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Pitayi of a Boyfriend by Girlfriend's Mom

Well there's plenty of definitions of real men and each has their own. For me, it's simple. If you're in a situation with a woman such that if the genders were reversed and it would be considered OK for the woman to hit you, then you hit her.

Btw, I'd say more often than not it's women hitting men and not other way around.
Agreed that some women think that they can go around and slap whomever they want, but real men not not hit women, usually its the guy that's in for a suprise if he hits a women.
agree :agree::agree:
now I can understand why there is lots of honor killing going on in south asia.
In the sub-continent if some hefty old tart is beating the face off you, you are supposed to sit there and take it crying? The penalty for interacting with the opposite sex is too extreme and such a choke hold on someone's emotions and feelings is bound to create many problems in that society. I think too many virgins creates a claustrophobic and highly charged atmosphere.
The video shows juvenile-abuse if not child-abuse. Can't the authorities in India take notice and track down on the culprit?
^ Well it's abuse only if it happens to a woman or a child. :disagree: :hitwall::hitwall:

oh my God listen to this.. lol
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