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‘Pilipino coast guards laughed while firing’

The news used was chinese mainland propaganda and plus the taiwanese media has been bias on the philippines they did not even tell the family that we apologies and gave our sympathies to their family insisted only consecrated on fueling Taiwanese rage resulting attacks on filipinos and other nationals in taiwan not to mention Ma was also adding more fuel by his show boating to the taiwanese public
Chinese is easily to be fooled and brainwashed. Coz most of Chinese are idiot and coward,that why a big country like China was enslaved many times by small country like Mongol,Manchu,Japan. So,eplain what is right or wrong to those idiot is just a waste of time,bro.

Ur country'd better to prepare war wt them now,u have VN-Laos-Camb at ur back:cheers:
Chinese is easily to be fooled and brainwashed. Coz most of Chinese are idiot and coward,that why a big country like China was enslaved many times by small country like Mongol,Manchu,Japan. So,eplain what is right or wrong to those idiot is just a waste of time,bro.

Ur country'd better to prepare war wt them now,u have VN-Laos-Camb at ur back:cheers:

hehehe but we colonised Vietnam for more than 1000 years that mean you are even more stupid , foolish and coward thanks for admitting it:P
hehehe but we colonised Vietnam for more than 1000 years that mean you are even more stupid , foolish and coward thanks for admitting it:P
2000 years ago is a very long time.no one know exactly what happend.

Things has changed since we can tape and record the history now.1979 war show how coward China is,PLA troops even surrenderred to VN women militia and begged for mercy.No one can believe a coward like u could trully colonise our Northen part for long time Like that:pop:

And its so funny to coward China that they always their big mouth to brag abt their colony time to their neighbour when they try to forget that Japan-US still colonise their TW untill now :lol:
2000 years ago is a very long time.no one know exactly what happend.

Things has changed since we can tape and record the history now.1979 war show how coward China is,PLA troops even surrenderred to VN women militia and begged for mercy.No one can believe a coward like u could trully colonise our Northen part for long time Like that:pop:

And its so funny to coward China that they always their big mouth to barg abt their colonise time their neighbour and they try to forget that Japan-US still colonise their TW untill now :lol:

LOL don't talk about war ya

Vietnam French war

causualties 10 -1 in favour of france

Vietnam usa war 1000 - 1 in favour of usa

Vietnam china war well we colonised Vietnam many times and a recent war 10-1 in favour of china

no wonder Vietnam women finding it very difficult to find a viet husband as most stupid viet men were being killed or wounded in fighting wars so they all have to marry Taiwanese men or any men as long as they don't have missing body parts hahaha
LOL don't talk about war ya

Vietnam French war

causualties 10 -1 in favour of france

Vietnam usa war 1000 - 1 in favour of usa

Vietnam china war well we colonised Vietnam many times and a recent war 10-1 in favour of china

no wonder Vietnam women finding it very difficult to find a viet husband as most stupid viet men were being killed or wounded in fighting wars so they all have to marry Taiwanese men or any men as long as they don't have missing body parts hahaha
French-US used better weapons and having better training that us,but we still won at the end.

China if dare to fight with US-Japan for Taiwan,ur casualties surely will be 1 Jap can kill 100 coward PLA, and China still run away like coward loser as usual :lol:
So much viet trolling, lets face it.

If a China Vietnam war break out, China won't be worried about the Viet military but the hoards of Viets that will denounce their government and seek refuge in China for a much better life.

A barking dog never bites, and Viets are by far the loudest.
So much viet trolling, lets face it.

If a China Vietnam war break out, China won't be worried about the Viet military but the hoards of Viets that will denounce their government and seek refuge in China for a much better life.

A barking dog never bites, and Viets are by far the loudest.
And Every one.know China is loudest barking dog here.Chinese laugj at our casualties when they dare not fight against US-Jap to take back TW bcz they coward PLA will face with humiliating defeat with 1 Jap can kill upto 100 PLA troops :pop:.
And Every one.know China is loudest barking dog here.Chinese laugj at our casualties when they dare not fight against US-Jap to take back TW bcz they coward PLA will face with humiliating defeat with 1 Jap can kill upto 100 PLA troops :pop:.

No, you are mistaken. It has been the Viets and Pinoys crying to the international community, crying to the UN, to ASEAN, to the US / Japan and most of all to each other. <--- Try and refute this.

China fought bloody battles in the early days after the establishment of PRC, you obviously are ignorant on China-Taiwan relations as you are of your own countries' humiliating history.
No, you are mistaken. It has been the Viets and Pinoys crying to the international community, crying to the UN, to ASEAN, to the US / Japan and most of all to each other. <--- Try and refute this.

