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PKR falling like a meteorite.

New elections will build confidence in the market. It will take time to recover but dragging the economy without clear mandate is a disaster waiting to happen.

Maybe that is the end goal?
Where has IMF accused Pakistan for violating terms? Don't quote me current lying Patwari finance minister. Show me IMF source where they said Pakistan violated terms
I've already given international news sources that do not quote the minister. You have also admitted that Imran's strategy was to print money.. which is well known violation of IMF diktat to keep SBP independent.

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Alright elections occur, what is the solution? What is PTI's magic pill?

The guy derailed the IMF program at what cost? It was nothing but political nukes and one of the reason for the shitshow. Secondly he's betting on remittances and real estate investment to cover for shortfall.

What exactly is the solution? Elections? Alright he comes into power again? Then what? With what shit face will he negotiate with IMF? Who will exactly bail us out? No one answers these questions. Another mantra is that off 2/3 majority, what will it achieve honestly?.

The problem have gone way bigger than khan or sharif or zardaris. That is why a charter of economy is needed with everyone on board. Khan is such shit and egoistical manic who's gone on record to say he'll negotiate with taliban but not his own country men accused of corruption.

If he has majority he can force change in the country, not bowing to the traditional mafias

We also need stability via the ballot box not constant fassad and hungama to keep bringing bhuttos and sharifs to power

With a majority and political stability we can then force through economic change and create investor confidence

The population needs to be smart enough to understand that reform will be a 5 to 20 year plan not happen within a month
wow, now why would pakistan spend money for afghans?
Maybe Pakistan’s military does not want Taliban regime to go bust and create another refugee exodus towards Pakistan. Not sure how grateful Taliban are , considering their decision to double price of coal as soon as Pakistan’s government declared its intent to buy coal from Afghanistan.
Maybe Pakistan’s military does not want Taliban regime to go bust and create another refugee exodus towards Pakistan. Not sure how grateful Taliban are , considering their decision to double price of coal as soon as Pakistan’s government declared its intent to buy coal from Afghanistan.
pakistan just dont know how to play its card or we dont have any cards left cuz even the talibans are acting crazy towards us .....
If he has majority he can force change in the country, not bowing to the traditional mafias

We also need stability via the ballot box not constant fassad and hungama to keep bringing bhuttos and sharifs to power

With a majority and political stability we can then force through economic change and create investor confidence

The population needs to be smart enough to understand that reform will be a 5 to 20 year plan not happen within a month
I forsee more hungama because everyone will be tabling vonc after 2 3 years of governance. Combine this with supreme court's own interpretation of stuff, political future will be more unstable. Plus sharif and zardari are here to stay unfortunately. The entire paradigm of politics in pakistan is based on dynasts. Imran also syphons his strength through dynast and crooks.

Speaking of investor confidence, no one trust the Pakistani government anymore. Even PTI economic team was shuffled 3 times and still they are betting on shaukat tarin lol. 2/3 majority is gimmickery and won't bear much fruitful response if the government don't know what to do and don't have a clear cut economic plan.
I forsee more hungama because everyone will be tabling vonc after 2 3 years of governance. Combine this with supreme court's own interpretation of stuff, political future will be more unstable. Plus sharif and zardari are here to stay unfortunately. The entire paradigm of politics in pakistan is based on dynasts. Imran also syphons his strength through dynast and crooks.

Speaking of investor confidence, no one trust the Pakistani government anymore. Even PTI economic team was shuffled 3 times and still they are betting on shaukat tarin lol. 2/3 majority is gimmickery and won't bear much fruitful response if the government don't know what to do and don't have a clear cut economic plan.

Look Bangladesh was shit (it's still shit to be honest) but do you know why it had at least some economic success or stability at least???

It's because it is essentially a one party authoritarian state and has been for the last 15 years or so

This means political stability

It means the party in charge doesn't have to worry about short term economic gimmics to please the public before elections

It means the government doesn't have to worry about being removed or constantly looking over it's shoulder

It's means government doesn't have to worry about coups, or legal challenges or any other bullshit

It means the government and can bring painfull economic reform and rules over the long term because it doesn't really have to worry about elections or results in 3/4/5 years

THIS IS WHAT WE NEED, ITS what we don't have

We have numerous parties, full of lanats, no one can bring in any economic plan or change or even trust that they will be here in the next year

What's worse is we have lanats like sharifs and bhuttos or never change or do anything, mixed with with ethnocentric clowns like MQM.or ANP etc

It's a mess

It's a joke

You can't transform a state this way

So EITHER we forget democracy become a one party authoritarian state and force through necessary reform over a decade or two


We the people elect enmass a single party and give them a fcuking mandate for once and understand that they will need to enact painful reforms

We do nothing,, support lanats and expect fcuking miracles
pakistan just dont know how to play its card or we dont have any cards left cuz even the talibans are acting crazy towards us .....
Pakistan pays $200 per ton of coal while international price is at $386. Pakistan pays in PKR that depreciates at the drop of a hat. Are you sure that Taliban is not being fair in this arrangement? :unsure:

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