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PLA dreams of turning moon into Death Star

Chinese intentions are not known and CCP regime always act like crazy.
Rods from God | Popular Science

American concept of placing tungsten rods that bombards the surface with kinetic projectiles, and we're acting crazy? Did you overdose on crack again?

You know that is acting crazy? When a country has more poor than Africa put together and half the households have no working toilets.
Anyone taking PLA news seriously from WANT CHINA TIMES must be retard. Want Chine Times is owned by China Times which is based in Taiwan. It is like taking seriously a BS news regading India building Cosmic battleship by a newspaper called itself Want India Times (not real, of course) but based in Karachi.
Latest news is that China planning of cancel man on the moon, Chang'E 4 is the final one, 5 is canceled, will put more money and energy on space lab, and less on moon and Mars
消息称中国将取消载人登月计划 停止研发嫦娥五号|登月|月计划_凤凰资讯

sad to hear that..but then again,its all depend about priorities.
Sure, China may as well turn the moon into one big anti Satellite weapon. :lol:
CCP crazy???

For the past 30 years, more than 80% the population out of poverty in the whole world is out of China. Guess who rule China then??? The crazy CCP.

What did your non-crazy india democracy government do in the past 30 years???
india government vowed to install toilets in every household by 2085. That's a guarantee. You can take that to the bank
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