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Pictures of Iran before 1979

This is what happens when we mix politics and religion with pictures.

That at deluded revisionist Islamic history.

More girls please.

Some lay questions:

Is the Shah still alive? Where does he live now?

Were the Pahlavis an actual royal dynasty? After the Qajjars?
Sorry Kemalist but I have to disagree.
Iran is under sanctions now but is a sovereign and brave country. Under Shah, Iran was a puppet. Now, they have a strong army because of the arms and BM's that they make.
I want to remind you something: When US sold F14 (#81) and supercobras (#210) to Iran, Israel did not have them. VERY INTERESTING! because they were devoted puppets.
Kemalists tried hard to replace the position of shah after 1979.

ps: If I was a Turk, I would go with Suleiman the magnificent not a Greek guy who died of Syphilis.

By your own logic US sells F15-SE and Europe sells Euro Fighters to KSA because they are devoted puppets?? Come on get a handle on life!
Shut ur biblical arse....retarded hating indian christian dick head.

I bet that POS will not be banned for insulting Islam

Even cannibalism is a better option than the wares you peddle.

Can you be so blind as to be completely oblivious to the irreversible damage Islam did to a perfectly good country ?

Can't even take a sh!t without a mandate from "heaven".

actually there is no black and white sides. shah was a dictator and nothing can change it. both regime has weakness and strong points. Iran in shah's time had better social rules, economic and diplomacy, and islamic republic care more about science and industries. nowadays iran has a great military industry, space program that is really awesome, but in shah's time iran only was producing G3 and MG3 and few Joint Projects with israel.
but we need to keep both regime's strong points together in a new government that respect to freedom speech, for example we should continue our missile and space programs but buy new fighters and airplane from out, first of all we should improve our economy step by step then extend our military industry to air force. our economic is weak nowadays.

Abii jan ye kam arroomtar baradare man.
This is what happens when we mix politics and religion with pictures.

That at deluded revisionist Islamic history.

More girls please.

Some lay questions:

Is the Shah still alive? Where does he live now?

Were the Pahlavis an actual royal dynasty? After the Qajjars?
Mohamad Reza Shah died one year after the revolution. He is buried in Cairo.

And yeah, the Pahlavis were a seperate dynasty. The dynasty was short lived, but they have a very good legacy. Reza shah (Mohamad Reza Shah's father and the first king under the Pahlavi dynasty) took Iran out of the Middle Ages and brought it into the 20th century. At that time we didn't even have the oil income. Oil was being taken out of Iran for free pretty much until the 1950's. Mohamad Reza shah wasn't as smart as his father. He was much more lenient with fringe elements like Khomaini.

In general the Pahlavis are also credited with reviving the Persian identity of Iran after a long period of Azeri rule in Iran.

His family is now living in LA. His son is a vocal supporter of democracy in Iran and I also believe he has said he would go into politics when Iran becomes free. It's very interesting to see a prince not be in favour of a monarchy and instead support democracy.

They are generally very good people. When things got heated in 79, Mohamad Reza Shah didn't try to stay in power. When he saw that things were escalating, he got up and left instead of ordering his troops to kill people by the thousands. He wanted a good future for Iran and only today people have realized this.
actually there is no black and white sides. shah was a dictator and nothing can change it. both regime has weakness and strong points. Iran in shah's time had better social rules, economic and diplomacy, and islamic republic care more about science and industries. nowadays iran has a great military industry, space program that is really awesome, but in shah's time iran only was producing G3 and MG3 and few Joint Projects with israel.
but we need to keep both regime's strong points together in a new government that respect to freedom speech, for example we should continue our missile and space programs but buy new fighters and airplane from out, first of all we should improve our economy step by step then extend our military industry to air force. our economic is weak nowadays.

Abii jan ye kam arroomtar baradare man.

You're being extremely unfair.

How could you say smtg like that?

Of course our industry is much stronger today than it was back then, but back then was 4 decades ago bro! With all this oil and gas we were bound to grow.

Iran was set to become a G-8 economy by the 90's. We were having double digit growths every year. Every major industry that we have today has its roots from back then. Iran Khodro, Pars Khazar etc... are just a couple of example of major corporations that began before the rev times. It took us untill 2000 to get our GDP back to 1978 levels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's INSANE. We lost half a trillion dollars in the 8 year war directly. The indirect costs are in the trillions.

My grandparents had a SOUTH KOREAN maid. I repeat, a SOUTH KOREAN maid. SKs were coming to Iran back then for work. That's where we were.
You're being extremely unfair.

