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PLA Border Troops Training with Nail Stubbed Iron Rods and Sharp Blades Near the LAC


Sep 26, 2018
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United Kingdom
United Kingdom
After the astounding success of PLA in the GALWAN skirmish a year ago , that resulted in the Indian Army receiving scores of causalities. The PLA has officially inducted the Nail Stubbed Iron Rods and Sharp blades in its training manual for the border troops facing India.



Time to beat these Chinese again like in pangong and doklam.
Authoritarian regimes like China tend to be aggressive so that their people perceive an external threat thereby not rising against the oppressive regime.
I am 100% sure that democracy will come to China cos communism is dead, one party system is also dead.
In many Asian Latino militaries machete a cross between sword and clever training is given to regular soldiers
Pak army should also give hand held weapons training to its soldiers
The PLA are really rubbing it in the nost of the Indian's with that picture - ie we did this before and we can and will do it again.

India's troubles with China are not over anytime soon it seems. China will make India pay heavily for her membership of the QUAD and for taking a such a strong military anti-chinese stance.
I am 100% sure that democracy
For fcuks sakes man, shove that democracy up your a*sre. At every turn democracy, democracy. With 20% of your population in practice living as untouchabvles and in state of abject poverty what fcukin democracy. Democracy to starve, die and being treated like a savage by higher castes?

Unbelievable ....
Time to beat these Chinese again like in pangong and doklam.
Authoritarian regimes like China tend to be aggressive so that their people perceive an external threat thereby not rising against the oppressive regime.
I am 100% sure that democracy will come to China cos communism is dead, one party system is also dead.
Democracies don’t hide COVID deaths by ten times over.
The PLA are really rubbing it in the nost of the Indian's with that picture - ie we did this before and we can and will do it again.

India's troubles with China are not over anytime soon it seems. China will make India pay heavily for her membership of the QUAD and for taking a such a strong military anti-chinese stance.

Nah I’m rubbing it in with my pictures.

How it started.


What happened next.


How it ended.

Time to beat these Chinese again like in pangong and doklam.
Authoritarian regimes like China tend to be aggressive so that their people perceive an external threat thereby not rising against the oppressive regime.
I am 100% sure that democracy will come to China cos communism is dead, one party system is also dead.
Beg China for more aid
This can only work for the Chinese border due to China being more powerful, for the Pakistani border don't think it will work as India doesn't mind staring a battle.

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