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Pitayi of a Boyfriend by Girlfriend's Mom

Well there's plenty of definitions of real men and each has their own. For me, it's simple. If you're in a situation with a woman such that if the genders were reversed and it would be considered OK for the woman to hit you, then you hit her.

Btw, I'd say more often than not it's women hitting men and not other way around.

Very good but women cannot defend themselves. There is no reason to lay hands on another person unless it is in defence, with that being said it is wrong when women get violent but hiting a women is like hitting a child, women like children are, for the most part, helpless to defend themselves so it is taboo and morally wrong to hit women, the only time it is justified to hit a women is if your life is in danger; for instance, the women is trying to kill you and she pulls out a weapond.
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Very good but women cannot defend themselves. There is no reason to lay hands on another person unless it is in defence, with that being said it is wrong when women get violent but hiting a women is like hitting a child, women like children are, for the most part, helpless to defend themselves so it is taboo and morally wrong to hit women, the only time it is justified to hit a women is if your life is in danger; for instance, the women is trying to kill you and she pulls out a weapond.

So what you saying is when women start the slap out of you, u just stand over there or run away basically. Right? Lol

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