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PLA dreams of turning moon into Death Star


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PLA dreams of turning moon into Death Star, says expert

  • Staff Reporter
  • 2013-12-03
  • 15:41 (GMT+8)

The Long March-3B carrier rocket carrying China's Chang'e-3 lunar probe blasts off from Xichang Satellite Launch Center in Sichuan province, Dec. 2. (Photo/Xinhua)

Experts in China are discussing the possibility of the People's Liberation Army to establish a missile base on the moon following the successful launch of the Long March-3B rocket carrying the Chang'e-3 lunar rover on Dec. 1, according to the Beijing Times.

An expert from the China National Space Administration's Lunar Exploration Programme Center told the paper that China plans to send its first astronaut to the moon by 2030. By 2050, the moon could become a base from which to send the country's manned spacecraft to explore deep space, the source said.

He added that the moon is the Earth's only natural satellite, and it can be transformed into a deadly weapon. Like the Death Star in Star Wars, the moon could hypothetically be used as a military battle station and ballistic missiles could be launched against any military target on Earth.

Various weapons testing sites could also be established on the moon, the source said. China is currently the only nation with a lunar exploration program and the Chang'e-3 is only the beginning of a more ambitious program, the source added.

PLA dreams of turning moon into Death Star, says expert|Politics|News|WantChinaTimes.com
so something like in the movie? Death Star can blow up an entire planet, as you know.


will we need an allied force to stop the Chinese in a future war in space?
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Another says experts!!!! This should be moved into funny thread
come on, you want to exploit Helium-3 which can serve as future fuel for space travels on the moon, don´t you?
I have to agree this is the silliest story ever.
Not very practical and it would certainly receive worldwide condemnation.

The rover weighs just a few 100 kilos and suddenly a huge military moonbase is the next step. The US has multiple rovers on Mars and some weigh as much as a small car. A Mars base isn't happening and the moonbase didn't happen either.

Of course speaking of conspiracy theories and US military buildup and NSA capabilities...hmmm maybe SHADO is truly happening. ;-)

Now u die ...

Come on, catch me
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Yea, let's divert more money to NASA from school lunch programs across the country.
how do people come up wid these thread titles..........u cant do notng but read d whole article,bt neway seems a long shot
PLA is already very late....

US plans permanent base on Moon



See Nasa's Moon base vision
US space agency Nasa has said it plans to start work on a permanently-occupied base on the Moon after astronauts begin flying back there in 2020.
The base is likely to be built on one of the Moon's poles and will serve as a science centre and possible stepping stone for manned missions to Mars.

The US has already said it plans to build a new lunar spacecraft to succeed the last Apollo mission in 1972.

Funds will be moved from space shuttle flights, due to be scrapped in 2010.

The structure of the base and the exact duties of the astronauts stationed there have not been decided.

Nor is it clear when the base will begin functioning.

Lunar outpost

"We're going for a base on the moon," Scott "Doc" Horowitz, Nasa's associate administrator for exploration, said.

The agency's deputy head, Shana Dale, is quoted by the Associated Press news agency as saying that the "fundamental lunar approach" will be very different to earlier Moon missions.


A lunar spacecraft has already been commissioned by Nasa
Nasa has elected to build a lunar outpost rather than operate brief trips to the satellite as it did in the 1960s.

Nasa is also expected to ask other countries - and businesses - to help it build the base.

The permanent base will be built near one of the two poles, as these are felt to have a moderate climate and more sunlight - essential if the base is to use solar energy.

"It's exciting," Shana Dale told the Reuters news agency. "We don't know as much about the polar regions."

According to Reuters, funds for building the lunar base will be diverted from the space shuttle programme, which is to be phased out by 2010.

After the Columbia space shuttle accident, US President George W Bush announced plans to send astronauts back to the moon by 2020.

Nasa announced in August that the Lockheed Martin Corporation will build the next US spaceship to take humans to the Moon.
CCP crazy???

For the past 30 years, more than 80% the population out of poverty in the whole world is out of China. Guess who rule China then??? The crazy CCP.

What did your non-crazy india democracy government do in the past 30 years???

Chinese intentions are not known and CCP regime always act like crazy.
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