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Pindi Metro Bus concerns

What I have quoted you is the basis of all democracies.

You think that the US presidents do not have to account for their wealth ?

You think any head of a state in any Democratic European Country will entertain a joker like Nawaz Sharif even for a day as their head off State who has all his wealth hidden away out of the Country . ( or Asif Zardari for that matter ).

What we have is not a Democracy , it is a sham and a Farce.

I would prefer an honest Dictatorship over this Farce any day.

I don't think we understand the essence of Democracy or are prepared for it.

What I fear is a Bloody Revolution in the making and I hope we as a Country will survive that.

This Democracy BS is not working for the ordinary man.

The special interest people for whom this lame and farcical democracy is working for, will be running for cover very soon.

I totally disagree with you sir. I could answer point by point and rebutt your claims, but I avoid tangles unless I have to. Nation is thinking one way and you are thinking in another. Have patience and let the system work. There are in-built self-correcting mechanisms. If you can not trust the system which got rid of Zardari, then by all means please continue posting your thoughts. You are free to do so. People can judge for themselves and make up their own minds.

I totally disagree with you sir. I could answer point by point and rebutt your claims, but I avoid tangles unless I have to. Nation is thinking one way and you are thinking in another. Have patience and let the system work. There are in-built self-correcting mechanisms. If you can not trust the system which got rid of Zardari, then by all means please continue posting your thoughts. You are free to do so. People can judge for themselves and make up their own minds.


You are entitled to your Opinion. I don't have a problem with that.
I totally disagree with you sir. I could answer point by point and rebutt your claims, but I avoid tangles unless I have to. Nation is thinking one way and you are thinking in another. Have patience and let the system work. There are in-built self-correcting mechanisms. If you can not trust the system which got rid of Zardari, then by all means please continue posting your thoughts. You are free to do so. People can judge for themselves and make up their own minds.

I salute you Sir for your patience. And hope i too attain this level :-)
What we have is not a Democracy , it is a sham and a Farce.

I would prefer an honest Dictatorship over this Farce any day.

I don't think we understand the essence of Democracy or are prepared for it.

This Democracy BS is not working for the ordinary man.


Under NO circumstance are we to shy from democracy, however "flawed", and accept "Honest dictatorship"

We must wean off that teat and MUST learn to survive, and most importantly, be RESPONSIBLE for our action.

No longer can we let our mental capacities be rented out to dictators, and later excuse, "we didn't elect him, we are not responsible!"

WE elected Zardari, WE elected NS, and we should learn that WE select our leaders.

You want change? Instead of running to GHQ Rawalpindi, try NOT voting for the same incumbent every single election, for a change.

Stop hiding under cover of "electoral fraud" and admit it, that for the most part, we genuinely vote on basis of caste, clan, tribe, language, sect etc.

We ourselves want a crook who can put our matric-fail sons in cushy government posts, and get our nephews out of jail.

Why complain of foreign conspiracies when we are to blame?

The democracy IS working for the common man, we must admit that the common man cannot resist asking for law breakers.

If we had been able to learn this lesson in the fifties, we wouldn't have had this mess.

But we kept delaying the harsh medicine, it's time we swallow it and heal ourselves.

India managed to learn it in its formative years, and has had no martial law. Why can't we? They were formed the same day as we were, just as un-educated and impoverished as we were, similar cultural problems, so why the excuse?
We must wean off that teat and MUST learn to survive, and most importantly, be RESPONSIBLE for our action.
No longer can we let our mental capacities be rented out to dictators, and later excuse, "we didn't elect him, we are not responsible!"
WE elected Zardari, WE elected NS, and we should learn that WE select our leaders.
You want change? Instead of running to GHQ Rawalpindi, try NOT voting for the same incumbent every single election, for a change.
Stop hiding under cover of "electoral fraud" and admit it, that for the most part, we genuinely vote on basis of caste, clan, tribe, language, sect etc.

