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Pilot's weird Illusions


Dec 26, 2005
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United States
Hi guys,

Here is a very interesting article I found about illusions that pilots may suffer while flying a plane. MuradK can comment on it.

Pilots' weird illusions 'cause death'By Mark Schliebs
December 03, 2007 01:28pm
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"Every pilot will experience strange illusions"
Illusions linked to fatal crashes worldwide
Often occur when pilot is not busy

EVERY pilot will lose all sense of direction, height and speed while flying at some point, and some will even feel as though they are sitting on the wing watching themselves in the cockpit, a report from the Australian Transport Safety Bureau says.

The report said between 90 to 100 per cent of aircraft pilots experienced “spatial disorientation” (SD) - one of the most common factors in plane crashes.

Aviation medicine specialist Dr David Newman said pilots were commonly the victims of strange illusions that could be dangerous, and have been linked to between 15 and 26 per cent of fatal crashes worldwide.

Some of the most common illusions experienced by pilots included feeling as though the plane was falling when it was slowing down, a false sensation of the aircraft “rolling” and a sense that the plane was not turning when it actually was.

Dr Newman said that there were much stranger illusions experienced by pilots.

“In some cases, pilots may feel that they are sitting out on the wing of their aircraft, watching themselves flying the aircraft,” Dr Newman said in the report.

“The knife edge illusion gives the pilot a sensation that the aircraft is precariously positioned in space, and extremely sensitive to control inputs.

“By contrast, the giant hand illusion gives the pilot the opposite sensation, that the aircraft is intolerable of control inputs and seemingly immovable in the air, as if held aloft by a giant hand.”

Dr Newman said the illusions often occurred when pilots were not busy flying the plane.

“While seemingly bizarre, these illusions are generally associated with high altitude flight where the pilot has a relatively low level workload.

“Under such ‘fish-bowl’ conditions, the brain can wander and generate these strange illusions.”

The report said that pilots should be aware that they would experience SD sooner or later.

“If a pilot flies long enough as a career or even a hobby there is almost no chance that he or she will escape experiencing at least one episode of SD,” the report said.

“Looked at another way, pilots can be considered to be in one of two groups: those who have been disorientated, and those who will be.”

The ATSB report said that pilots should take measures to reduce the impact of SD by flying when fit, not flying under the influence of alcohol or medication, increasing awareness of spatial disorientation illusions and planning for their possible appearance.

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Nice one MK, interesting Artical.

As mentioned, Spatial disorientation (SD) is a very common phenomenon and every pilot has probably gone through it number of times. Major causes being tiredness/ fatigue, self-medication and flying with cold/flu symptoms. PAF had few major accidents directly attributed to SD that include every fighter including a loss of an F-16 near Sargodha during night flying. Unlike multicrew cockpit, SD can be very tricky for single seat fighter aircrafts.

In order to improve awareness against many aviation hazards, it is compulsory that every 3 years, each PAF pilot goes thru Pressurisation Chamber training to identify his Hypoxia symptoms and attends lectures+ practical demonstrations about different types of Disorientations at Aero Medical Institute.

Few years back, I read about the ‘sitting on the wing’ type of disorientation but haven’t met any PAF pilot yet who has personally experienced this.
One illusion mentioned in my Physics textbook is of what the pilot feels when his jet is thrust forward at high speed during takeoff from an aircraft carrier. The head rolls backwards, meaning the pilot is looking upwards through the canopy. This makes the pilot think that when the plane leaves the edge of the aircraft carrier, his plane is climbing too steeply and will stall any second. In extreme cases pilots even end up thinking the plane is going straight up (vertical climb). Pilots have been known to push the stick downwards sharply and plunge the plane straight into the sea.

Now pilots are trained to ignore the impulse to push the planes nose downwards immediately after takeoff.
Perhaps the latest victim of spatial disorientation

Pilot disorientation likely cause of crash-France
Thu Jan 10, 2008 4:04am EST
Pilot disorientation likely cause of crash-France | Industries | Industrials, Materials & Utilities | Reuters
PARIS, Jan 10 (Reuters) - The crash of a French air force Rafale jet in central France last month was probably caused by the pilot becoming disorientated, Defence Minister Herve Morin said on Thursday.

The Dassault Aviation (AVMD.PA: Quote, Profile, Research) fighter jet crashed on Dec. 6 in the central department of Correze while on a training exercise. The pilot, who Morin said was very experienced and had returned from Afghanistan, was killed.

"It is not a human error. It is an inherent danger and risk for pilots. It is known as spacial disorientation, that is when you are flying at night and in the fog -- and the weather conditions were bad -- you no longer realise what position you are in," Morin told RTL radio.

"Everything seems to point to that," Morin said, referring to the initial findings of the French Accident Investigation Office. A judicial investigation is also underway.

Morin said the possibility of a technical failure or a blackout by the pilot had been ruled out.

The jet is France's most sophisticated fighter but Paris has not found a foreign buyer for it in eight years. Morin has blamed the machine's large price tag and high-tech equipment but said that had "nothing" to do with this crash.
I have not experienced nor heard of any pilot having illusion of sitting on a wing. But getting false feeling of Altitude and Horizon is very common. Than sometimes at high Altitude one can feel Breathing problem whereas nothing such exists (commercial flying).
A funny thing on Ground is that sometimes one cannot hear the Phone bell ring or you wife calling you for help, then you are in deep trouble.
I had to go through my Log book to get the right dates on

24 August 1968 while flying F-86 I got into SD during a mission over Dekha that was bad and scary I almost lost it that day.

