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Pictures of Iran before 1979

I agree with you that there were certain things good about Shah's time. Women of Iran could dress like Europeans because Shah liked it that way. Personally, I believe in Individual and Civil rights and as long as they are not breaking any laws people should be free to do whatever they want. I do not support the Mullahs and their theocracy. But Iranians are better educated today because these mullahs brought education to the rural Iran.

As for the freedom, if you lived under the rule of SAVAK during Shah's time then you already know how much FREEDOM existed back then. As the Shah once told Barbara Walters during an interview that the people do not have a right to disagree with him because that amounts to insulting the King.

and If you live under The rule of VEVAK during islamic republic then you would like to say God bless shah.
shah was a dictator and all know that, but it was just about politic, not social,culture and ...
and If you live under The rule of VEVAK during islamic republic then you would like to say God bless shah.
shah was a dictator and all know that, but it was just about politic, not social,culture and ...

This is true.

Shah's goons were targeting socialists and communists especially students in the Iranian universities.

While Mullah regime is torturing anyone who is deemed anti-Islamic, so it is casting a much wider net than Shah ever did.

The regime in iran has protected iran for 30 years now

stopped them from being slave nation, increased education, self reliance and industry against all odds

today the enemies of iran desperatly look fir ways to hurt iran, with only the strength of irans muslims standing in the way

kudos to the the regime in iran, inshsllah you will crush the traitors if only pakistan had the same
Its funny seeing the insecurity exhibited by the Pakistanis the moment some Iranian denounce the current mulla regime IN IRAN

Good observations.

There are two groups of Pakistanis who become so defensive and protective of Mullah regime.

1. Pakistani leftists and socialists. This group will support anyone who is anti-USA. For Pakistani lefties, Castro, Chavez, Nejat and ayatullahs are all mini-gods (for obvious reasons).

2. Pakistani Shias. This group has from 1979, bent and reshaped in favor of Ayatullahs. Obviously for religious reasons. Unfortunately this behavior has split Pakistan along Shias and Wahabis. Not that Wahabis needed any more encouragement than what they already get from the gulf. But still it takes two to tango.

I have more but that should be enough.


Durrat Al-Arous in the west coast, and Halfmoon beach in the east coast are places set for us to be ourselves where the Religious Police are not allowed to go inside and do anything. Most people don't take pics of themselves and I only found pics in religious idiots sites screaming how "ALL IS LOST" and "IT IS A SIGN OF END TIMES" :rofl: idiots.

woman like that does not represent us

so please ...
Good observations.

There are two groups of Pakistanis who become so defensive and protective of Mullah regime.

1. Pakistani leftists and socialists. This group will support anyone who is anti-USA. For Pakistani lefties, Castro, Chavez, Nejat and ayatullahs are all mini-gods (for obvious reasons).

2. Pakistani Shias. This group has from 1979, bent and reshaped in favor of Ayatullahs. Obviously for religious reasons. Unfortunately this behavior has split Pakistan along Shias and Wahabis. Not that Wahabis needed any more encouragement than what they already get from the gulf. But still it takes two to tango.


I am neither a Leftist nor a Shia. I am however a realist.

I do not support the Mullahs of Iran or their brand of oppression. But I have to give them credit for their efforts in the field of Education and Technology.

All these people here who are praising the Shah belong to the families that benefitted from Shah's benevolence. This benevolence was prevailent in some limited circles in Tehran. These families left Iran after the revolution and as such have an Axe to grind against the Mullahs. Abii and others belong to this privileged group Iranians whose families left after fall of Shah.

To their credit, the mullahs brought the wealth of Iran's resources to the rural areas and made education and healthcare the priority of their development program.
Semitic gods are for the Semites. Iranians aint no semites.

I didn't know Gods are from different races.
So how do you describe nearly one billion in west who are following Jesus,also a Semitic man?

On topic: I think you should also put pictures from poor people and areas of Iran in Shah's time,so that other members don't think Iran was a perfect paradise.Like areas in Southwest,Southeast,northeast and so on.We have poor today,we also had poors before 1979.
Let's be realastic,if Iran has problems today,it also had many of them before 1979,also it was not under crippling sanctions and had great relations with U.S which is an important factor.
Rubbish i am neither a communist or a shia

if anything i am a conservative sunni muslim i just have no emnity to shia, why should i they are muslims and i wish thek the best

i hate neo liberals however

this entire thread is a fake wet dream, this was NOT iran, all these pictures are a tiny snap shot of a ****** class of elite iranians whi were living prviliged lives under that scum bag the shah

they have always hated religion and they lauded it over muslim iranians whilst their master sold out the country and forced secularism upon the muslims aswell as torture and kill many thousands

the iranian regime made the ****** elites run away to america and europe and here they carry on with their ****** godless lives attacking iran and the revolution

the islamic regime has protected iran against all enemies

increased education many fold for the masses and increased self dependence against all odds

with the U.S and its lackeys and that evil state of israel on its back

i wish pakistan had such a regime and a president like ahmadnejad

all i am saying is that the muslims if iran will show these neo liberal slime the meaning of pain uf they betray iran and plit against it

Allah is the one true god for all humanity let alone iranians

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