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Picturing Pakistan's Past: The Beatles, Booze And Bikinis

I think Nadeem Farooq Paracha and his liberal types are idiots who want to live in past. They want a country where alcohol is flowing like water, where women are clad in min skirts and bikini, because for them, that modernity.

If that is what they want, they can easily immigrate to the west reasoning their mental persecution and suffocation they feel in the country.

Linking modernization with booze, hashish and backwardness with Islam or any other religion is plain stupidity and illusion of the worst kind. The life and its values are not as binary as Nadeem Paracha and his type want us to believe.

Pakistan has moved on. If this extremism is bad, then the moral degradation of the 60s and 70s was equally bad. Honestly, I would not want any of the extreme types of Pakistan but something middle of the road one.

If Nadeem Paracha has a disgust for religion and he shows his rejection of current Pakistan by referring to 60s and 70s all the time, isn't that extremism? How come using religion at gun point is extremism but peddling your ideology and rejecting the other side not extremism?

These liberal fascists indulge in worst kind of extremism.

What he means is that people gave space to others to do their own thing. Not like now, when if you are slightly different or have or voice different views, you will be shot.

Its about having a society that is capable of accepting and maybe even liking diversity.
Sir in Islamic Societies Islam has to be enforced laws of Islam are supreme and they have to be enforced because Islam is not a personal thing it is a whole system deals with every aspect of life Sir
With all due respect, thats not how everyone wants to live and you can't force your thinking upon others weather you like it or not, period
Sorry, and people have a choice of being non practicing Muslims. They have a right to not follow things they want.eg: Women have a right to not wear burkas or hijab if they want.

You can enforce all that you think Islam is on YOURSELF. Not on others.

These things GS are a personal matter. Islamicly we are not allowed to enforce anything that is a personal matter. Of course the less educated people think that the state should get involved in these silly things, but our prophet's example shows that personal matters are left to the individual.
With all due respect, thats not how everyone wants to live and you can't force your thinking upon others weather you like it or not, period
Sir Islamic laws has to be enforced on Muslim societies or other wise people will stand up to do it on their own and that can lead to civil war Sir because that Islamic laws are order of ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW
Their is no question of moderation those things which are not allowed in Islam will be never allowed and will have to stop either on their own or Muslims will make sure they stop those evils sooner or later for that they make take law in their own hands but they will eventually stand up against all un Islamic things

You know after reading such posts i start browsing different embassies websites for visa information.......

No one is forcing such things on you.... And neither should you force your version of life on others..... Let people decide.... If they are wrong Allah will punish them on judgement day..... Isn't that the concept of Jannat and Jahanum
You know after reading such posts i start browsing different embassies websites for visa information.......

No one is forcing such things on you.... And neither should you force your version of life on others..... Let people decide.... If they are wrong Allah will punish them on judgement day..... Isn't that the concept of Jannat and Jahanum
No Sir that is not the concept because Islam is not a religion its a way of life which includes your economy your Laws your social life and everything else Sir and these laws have to be implement by government and people have to fight for them if they are not implemented by governments
No Sir that is not the concept because Islam is not a religion its a way of life which includes your economy your Laws your social life and everything else Sir and these laws have to be implement by government and people have to fight for them if they are not implemented by governments

Let them implement on you...... You want these laws follow them..... Dont force these laws on others....

Also i want to know why Jannat and jahanum are there....If not for punishing the one who disobeyed and appreciating the one who obeyed. whats the point of Jannat and Jahanum
Let them implement on you...... You want these laws follow them..... Dont force these laws on others....

Also i want to know why Jannat and jahanum are there....If not for punishing the one who disobeyed and appreciating the one who obeyed. whats the point of Jannat and Jahanum
No Sir these laws would be implemented on Islamic Societies better if governments do themselves or other wise people wills stand up against governments and fight until these laws are implemented Sir
So why dont those who want these laws implemented do it on themselves. Let those who dont want these laws, not follow them.

You are still getting what you want - you are getting to follow these laws. That should be happy and enough for you.

Then-first lady Jacqueline Kennedy visited Pakistan in 1962. Here she is seen riding in a convertible with the then-ruler of Pakistan, Ayub Khan, through throngs of people in Karachi[/url]
This picture shows that people were more civilized back then. I mean look at it the dictator and American’s first lady are in an open motorcade, something unthinkable in today's Pakistan.
War against Soviets in Afghanistan in which Pakistan was involved changed Pakistan.

This is oft quoted but mostly incorrect assertion. anti-Russian Jihad played its part, but it was definitely not a source of it.

Instead global Islamism is the main source of this hatred in Pakistan and many other Muslim countries with sizable Shia population that had weak nationalist institutions. Case in Point Lebanon, iraq etc.

Oh by the way in Pakistan it started with Shia militancy first. Who could forget the Shia militants of Quetta who fought pitched battles with Police soon after the Khomeni revolution in Iran.

yes Sir. We were all sleeping or playing cricket with our Shia neighbors while dark clouds of hatred and religious chauvinism were gathering on our Western border.

When Khomeni regime defeated Shah, it saw the whole world to be the stage of revolution and not just Iran. Soon after the new regime took over Tehran, it started funding Shia organizations all over the globe, including Pakistan.

Shia militancy was supported by Iran, and Pakistani Shias so vulnerable to international Islamism quickly succumbed to the pressure.

Soon after Pakistani Sunnis followed the same path when they became willing participants of Saudi answer to the irani threat.

And thus both Shias and Sunnis in Pakistan were each others’ throat. Soviet invasion of Afghanistan made this struggle even worse.

BTW Pakistan was not alone. Other countries with sizable Shia population saw the same divisions and infighting. Case in point: Lebanon, Iraq, Syria etc. etc.

Carnage in Pakistan will unfortunately go on as long we the Paks have love for global Islamism, while very little nationalism aka Pakistan first.

Terrible. Isn’t it?

So the pictures of Pakistan in the 70s were only possible because the menace of global Islamism had not shown up at our doors. Once it did, Pakistan became just another pawn in the hands of Sunnia and Shia Mullahs.
No Sir that is not the concept because Islam is not a religion its a way of life which includes your economy your Laws your social life and everything else Sir and these laws have to be implement by government and people have to fight for them if they are not implemented by governments

Why does the Govt have to force Islam, or any other religion for the matter?

Religion is a personal choice. Just because my parents might have been Muslims, and gave me a Muslim name, does not mean I am forced to follow Islam religiously.

For example, almost all Muslim artists in Bollywood, (evem Pakistani ones like Ali Zafar and Veena Malik) are Muslims by birth but they are not religious at all. Why do you want to force your religious views on them?
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