So, basically you are saying that 100% election were not rigged? or that the current government is on mandate given by each and every Pakistani ? or that No evidence has been found against the rigging ? or that even 3/4 i.e. majority is on real mandate?

Do you realize that by going through current process, is it even possible in the next 10 years to change the government?
Do you really think genuine voters/ actual voters can outrun the MQM in karachi ?

Well, to your displeasure by going through your method, PPP would not have won even a single seat!
Why on the earth PPP won the seats, when intact there was no development during that period?
PPP won because they get FORCED votes from the interior Sindh.

If your answer is YES then I must be having hallucination. period!
So, basically you are saying that 100% election were not rigged? or that the current government is on mandate given by each and every Pakistani ? or that No evidence has been found against the rigging ? or that even 3/4 i.e. majority is on real mandate?

Do you realize that by going through current process, is it even possible in the next 10 years to change the government?
Do you really think genuine voters/ actual voters can outrun the MQM in karachi ?

Well, to your displeasure by going through your method, PPP would not have won even a single seat!
Why on the earth PPP won the seats, when intact there was no development during that period?
PPP won because they get FORCED votes from the interior Sindh.

If your answer is YES then I must be having hallucination. period!

Don't be silly, you know that's NOT what I said.

Here is what I said;

If there is rigging, the solution is NOT to run to GHQ, the solution to fix it ourselves.

But there is another delusion, that people will vote ONLY on performance!

And that since person X did not show performance, then he can ONLY win by rigging.

You are ignoring the OBVIOUS reason: he won because of tribal/clan.sect etc reason.

Yes, even corrupt people can win without rigging, as long as he has "support base".

In otherwords, if I keep voting for person X because he is from the same as me....

Then no matter HOW many electoral reforms you make...

I will keep voting for that idiot!

Case in point: PPP.

In Ghari Khuda Baksh, the school behind the luxurious Bhutto tomb is decript and non functional

People don't care, they still vote for Bhutto.

Electoral reform can't change their attitude!

But to counter that, we can't keep running to GHQ.

Dictatorship is NOT the answer!

We must face the challange head-on and tackle it for once and for all!
Metro bus is not really needed for Islamabad, as the roads are pretty damn good. For the common man, they can create the tram system. It would actually blend better with the serene Islamabad. Keep the metrobus for Rawalpindi.
Metro bus is not really needed for Islamabad, as the roads are pretty damn good. For the common man, they can create the tram system. It would actually blend better with the serene Islamabad. Keep the metrobus for Rawalpindi.
That may be, but a service that will go to all the Business hubs in the twin cities will reduce traffic(and pollution) to a large margin.
That may be, but a service that will go to all the Business hubs in the twin cities will reduce traffic(and pollution) to a large margin.

People who have cars won't use it much. People travelling by bus would if the fares are reasonable and the metrobus provides efficient and civilized service. The reason i say trams, because Islamabad is not a very dense city like Karachi, Lahore or Peshawar. The roads in Islamabad already have empty looks because there aren't enough vehicles to drive on them. Trams could have been integrated easily, plus it gives the city a more tourist friendly look. Or even better, monorail would have sufficed as well. The passenger demand is simply not that much to create a whole new elevated infrastructure to run buses on them.
People who have cars won't use it much. People travelling by bus would if the fares are reasonable and the metrobus provides efficient and civilized service. The reason i say trams, because Islamabad is not a very dense city like Karachi, Lahore or Peshawar. The roads in Islamabad already have empty looks because there aren't enough vehicles to drive on them. Trams could have been integrated easily, plus it gives the city a more tourist friendly look. Or even better, monorail would have sufficed as well. The passenger demand is simply not that much to create a whole new elevated infrastructure to run buses on them.

o_O Zero point in the morning?!! .. Blue area.. Karachi company.. all get blocked up. People travel to and fro.
A good metro Bus system(with associated Parking Plazas at the end) will turn the Twin cities into a dream area.
The problem is the timeframe needed to get this going and the current loss experienced by business on Murree road.
But things are going fast.

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