How could you say smtg like that?

Of course our industry is much stronger today than it was back then, but back then was 4 decades ago bro! With all this oil and gas we were bound to grow.

Iran was set to become a G-8 economy by the 90's. We were having double digit growths every year. Every major industry that we have today has its roots from back then. Iran Khodro, Pars Khazar etc... are just a couple of example of major corporations that began before the rev times. It took us untill 2000 to get our GDP back to 1978 levels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's INSANE. We lost half a trillion dollars in the 8 year war directly. The indirect costs are in the trillions.

My grandparents had a SOUTH KOREAN maid. I repeat, a SOUTH KOREAN maid. SKs were coming to Iran back then for work. That's where we were.

South Koreans also went to Saudi Arabia to earn a living like the South East Asians do today. It had more to do with their nation being poor and just recovering from conflict.
IRAN AIR was one of the best Air Line in the world,

On 29 May 1971, the Tehran to New York City route was inaugurated, first with Boeing 707s, making a stop-over at London Heathrow Airport. Shortly thereafter, the route was converted into a non-stop flight using Boeing 747SPs, making Iran Air the second Middle Eastern carrier (after El Al), to offer non-stop service to New York. With this flight, Iran Air set a new world record in time and distance for a non-stop, scheduled long-haul flight (12 hours and 15 minutes, 9,867 km - 6,131 mi - 5,328 nm). In 1978, the airline acquired six Airbus A300B2k aircraft for use on its domestic trunk and busy regional routes. By the end of that year, Iran Air was serving 31 international destinations stretching from New York City to Beijing and Tokyo. Plans were made to offer direct services to Los Angeles and to Sydney, for which the airline's long range Boeing 747SP aircraft were ideally suited. This would have allowed Iran Air to use Tehran as a midway point between East and West, because of its home base's favorable geographical location. Such plans were never realized.

By the late 1970s, Iran Air was the fastest growing airline in the world and one of the most profitable. By 1976, Iran Air was ranked second only to Qantas, as the world&#8217;s safest airline, having been accident free for at least ten consecutive years. Although both airlines were accident free, Iran Air came second only because of fewer operational hours flown compared to Qantas. Prior to this ranking, a fatal accident occurred on 25 December 1952, in which 27 of the 29 passengers on board perished, when their Douglas DC-3 crashed on landing.





On this forum?
who on this forum supports the regime?

Me, Surenas, Uhuhu(sp?), shahin Vatani, PGK, Kollang etc... all hate the regime and I'm sure all of us are atheists as well. Soheil kind of supports the regime, but he's not hardcore. He's probably never been outside of Iran and would benefit from an oversees vacation. He's also trying to defend Iran more than support the regime. That's also the case with the rest of Iranians like Era.

Dear Abii,why do you think you

Iran Air TV Commercial in America 1970s:

Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi Flying With Supersonic Concorde & Ordering Two SSTC oncorde In The Early 1970. Excerpt from documentary Film on the history of theConcord. Ultimately the Shah did not purchase the Concorde because America's President Richard Nixon suggested that the Concord Represented a major Challenge to American Airlines Companies like PAN AM. So the offer was abandoned. Despite its groundbreaking technology the superbe Concorde Airplanes they would have proved to be a bad investment on the long term. ( See BBC Article on Corconrde's Last Flight )

More Footage showing Concord Crew Greeted by the Shah as well as Crown Prince Reza:

concord in IRAN

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On this forum?
who on this forum supports the regime?

Me, Surenas, Uhuhu(sp?), shahin Vatani, PGK, Kollang etc... all hate the regime and I'm sure all of us are atheists as well. Soheil kind of supports the regime, but he's not hardcore. He's probably never been outside of Iran and would benefit from an oversees vacation. He's also trying to defend Iran more than support the regime. That's also the case with the rest of Iranians like Era.

Dear Abii,why do you think you must be an atheist to be an open-minded,properous person?
Believing in a certain religion is not contradicting the fact that a country can be very technologically and morally advanced.
I'm living in Iran,you don't.I have contacts to many people everyday.Most of them may not be very religious,but I know that Believing in God (no matter to which religion or school of thought it belongs) is an important part of their life.Yes,Iranians are much more open minded and liberal than all Arab countries,but they are not all atheists.It's not a bad thing,because religion was part of Iraninan lives long before Islam.We are not China or a Communist country.
There is a good quote :"What if I told you that you don't have to be atheist to believe in science?"
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