrogate China's pre-existing maritime rights.

Go read the section on historic claims in UNCLOS.

Why can't you guys understand something so simple. UNCLOS clearly states it is not retroactive. If it were, China would never have signed and ratified it.

UNCLOS can never take pre-existing maritime territory away from China. Do you get it now?
One He did apologies the taewanese was just too arrogant to accept it.Beyond that no compensation yet because of the on going Investigation. This people can not accept they were caught fishing on our waters and try to ram our boat but got fired by the PCG for doing so! kids lesson to all don't ram Coast Guard Ships its not good in fact its stupid!

where is the pinoy president's signed and sealed letter of apology?

Fact it your black propaganda and demonizing my people is act of stupidity because majority of the Plant knows better well you love that i mean you have problems with the world because of your arrogance and Imperial Ambitions you love other people to take the heat for one well again people knows better.

where is the pinoy government's acceptance for a joint investigation is there is nothing for you to hide?

Oh yes very civilized of them beating up Filipinos and Vietanmes wokers even killing them (one Vietnamese worker killed after being beaten up I hope its not true) all thanks to Matopacs political mileage and what the people who invented lying is calling my country a lair that funny! :rofl: You people lied to your own people you lied to the world so tell me who's the lair now? 1.3 billion lairs or 1 person under suspicion of lying?

where is the "ramming" evidence?
where is the vid?

if there is nothing for you to hide where are all these crucial evidences claimed by your incapable and shady government?
Reputable citation on China's historic rights

I have a reputable citation. You don't. You lose.

Anyway, I'm tired of arguing with you mindless Filipinos. You can't seem to understand simple logic.



Mar 15, 2013 – domestic law claims that notwithstanding UNCLOS, China still has other “historic rights” in the surrounding oceans.[16] But, if China were to ..."

Its what Chinese domestic law is claiming, No reason for Philippines to adhere to it, you conveniently missed quoting the word "Chinese", and quoted it out of context, wonder why. :azn:

Allow me to quote the full paragraph,

China claims that it is allowed to assert broader maritime rights in the South China Sea than UNCLOS authorizes
because “UNCLOS plus,” that is, UNCLOS plus other factors such as history, legitimizes its sovereign rights to
the South China Sea.15 Indeed, China’s domestic law claims that notwithstanding UNCLOS, China still has other “historic rights” in the surrounding oceans.16 But, if China were to convincingly claim that the ninedashed line is based on some kind of “historic title,” then presumably the Arbitral Panel does not have jurisdiction to hear this issue because China exercised its right to exclude the matter from consideration.

However, China’s claim of “historical title” to such a vast expanse of waters may be viewed by the panel as so unreasonable in light of existing law that the panel may construe UNCLOS as preventing China from making the claim. Indeed, if China is allowed to make such a claim, could Spain and Portugal assert ownership of the world’s oceans based on their historic pasts? The Arbitral Panel may choose to shed some light on the legal limits of historical title claims.
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