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PLA Consolidating its Gains in Ladakh by installing Fiber-Optic Cables to the Frontlines


Sep 26, 2018
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Indian media reports suggest the PLA has begun drawing up Fibre-Optic cables to its frontline positions as a part of the military standoff, coupled with earlier spotted power lines in the same areas the move could greatly enhance both manned & unmanned all-weather operations.


This news has further demoralised the Indians, as they now feel the Chinese are far ahead of them in Infrastructure, Communication lines, and Troop deployments.
Indian media reports suggest the PLA has begun drawing up Fibre-Optic cables to its frontline positions as a part of the military standoff, coupled with earlier spotted power lines in the same areas the move could greatly enhance both manned & unmanned all-weather operations.


This news has further demoralised the Indians, as they now feel the Chinese are far ahead of them in Infrastructure, Communication lines, and Troop deployments.

The fact that the PLA have instilled fibre optics means that they will never leave or relinquish the land they annexed from india some 2 months ago. This is actually a very serious and ominous development.
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But still, SUPAPAWA India will do nothing, they don't have a clue what has happened to them and what next will happen to them.

The OP is very very big news and an ominous development by China. I'm surprised that it is not being discussed much. Imagine if the americans in Afghanistan, came into Pakistani territory and started laying down fibre optics and building other infrastructures on our territory. That would be a clear indication of the americans having conquered our land permanently and having no intention of EVER giving it up. Also, notice that for all the big talk, hot air and bluster, the indian public and government are keeping well quiet about this and not even mentioning it. That is a tacit admission of defeat by the indians and their acceptance of the Chinese having annexed indian territory. Even the indians on this forum are not addressing or countering the OP. Make no mistake, this is HUGE news and something that will have major repercussions in the coming years and decades ahead.
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The OP is very very big news and an ominous development by China. I'm surprised that it is not being discussed much. Imagine if the americans in Afghanistan, came into Pakistani territory and started laying down fibre optics and building other infrastructures on our territory. That would be a clear indication of the americans having conquered our land permanently and having no intention of EVER giving it up. Also, notice that for all the big talk, hot air and bluster, the indian public and government are keeping well quiet about this and not even mentioning it. This is a tacit admission of defeat by the indians and their acceptance of the Chinese having annexed indian territory. Even the indians on this forum are not addressing or countering the OP. Make no mistake, this is HUGE news and something that will have major repercussions in the coming years and decades ahead.
There's a glaring mistake in your analysis: the land in question isn't India's.
There's a glaring mistake in your analysis: the land in question isn't India's.
But the land has been on the Indian side of the Line of Actual Control for decades now. As such, the Indians have come to accept that the previously no man's land is now theirs.
There's a glaring mistake in your analysis: the land in question isn't India's.

But the indians claim it is their land just as much as the Chinese do. Well, the indians did USED to claim it was their land until it was annexed by China in June 2020.
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But the land has been on the Indian side of the Line of Actual Control for decades now. As such, the Indians have come to accept that the previously no man's land is now theirs.
The reason why Indians believe this land is theirs is because they misunderstand the Line of Actual Control is a border. It isn't - if it was, it would have been called a border. The border is where China says it is. That land is China's, and it will remain China's no matter how long Pajeet was squatting on it; decades, centuries, millennia, it doesn't matter.
But the indians claim it is their land just as much as the Chinese do. Well the indians did used to claim it was their land until it annexed by China it in June 2020.
Like I told @Figaro, that land is China's and it doesn't matter what Indians think. What China says goes.
The reason why Indians believe this land is theirs is because they misunderstand the Line of Actual Control is a border. It isn't - if it was, it would have been called a border. The border is where China says it is. That land is China's, and it will remain China's no matter how long Pajeet was squatting on it; decades, centuries, millennia, it doesn't matter.

Like I told @Figaro, that land is China's and it doesn't matter what Indians think. What China says goes.

What happens if the Chinese decide that new delhi and mumbai are their land too? Will the indians just give that up
as well?

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