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Pictures of Iran before 1979

My experience with the Iranians here has been quite different from what we see on this forum in general. None of them are supporter of the current regime. They are quite liberal in nature and almost all of them drink alcohol. Just sharing my experience, no offense to anyone.

BTW beautiful pics.

On this forum?
who on this forum supports the regime?

Me, Surenas, Uhuhu(sp?), shahin Vatani, PGK, Kollang etc... all hate the regime and I'm sure all of us are atheists as well. Soheil kind of supports the regime, but he's not hardcore. He's probably never been outside of Iran and would benefit from an oversees vacation. He's also trying to defend Iran more than support the regime. That's also the case with the rest of Iranians like Era.
Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq Egypt ALL serve as a testament to assert the fact that this religion is a threat to rational thought and human development.

For Iran's sake i hope they can go back to their old ways. There is no such hope for countries like Afghanistan.
We often read about history of Iran and Iraq as great centers of science, research and learning. After the arrival of Islam these countries were quick to assume their position as leading learning centers for the world but as we progress into modern history, it appears there these countries were at their weakest with fractionalized power struggles and utter lack of modern education. Both, the shah of iran and Saddam hussien are credited with taking charge of zero percent literacy countries and turning them around with 100% literacy rate. Similarly, the Ottomans were great patrons of science and technology but as Islam took strong hold and center politics in former Ottoman empire, science and arts begin to be replaced with hardcore religious studies eventually leading to fragmentation of society and destruction of empire.

Reading European and Middle Eastern history it often seems that uncontrolled propagation of religion is often part of the problem to begin with contanary to what is taught otherwise.
You were doing good till that part.

Iran is home to countless religions and prior to Islam we even had the first monotheistic religion: zoroastrianism (as you know). What's even more interesting is that under the sassanids, Iran was a theocracy and very brutal. Zoroastrianism was pushed down ppl's throats (Armenians were heavily prosecuted at that time for example).

So it's not b/c of "uncontrolled propagation" of religion, but b/c of the nature of Abrahamic religions themselves. Nobody with an ounce of logic can claim that Europeans today are still Christians! Heck, I wouldn't even call them statistical Christians. Let's look at Jews. Israelis are famous for the Scientific achievements, but all of it comes from non-practicing Jews. The Orthodox ones are even crazier than the Taliban. Then we have the Islamic world and the story of the Islamic world is obvious to us. You move away from Islam, you prosper (Turkey, 70's Iran, 60's-70's Afghanistan etc...).

It's not about controlled vs uncontrolled. It's about the nature of Abrahamic religions themselves. You either practice Islam, Judaism, Christianity or you're a logical human being with a scientific outlook on life.
@somebozo now that AKP is trying to do the same thing, but it will blow to their faces.. they are attempting to destroy this country's national identity in order to preserve the religious one. But Turks have been there and done that during Ottoman Empire

As for Iran, I expect them to become world's #1 country with atheist population.
@somebozo now that AKP is trying to do the same thing, but it will blow to their faces.. they are attempting to destroy this country's national identity in order to preserve the religious one. But Turks have been there and done that during Ottoman Empire

As for Iran, I expect them to become world's #1 country with atheist population.

Scientists need to create a formulae for this IR created phenomenon. Basically the number of atheists and anti-muslim Iranians is directly proportional to the mumber of decades IR stays in power.

More and more scholars are talking about this outside Iran (obviously they will meet their creator the second they say smtg like this in Iran so you'll only hear it from scholars outside). I remember a newspaper article saying smtg along these lines when the 2009 election fiasco was going on (this was in Iran).
You were doing good till that part.

Iran is home to countless religions and prior to Islam we even had the first monotheistic religion: zoroastrianism (as you know). What's even more interesting is that under the sassanids, Iran was a theocracy and very brutal. Zoroastrianism was pushed down ppl's throats (Armenians were heavily prosecuted at that time for example).

So it's not b/c of "uncontrolled propagation" of religion, but b/c of the nature of Abrahamic religions themselves. Nobody with an ounce of logic can claim that Europeans today are still Christians! Heck, I wouldn't even call them statistical Christians. Let's look at Jews. Israelis are famous for the Scientific achievements, but all of it comes from non-practicing Jews. The Orthodox ones are even crazier than the Taliban. Then we have the Islamic world and the story of the Islamic world is obvious to us. You move away from Islam, you prosper (Turkey, 70's Iran, 60's-70's Afghanistan etc...).

