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Pictures from cities | Islamabad


At least IOK is a disputed territory whereas Bihar isn't - Baaat kartaaa haiii ! :bunny:

My Mom's a Punjabi too ! :kiss3:

phir to aday Butt hoi :P
You have to take a "chadar" :( eeeeh ..i hate it. Stopped going there , its been a year


And not all pathans are weird ..

Most of them are, taardu to the hilt. Keep their women caved stare at others without any sense of decency. Khair generalization but thats the norm.

Chaddar seems too much. Dupatta is more than enough.

At least IOK is a disputed territory whereas Bihar isn't - Baaat kartaaa haiii ! :bunny:

My Mom's a Punjabi too ! :kiss3:

I switched my loyalties. You still play the nice guy tryna get some info out, Hariharan Butt.

Most of them are, taardu to the hilt. Keep their women caved stare at others without any sense of decency. Khair generalization but thats the norm.

Chaddar seems too much. Dupatta is more than enough.

Nah man , experience speaks .for peshawar thats the best step you can take and lahoris are equally taaru ... Sick people ..
Nopes not as bad as Peshawar. Those scums dont even refrain from staring boys.

Gimme the creeps.

Okay ...Hahahaha ..... Looks like someone has had experiences a little too bitter.
Guys, this is a thread about pictures from Islamabad; it's not for your racist rantings. Go talk about all of that in Naswaristan or something!
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