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PLA kicks off largest tactical military exercise - 50,000 troops!!!

a massacre is a massacre, i'm trying to understand the double standard and american's special self-tolerance about killing people——but it still looks like the pot calls the kettle black.
The Kent State killing, four victims, was a tragedy but it was done by incompetent National Guard troops. The difference between the US and China is that main line US military is forbidden by law to participate in any civil activities. The National Guard, on the other hand, is under the governor's jurisdiction and is very seldom used. What happened at Kent State was not about rebellion against the current government but about a specific policy. What happened at Tiananmen had the very real potential of overthrowing the government. There is no valid comparison.

obvioulsy your knowledge about tian'anmen is too limited to make you think that could be compared to your systematical genocide the native americans and merceless slavery of the black people.
Those shameful periods in US history have been addressed by the current generation and the election of a black to the US Presidency pretty much render this argument as 'beating a dead horse'.
Tradition is tradition. No kidding here. Although their initial names were made half a century ago, the new generation of recruits, equipments, and corresponding training of these divisions are exceptionally stricht all the way. The major generals who led these divisions are all elite of the infantry, to saveguard their historical honors.

The Coldstream Guards, Scots Greys, Fighting fifteen and Die-Hards made their names in battles up to 400 years ago but are still respected.
Mind you being brittish they tended to become famous for fighting bravley against overwhelming odds because they got lost, charged the wrong way or had an idiot for an officer ;)
Oh whether he is a black president or a decendent of a slave owner i don't care it is your americans' business. but it does look like he does not have pretty much right to judge a stupid white cop.

As it is the same thing about whether the killers are called Army or national guard, it is just different names and you can't change the truth that your national guard or national killers are right now slaughtering poor iraqi on the streets of bagdad.

And what happened on the other side of the earth as well as whether the cpc authority is a good one or a bad @ss has nothing to do with you. It is not your turn to blame cpc's wrong before millions of people. No one likes your self arrogance and please do save your crocodile tears.
Oh whether he is a black president or a decendent of a slave owner i don't care it is your americans' business. but it does look like he does not have pretty much right to judge a stupid white cop.
Obama DID criticize officer Crowley so therefore he did have his 'right'. When all the facts came out, officer Crowley did nothing wrong. So when Obama was criticized for jumping to conclusion without waiting for the facts, that mean other people were also within their 'rights' to criticize and believe it or not, in the US even the President can be criticized. But that does not mean criticism equals to denial of his 'right' to free speech. I guess we can excuse you for not understanding what is a 'right' because you have been living a dictatorial regime all these years.

As it is the same thing about whether the killers are called Army or national guard, it is just different names and you can't change the truth that your national guard or national killers are right now slaughtering poor iraqi on the streets of bagdad.
More Iraqis are killed by al-Qaeda and by other Iraqis than by any 'slaughter' committed by US troops. Do not presume the functional of the PLA to be the same as that of the US military.

And what happened on the other side of the earth as well as whether the cpc authority is a good one or a bad @ss has nothing to do with you. It is not your turn to blame cpc's wrong before millions of people. No one likes your self arrogance and please do save your crocodile tears.
If you feel you have the 'right' to critiicize US try to understand that such 'right' is a two-way street. And please do not tell me that you have never heard of China's official state media criticizes US before.
it is you, not me, start the war by offensive words in this thread which should be concentrated on millitary training. i myself have no prejudise upon the US, plus i'm not interested in criticize anyone on the other side of the planet but my attitude is : We will not offense unless we are offensed and if we are offensed ; we will certainly counterattack.
No offence meant but the claim to fame of these formations seem to be actions that took place more than half a century ago.

Is there nothing to show between then & now ?

well think about it this way how many MAJOR wars has china been in since Vietnam, but as a division with a name its is kept very well equipped and train to elite levels









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Stride-2009″: PLA 50,000 troops kick off largest military exercise

August.11 (China Military News cited from xinhua and written by Yan Hao) — The Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) on Tuesday launched its largest-ever tactical military exercise, involving the deployment of about 50,000 heavily-armored troops over thousands of miles to test the PLA’s long-distance mobility.

According to the PLA General Staff Headquarters, in charge of organizing the exercise “Stride-2009,” one army division from each of the military commands of Shenyang, Lanzhou, Jinan and Guangzhou, will participate in a series of live-fire drills lasting for two months.

Unlike previous annual tactical exercises, the army divisions and their air units will be deployed in unfamiliar areas far from their garrison training bases by civilian rail and air transport.

The division from northeast Shenyang Military Command will be transported to northwest Lanzhou Military Command. Troops from east Jinan Military Command and south Guangzhou Military Command will be exchanged.

In the unprecedented exercise, one of the PLA’s major objectives will be to improve its capacity of long-range projection.

The General Staff Headquarters, which have been preparing for the exercise for three months, will coordinate with China’s civilian airlines to use passenger and cargo flights to complement Air Force transport.

All heavy weapon systems, such as tanks and infantry fighting vehicles, will be carried by rail, and lightly armored troops deployed to Jinan Military Command will go by China Railway High-speed (CRH) trains traveling at up to 350 kilometers per hour.

Although the PLA’s logistic capacities have been greatly improved, it still requires greater coordination and efforts to conduct joint operations and long-range force projection.

The live-fire drills of the “Stride-2009″ exercise will be conducted in four tactical training bases respectively in the four military commands. The PLA will introduce a newly developed laser-beam combat simulation system by which the troops in each base will be divided into Red and Blue rivals to carry out fights.

Laser transmitters and receivers installed in the soldier’s weapons and helmets, as well as similar laser devices in larger weapon systems, enable the troops to conduct nearly real combat without shedding blood.

The troops involved in the exercise will also adopt China’s Beidou or COMPASS-G2 satellite communication and positioning system for an encrypted communication between the PLA’s headquarters and the divisions to reduce the dependence on foreign communication systems.

On Tuesday morning, the division from Lanzhou Military Command started to mobilize, heading for the PLA’s Taonan Tactical Training Base in Jilin Province of Shenyang Military Command.

More than 700 military vehicles advanced across the Yellow River trough a 250-meter long pontoon bridge built by the Lanzhou division’s engineering regiment at a ferry place in northwest Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.

The division’s forward command post and special unit took off from a northeast air base on two Boeing 737-800 civilian passenger jet airliners. Another group of heavy equipment carried on two chartered trains also departed from railway stations in the region’s capital Yinchuan and Qingtongxia.

The personnel and equipment mobilized on Tuesday will be followed up by the rest of the 13,000 troops of the Lanzhou division — which will be transported through five provinces and regions, day and night, to reach the Taonan base.

The Lanzhou Military Command also deployed fighters, attackers and gunships from its army aviation force to provide air cover for the long-distance maneuver and participate in the live-fire drills at the tactical training base in Shenyang Military Command.

The exercise will also focus on suppressing adversary’s electronic devices and countermeasures under a complex electromagnetic environment, said Maj.-Gen. Cui Yafeng, general director of the exercise involving the Lanzhou division at Taonan base.

Chen Hu, executive chief editor of the World Military Affairs Magazine, said long-distance mobility was crucial for the PLA to deal with diversified threats and responsibilities in the future.

“The long-range mobility is a fundamental capacity for the PLA to perform other duties,” Chen said. “The increasing attentions to the improvement of the capability especially after the Wenchuan earthquake has become one of the PLA’s priorities.”

After the 8.0-magnitude quake on May 12 last year, many PLA ground troops headed for the epicenter were stranded outside the mountainous region in the Sichuan Province.

The Air Force units could also provide limited support to relieve the disaster hit local residents due to lack of large helicopters and transporters.

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