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PLA launches attack on Indian Army and re-captures Rechin La

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The fun part is now over! It's now a damn serious business provided the IA is there to fight back. It takes two for a tango...
An unverified Twitter account ran by an absolute Nobody.:rofl::rofl:

0/100 for credibilty
Lol what is this? Since when are threads opened on the basis of a tweet from unverified accounts? and even then where does the tweet say that Reqin La has been captured by China?
An unverified Twitter account ran by an absolute Nobody.:rofl::rofl:

0/100 for credibilty
Brother, the Taiwanese Defense Ministry literally launched an attack on your people (just short of calling you guys about by name) for spreading the fake news that a Su-35 was shot down by Taiwan. And here you are calling someone you have not even the remotest idea about an absolutely nobody? You Indian trolls are absolutely senseless.
India is a terrorist harboring extremist Hindutva nation... China is doing the world community a favor by bringing down the nulear armed rouge nation to its knees... Free Kashmir!
Only a two pronged coordinated attack between China and Pakistan can free Kashmir. The Indians will never leave on their own will ... they are more than happy to raze Kashmir to the ground should an internal rebellion grow out of hand, just like what the Nazis did to Warsaw after the 1944 Uprising.
According to the source, PLA armored vehicles overran the Indian positions yesterday. An Indian Army soldier was hit by a PLA vehicle. The Indians retreated back to Chushul.
Any creadible source to verify this news? If not, I will lock it till the news is confirmed.

Lets not fall to the level of a party whose verified accounts are also famous for spreading fake news.

I will wait for another few minutes before locking.. unless someones gives me the reason not to lock.
Any creadible source to verify this news? If not, I will lock it till the news is confirmed.

Lets not fall to the level of a party whose verified accounts are also famous for spreading fake news.

I will wait for another few minutes before locking.. unless someones gives me the reason not to lock.
It's from a well known Weibo account. The details look accurate to me.

It's from a well known Weibo account. The details look accurate to me.

Bro, I have a feeling that this is true news. But its not about true and false at this moment. Lets wait for the confirmed news from official/ verified accounts.

If we don't stop this now, the other party has throusands of fake news spreading accounts and they will start spreading rumors on PDF.
Can I open a thread with a tweet that IA has invaded Beijing?
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