4 September 1971 had another one.F-86

17 dec 1971 during night flying.F-86

8 Oct 1979 during night flying Mirage .
headach after a tuff round with my guys . had Coriolis illusion. vertigo.

12 Jan 1981 7.30 am had a cold and fever. F-6

7 Aug 1986 had cold . F-16

How are you? Thanks for your post. What we would love to know is that, what did you do to get out of that stuation? In other words we want to hear the story of each incidence if possible. Thanks.

How are you? Thanks for your post. What we would love to know is that, what did you do to get out of that stuation? In other words we want to hear the story of each incidence if possible. Thanks.

They are a alot of reason known in Aviation which might cause SD first 3 times I encounterd turbulence and that caused SD, I used to close my eyes for 1 or 2 sec and look directly at my Instruments reduce speed contact ATC and tell them what is going on . 99.9% they tell you a range block altitude instead of a hard altitude. If you have SD during turbulence keep the ball centered and you will not go into a spin. Wings level can be flown using ADF and keeping it on the nose or the tail. Another way was 180 on the magnectic compass. these were the basic moves but with time I learned a few tips from my seniors . I always used to carry amonia in a small capsul one sniff and you come to your senses.
Remember while disorientation there are forces which act on you physically and mentally and it becomes very hard for a pilot to place his saftey at the mercy of his instruments. All his senses will react totally opposite to what the instrument are reporting this conflict of sensory messages creates mental confusion and it takes extreme will power and concentration to overcome it.
They are a alot of reason known in Aviation which might cause SD first 3 times I encounterd turbulence and that caused SD, I used to close my eyes for 1 or 2 sec and look directly at my Instruments reduce speed contact ATC and tell them what is going on . 99.9% they tell you a range block altitude instead of a hard altitude. If you have SD during turbulence keep the ball centered and you will not go into a spin. Wings level can be flown using ADF and keeping it on the nose or the tail. Another way was 180 on the magnectic compass. these were the basic moves but with time I learned a few tips from my seniors . I always used to carry amonia in a small capsul one sniff and you come to your senses.
Remember while disorientation there are forces which act on you physically and mentally and it becomes very hard for a pilot to place his saftey at the mercy of his instruments. All his senses will react totally opposite to what the instrument are reporting this conflict of sensory messages creates mental confusion and it takes extreme will power and concentration to overcome it.

so flying is not so glamourous as it is supposed to be! in movies especially

My pilot friends and other---please take out your VIAGRA if you want to fly high---


Better Performance: Israeli Pilots May Soon Fly 'High' on Anti-Impotence Pills
Friday, February 08, 2008

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A drug used to treat impotence could help Israeli fighter pilots operate at high altitude, the Israeli military's official magazine reported in its latest issue.

It said a retired general plans to present to the air force the results of a study he conducted on Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania where he found that tadalafil, the active ingredient in Cialis tablets, improved breathing in a thin atmosphere.

"The study's findings justify the continuation of tests with drugs of this type in low oxygen environments," an unnamed air force officer told Bamahaneh, the military's weekly magazine.

An army spokeswoman said that there were no plans to use any such drug and a statement said the phenomenon of chronic oxygen starvation experienced by mountaineers and the immediate oxygen starvation which pilots suffer at high altitude are different.

"(Because of the different circumstances) there is no significance for medical treatment of any drug for pilots in the Israel Air Force ... and it has no intention of using any form of drug," the statement read.

My pilot friends and other---please take out your VIAGRA if you want to fly high---

An army spokeswoman said that there were no plans to use any such drug and a statement said the phenomenon of chronic oxygen starvation experienced by mountaineers and the immediate oxygen starvation which pilots suffer at high altitude are different.

"(Because of the different circumstances) there is no significance for medical treatment of any drug for pilots in the Israel Air Force ... and it has no intention of using any form of drug," the statement read.

Lack of oxygen or Hypoxia can lead to Spatial disorientation, especially if one is maneuvering or moving his head around a bit too much.

In PAF , pilots don’t take any medicine or treatment to fight against hypoxia. The best defences are

1. Ensure adequate supply Oxygen before the mission.
2. Know your symptom of Hypoxia.
3. If Hypoxic, either use 100% oxygen or descend below 18,000 feet.

Fighter aircrafts use bottled oxygen bottles and pilots inhale it thru the masks and in bigger jets, the normal oxygen supply is ensured thru pressurization system anyway.

Viagra might increase ones résistance to hypoxia but it has few nasty side effects too. ;)

An elderly man goes into confession and says to the priest, "Father, I'm 80 years old, married, have four kids and 11 grandchildren. I started taking this new Viagra pill, and last night I had an affair and made love to two 18-year-old girls. Both of them. Twice.

The priest said: "Well, my son, when was the last time you were in confession?"

"Never Father, I'm Jewish."

"So then, why are you telling me?"

"Hell! I'm telling everybody!" :victory:

Yessir---indeed there are many side effects in the air---the pilot may get confused which stick to use---this one or that one to manouver the plane:cheers:
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