It's not about controlled vs uncontrolled. It's about the nature of Abrahamic religions themselves. You either practice Islam, Judaism, Christianity or you're a logical human being with a scientific outlook on life.

So again we come back to square one that brutal shoving of religion is a responsible factor in taking civilizations backward. Perhaps brutal shoving of religion by Sassaniand empire could be a major reason of making Persia vulnerable to invasion and conquest by Arabs. It is said that there are many similarities between Islam and Zorostatiansm and as a matter of fact followers of Zorostatianism are closer to "ahle kitab" status in Islam. As the history accounts, when Arabs invaded Persia the general population looked the other way around and many even joined the invading Arabs such as those from parts of Khorasan (modern Afghanistan) and Baluchistan.

Sounds like an identical scenario with the current Ayatollah regime shoving 12'er Shiaism down everyone throat.
So again we come back to square one that brutal shoving of religion is a responsible factor in taking civilizations backward. Perhaps brutal shoving of religion by Sassaniand empire could be a major reason of making Persia vulnerable to invasion and conquest by Arabs. It is said that there are many similarities between Islam and Zorostatiansm and as a matter of fact followers of Zorostatianism are closer to "ahle kitab" status in Islam. As the history accounts, when Arabs invaded Persia the general population looked the other way around and many even joined the invading Arabs such as those from parts of Khorasan (modern Afghanistan) and Baluchistan.

Sounds like an identical scenario with the current Ayatollah regime shoving 12'er Shiaism down everyone throat.

I am looking for a shovel big enough to scoop up the crap you are dumping here.
So again we come back to square one that brutal shoving of religion is a responsible factor in taking civilizations backward. Perhaps brutal shoving of religion by Sassaniand empire could be a major reason of making Persia vulnerable to invasion and conquest by Arabs. It is said that there are many similarities between Islam and Zorostatiansm and as a matter of fact followers of Zorostatianism are closer to "ahle kitab" status in Islam. As the history accounts, when Arabs invaded Persia the general population looked the other way around and many even joined the invading Arabs such as those from parts of Khorasan (modern Afghanistan) and Baluchistan.

Sounds like an identical scenario with the current Ayatollah regime shoving 12'er Shiaism down everyone throat.
I'm sure the 1000000 Roman invasions had more to do with the weakening of the Sassanids than anything else ;)
ayatollah khameneii, the current leader of islamic republic in shah's time, he was deported to south east of iran (sistan and baluchestan)


What was the deal with Shah? How come he never killed these mother fuckers? Khomeini, khamenei etc...
I guess nobody could have predicted the insanity that was about to follow.

Let this be a lesson to the civilized world.

I forsee a dark future for the US. We're seeing more and more crazies from Southern US pop up everyday. I would even say that the number of crazies from Southern US is equal to the number of crazies in Iran. It's just that in Iran they have control.
What was the deal with Shah? How come he never killed these mother fuckers? Khomeini, khamenei etc...
I guess nobody could have predicted the insanity that was about to follow.

Let this be a lesson to the civilized world.

I forsee a dark future for the US. We're seeing more and more crazies from Southern US pop up everyday. I would even say that the number of crazies from Southern US is equal to the number of crazies in Iran. It's just that in Iran they have control.

Just because you are an atheist, doesnt mean you have to be fanatical atheist :disagree: I'm glad your "views" arent common in Iran, where (as far as I know) majority are tolerant to the beliefs of others, and in case you missed - also support the government.
@somebozo now that AKP is trying to do the same thing, but it will blow to their faces.. they are attempting to destroy this country's national identity in order to preserve the religious one. But Turks have been there and done that during Ottoman Empire

As for Iran, I expect them to become world's #1 country with atheist population.
Sorry Kemalist but I have to disagree.
Iran is under sanctions now but is a sovereign and brave country. Under Shah, Iran was a puppet. Now, they have a strong army because of the arms and BM's that they make.
I want to remind you something: When US sold F14 (#81) and supercobras (#210) to Iran, Israel did not have them. VERY INTERESTING! because they were devoted puppets.
Kemalists tried hard to replace the position of shah after 1979.

ps: If I was a Turk, I would go with Suleiman the magnificent not a Greek guy who died of Syphilis.
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