China fought bloody battles in the early days after the establishment of PRC, you obviously are ignorant on China-Taiwan relations as you are of your own countries' humiliating history.

buddy don't need to waste time talking with reason to the most retard guy in pdf , just trolling with him is what you want to do, no respect to any of his post what so ever coz most ot them are purely his fantasy, they used to bann him very often
buddy don't need to waste time talking with reason to the most retard guy in pdf , just trolling with him is what you want to do, no respect to any of his post what so ever coz most ot them are purely his fantasy, they used to bann him very often

Just making him shut his trap.
LOL don't talk about war ya

Vietnam French war

causualties 10 -1 in favour of france

Vietnam usa war 1000 - 1 in favour of usa

Vietnam china war well we colonised Vietnam many times and a recent war 10-1 in favour of china

no wonder Vietnam women finding it very difficult to find a viet husband as most stupid viet men were being killed or wounded in fighting wars so they all have to marry Taiwanese men or any men as long as they don't have missing body parts hahaha

This guy is probably frustrated because Vietnamese women constitute most of mail order brides in Taiwan. But he shouldn't be so angry as he benefited from remittance of mail order brides, Vietnam's #1 export.
globalnation.inquirer.net/76305/pcg-video-doesnt-show-22-coast-guards-laughing ( can't post link yet)

&#8220;Laughing&#8221; and &#8220;smiling&#8221; are completely different, the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) said Sunday as it rejected the Inquirer&#8217;s report that six coast guards were seen in a video laughing as they fired at a Taiwanese fishing boat.
The Coast Guard took the video of the encounter between the coastal patrol vessel MCS-3001 and the Taiwanese fishing boat Guan Ta Hsin 28 in waters off Balintang Island in northern Philippines on May 9.
The video was submitted to the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) for the investigation of the fatal shooting of Taiwanese fisherman Hung Shih-chen, 65, during the chase.
Cmdr. Armand Balilo, spokesperson for the Coast Guard, said Sunday he had seen the video and dismissed the Inquirer report as &#8220;inaccurate&#8221; and &#8220;hearsay.&#8221;
Malacañang and the Manila Economic and Cultural Office (Meco), the Philippines&#8217; de facto embassy in Taiwan, declined to comment on the Inquirer report.
The Palace, however, gave assurance that the outcome of the government investigation will be solely based on evidence.
The report was based on an interview by reporter Nancy C. Carvajal with a source who had seen the video and whose statements were confirmed by two other sources.
&#8220;The video showed the soldiers acted unprofessionally. They were laughing while they were shooting the boat,&#8221; the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said.
&#8220;It is disturbing and embarrassing for Philippine law enforcers,&#8221; the source said.
Balilo said there was no footage from the video that showed coast guards laughing while firing at the boat.
But &#8220;there is one crew member who&#8217;s seen in the video smiling at himself while firing a warning shot,&#8221; he said.
&#8220;Has (the Inquirer reporter) actually seen the video?&#8221; he asked.
According to Balilo, &#8220;laughing&#8221; and &#8220;smiling&#8221; are completely different. &#8220;As we all know, they do not have the same meanings,&#8221; he said.
Balilo said he was seriously concerned about the possible implications of the report.
Another Coast Guard official, who asked not to be named, said &#8220;the professionalism of our personnel is at stake here.&#8221;
The shooting death of Hung sparked a major diplomatic row between Taiwan and the Philippines.
Taiwan has demanded a government apology for the killing of Hung, compensation for the fisherman&#8217;s family, the punishment of the coast guards involved in the shooting, and the opening of fishery talks between the two countries.
To pressure the Philippines to comply, Taipei took retaliatory measures against Manila, including a freeze on new jobs for Filipino migrant workers and suspension of tourist travel to the Philippines.
Hard to say if the reports of sailors laughing or smiling when they were shooting since the tidbits came out from Pinoy media.. BTW Filipinos smile a lot, even when in dire straights. It is part of their culture. So the inadvertent smiling may not really convey "joy" in shooting but could be how they just act.
No, you are mistaken. It has been the Viets and Pinoys crying to the international community, crying to the UN, to ASEAN, to the US / Japan and most of all to each other. <--- Try and refute this.

China fought bloody battles in the early days after the establishment of PRC, you obviously are ignorant on China-Taiwan relations as you are of your own countries' humiliating history.
Seem like u r very bad history when learning in school, its China bowing down cowardly to US in 1979 first, not Vn, dude.

China army is coward and useless, 1 Jap can kill upto 100 PLA troops easily , that why TW still is colonised by Jap-US untill now,when VN successfully liberated the South since 1975 already.

Everyone despise and disgust with ur cowardness,thats why they spit and laugh at u when killing Chinese people. thats the Truth for dump Chinese peasant for u. Stop deluding urself from now:pop:
LOL don't talk about war ya

Vietnam French war

causualties 10 -1 in favour of france

Vietnam usa war 1000 - 1 in favour of usa

Vietnam china war well we colonised Vietnam many times and a recent war 10-1 in favour of china

no wonder Vietnam women finding it very difficult to find a viet husband as most stupid viet men were being killed or wounded in fighting wars so they all have to marry Taiwanese men or any men as long as they don't have missing body parts hahaha

Chinese are killing mutual first, how many Chinese were dead in cultutal Rvolution ?

Chronology of Mass Killings during the Chinese Cultural Revolution (1966-1976)
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