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Pictures of Big organization's headquarters of ur country

Arfa Technology Park, Lahore. (office of google pakistan)





This tech park is named after a young girl arifa who passed away recently right...?? too bad she had to go at such an early age. I guess people like malala and arifa are the faces of a new Pakistan :)
This tech park is named after a young girl arifa who passed away recently right...?? too bad she had to go at such an early age. I guess people like malala and arifa are the faces of a new Pakistan :)

& the good thing is that we have them in millions...:)

nyways more pics plzz....i want more bangla, lankans, chinese, turkish, iranis etc to post their pics...
How can i upload pics direct from my pc??? without giving the link n all that?plz reply must
How can i upload pics direct from my pc??? without giving the link n all that?plz reply must

i also have same prob/querry thts why i made this thread but couldn't post a single pic:P
i guess its hard to post pics in this kinda sites...
UBL head office render( under construction)


KPT head quarters render( under construction)


present KPT head quarters


PNSC head quarters


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